Talk SDK

What is the Talk SDK?

The Talk SDK lets integrators add voice-based customer support to their iOS and Android apps. Your mobile app user can initialize a digital call to a pre-configured Talk digital line, connecting the user with your Zendesk Talk call center.

When an app user initiates a call, the SDK requests microphone permissions if it's not already granted and attempts to connect the call if agents are available for that Talk digital line. The SDK has a call UI that allows the user to change from their headset to loudspeaker, mute or unmute the call, or hang up.

To speed up your integration, you can use the UI built into the SDK or you can build and use your own UI.

You need an active Zendesk Talk subscription to use the SDK. Contact your Zendesk account manager or seeZendesk Talk. A free trial is available.

Getting started

Want to jump right in? SeeGetting started.

Sample application

A sample app that demonstrates basic usage of the Talk SDK can be found onGitHub.

Languages supported

Talk SDK uses the Kotlin programming language. Because Kotlin has great interopability with Java, you can use the SDK with Kotlin or Java. All the examples in this guide are in both languages.

SDK使用芬兰湾的科特林协程,不是native to Java. However, you can useTalkJavaCompatwith your Java application to work with coroutines. For more information, seeUsing TalkJavaCompat.

Kotlin docs

Code documentation for the Talk SDK is hosted onGitHub