Guide exposes three different search APIs: the Article and Post search APIs enable you to search for articles and posts respectively, the Unified search API allows you to search across articles, posts and external content in a single query.

You can call the search APIs from a JavaScript client in a domain other than your Help Center. The API implements Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). CORS lets a JavaScript client access resources in other domains.

JSON format

Search are represented as JSON objects with the following properties:

Name Type Read-only Mandatory Description
results array false true An array with the base articles or community posts
  • GET /api/v2/guide/search?filter[locales]={filter[locales]}

Use the Unified Search endpoint to search for knowledge base articles, community posts, andexternal records.

Returns a default number of 10 results per page.

The only mandatory parameter isfilter[locales]. Other parameters can be added to narrow down the search result set.

如果您指定一个无效的区域或地区的s not enabled for any of your account's help centers, no search results are returned. You can check for valid locales with the API. SeeList all enabled locales and default locale.

If thequeryparameter is used, results are sorted by relevance according to the rules described inAbout Help Center End User Search. If thequeryparameter is not used, results are sorted using an internal ordering.


This API only supports cursor-based pagination. SeeUsing cursor based paginationin the Help Center API docs. Currently, this API does not support backwards pagination.

Returns a maximum of 50 records per page.

Allowed for

  • Authenticated users
  • Agents
  • Admins


Name Type In Required Description
filter[brand_ids] string Query false Limit the search to articles or posts within these brands. If no brand is specified, results are returned across all brands. If you want to scope the result of your search with multiple brands, separate each value with a comma
filter[category_ids] string Query false Limit the search to articles with these category ids. SeeFiltering by Category
filter[content_types] string Query false Limit the search to one of these content types: ARTICLE, POST. At present, it is not possible to specifyEXTERNAL_RECORD. Instead, use thefilter[external_source_id]parameter above
filter[external_source_ids] string Query false Use this parameter to scope the result of your search to a specific external source or external sources. If no external source is given, results are returned across all sources
filter[locales] string Query true Limit the search to these locales. SeeFiltering by Locale
filter[section_ids] string Query false Limit the search to articles with these section ids. SeeFiltering by Section
filter[topic_ids] string Query false Limit the search to posts within these topics. SeeFiltering by Topic
page[after] string Query false A string representing the cursor to the next page.
page[size] integer Query false A numeric value that indicates the maximum number of items that can be included in a response. The value of this parameter has an upper limit of 50. The default value is 10.
query string Query false The search text to be matched or a search string

Code Samples

curl--request GET[brand_ids]=73%2C67&filter[category_ids]=42%2C43&filter[content_types]=% 2条cpost&filter[external_source_ids]=01EC05A5T1J4ZSDJX4Q8JGFRHP&filter[locales]=en-us%2Cen-gb&filter[section_ids]=42%2C43&filter[topic_ids]=42%2C43&page[after]=&page[size]=&query=carrot\--header"Content-Type: application/json"\-u username:password
a query with password authentication
# Use commas to separate multiple search terms.# Authorization can be achieved using `email:password`curl"https://{subdomain}[locales]=en-us,en-gb"-g\-v -u{email_address}:{password}
external source filtering with basic authentication
# You can omit the query term if you just need to apply a filter# The `Authorization` header can be used to pass a Base 64 encoded Authorization tokencurl"https://{subdomain}[locales]=en-us&filter[external_source_ids]=01EC05A5T1J4ZSDJX4Q8JGFRHP"-g\-H"Authorization: Basic {token}"
pagination with basic authentication
# You can use page[size] and page[after] to paginate your result setcurl"https://{subdomain}.zendesk.comapi/v2/guide/search?filter[locales]=en-us&page[size]=2&page[after]=WzEuMCwxNjld"-g\-H"Authorization: Basic {token}"
import("fmt""io""net/http")funcmain(){url:="[brand_ids]=73%2C67&filter[category_ids]=42%2C43&filter[content_types]=ARTICLE%2CPOST&filter[external_source_ids]=01EC05A5T1J4ZSDJX4Q8JGFRHP&filter[locales]=en-us%2Cen-gb&filter[section_ids]=42%2C43&filter[topic_ids]=42%2C43&page[after]=&page[size]=&query=carrot"method:="GET"req,err:=http.NewRequest(method,url,nil)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println(err)return}req.Header.Add("Content-Type","application/json")req.Header.Add("Authorization","Basic ")// Base64 encoded "username:password"client:=&http.Client{}res,err:=client.Do(req)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println(err)return}deferres.Body.Close()body,err:=io.ReadAll(res.Body)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println(err)return}fmt.Println(string(body))}
javascript to search external content from a Help Center front-end as a logged in user
constexternalSourceId=""// some source idconstresponse=awaitfetch(`https://${window.location.hostname}/api/v2/guide/search?filter[locales]=en-us&filter[external_source_ids]=${externalSourceId}`,{credentials:'include',headers:{'Content-Type':'application/json'}});constdata=awaitresponse.json();data.results.forEach(something);// do something with the results
varaxios=require('axios');varconfig={method:'GET',url:'',headers:{'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization':'Basic ',// Base64 encoded "username:password"},params:{'filter[brand_ids]':'73%2C67','filter[category_ids]':'42%2C43','filter[content_types]':'ARTICLE%2CPOST','filter[external_source_ids]':'01EC05A5T1J4ZSDJX4Q8JGFRHP','filter[locales]':'en-us%2Cen-gb','filter[section_ids]':'42%2C43','filter[topic_ids]':'42%2C43','page[after]':'','page[size]':'','query':'carrot',},};axios(config).then(function(response){console.log(JSON.stringify(;}).catch(function(error){console.log(error);});
require"net/http"uri=URI("")uri.query=URI.encode_www_form("filter[brand_ids]":"73,67","filter[category_ids]":"42,43","filter[content_types]":"ARTICLE,POST","filter[external_source_ids]":"01EC05A5T1J4ZSDJX4Q8JGFRHP","filter[locales]":"en-us,en-gb","filter[section_ids]":"42,43","filter[topic_ids]":"42,43","page[after]":"","page[size]":"","query":"carrot")请求,"Content-Type":"application/json")请求.basic_auth"username","password"response=Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname,uri.port,use_ssl:truedo|http|http.请求(请求)end

Example response(s)

200 OK
// Status 200 OK{"meta":{"after_cursor":"WzEuMCwxNjld","before_cursor":"WzEuMCwxNjhd","has_more":true},"results":[{"title":"How to make fish stew","type":"ARTICLE","updated_at":"2021-10-11T15:02:22Z","url":“http://example.亚博"},{"title":"Latest updates on fish stew","type":"EXTERNAL_RECORD","updated_at":"2021-11-12T15:02:22Z","url":""}]}

Search Articles

  • GET /api/v2/help_center/articles/search

Returns a default number of 25 articles per page, up to a maximum of 1000 results. SeePagination. Theper_pageparameter, if provided, must be an integer between 1 and 100.

Thepageparameter, if provided, must be an integer greater than 0.

The results are sorted by relevance by default. You can also sort the results bycreated_atorupdated_at.

Thearticle objectsreturned by the search endpoint contain two additional properties:

Name Type Read-only Mandatory Comment
result_type string yes no For articles, always the string "article"
片段 string yes no The portion of an article that is relevant to the search query, with matching words or phrases delimited bytags. Example: a query for "carrot potato" might return the snippet "...don't confusecarrotswithpotatoes..."

You must specify at least one of the following parameters in your request:

  • query
  • category
  • section
  • label_names


  • Offset pagination only


Returns a maximum of 100 articles per page.

Allowed for

  • Anonymous users

Filtering by Date

You can filter the search results by the creation or update date with the following parameters:

  • created_before
  • created_after
  • created_at
  • updated_before
  • updated_after
  • updated_at

GET /api/v2/help_center/articles/search.json?query={search_string}&updated_after=2014-01-01&updated_before=2014-02-01

When filtering byupdated_*, the results might not always match theupdated_attimestamps for the documents returned. The reason is that not all updates are propagated to the search index. Only updates that are meaningful for search, such as content changes, are re-indexed. As a result, it's possible for an article to have anupdated_attimestamp of "2019-10-31" but be returned in a search with the filterupdated_before=2019-08-01if no meaningful content changes have been made to the article.

Filtering by Labels

If you want to search for articles with specific labels, use thelabel_namesparameter and pass a comma-separated list of label names to filter the results:

GET /api/v2/help_center/articles/search.json?label_names=photos,camera

An article must have at least one of the labels to match. Also, matching is not case-sensitive. For example, 'camera' matches both 'Camera' and 'camera'.

This feature is only available on Professional and Enterprise.

Filtering by Locale

By default, searches are carried out in the default language specified in the Help Center settings. Use thelocaleparameter to search for articles in another language.

GET /api/v2/help_center/articles/search.json?query={search_string}&locale={locale}

如果您指定一个无效的区域或地区的s not enabled for Help Center, the default locale for the account is used for the search. You can check for valid locales with the API. SeeList all enabled locales and default locale.

If you uselocale=*, search is carried out across all valid locales and returns all article translations in all languages, that match the search criteria.

Filtering by Category

If you want to scope the result of your search within a given category, use thecategoryparameter.

GET /api/v2/help_center/articles/search.json?query={search_string}&category={category_id}

If you want to scope the result of your search with multiple categories, use thecategoryparameter as above and separate each value with a comma.

GET /api/v2/help_center/articles/search.json?query={search_string}&category={category_id},{another_category_id}

Filtering by Section

If you want to scope the result of your search within a given section, use thesectionparameter.

GET /api/v2/help_center/articles/search.json?query={search_string}§ion={section id}

If you want to scope the result of your search with multiple sections, usesectionparameter as above and separate each value with a comma.

GET /api/v2/help_center/articles/search.json?query={search_string}§ion={section_id},{another_section_id}

Filtering by Brand

Use themultibrandparameter to search across all brands, orbrand_idto scope the result of your search to a specific brand.

GET /api/v2/help_center/articles/search.json?query={search_string}&brand_id={brand_id}

GET /api/v2/help_center/articles/search.json?query={search_string}&multibrand=true

If you usemultibrand=truein your request and nobrand_id, search will return results from all brands that match the query criteria. If you usebrand_idin your request, the search results will be scoped to the specified brand, regardless of the use of themultibrandparameter.


Name Type In Required Description
brand_id integer Query false Search for articles in the specified brand.
category integer Query false Limit the search to this category id. SeeFiltering by Category
created_after string Query false Limit the search to articles created after a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD).
created_at string Query false Limit the search to articles created on a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD).
created_before string Query false Limit the search to articles created before a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD).
label_names string Query false A comma-separated list of label names. SeeFiltering by Labels
locale string Query false Search for articles in the specified locale. SeeFiltering by Locale
multibrand boolean Query false Enable search across all brands if true. Defaults to false if omitted.
query string Query false The search text to be matched or a search string. Examples: "carrot potato", "'carrot potato'".
section integer Query false Limit the search to this section id. SeeFiltering by Section
sort_by string Query false One of created_at or updated_at. Defaults to sorting by relevance
sort_order string Query false One of asc or desc. Defaults to desc
updated_after string Query false Limit the search to articles updated after a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD).
updated_at string Query false Limit the search to articles updated on a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD).
updated_before string Query false Limit the search to articles updated before a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD).

Code Samples

# If using the command line, use commas to separate multiple search terms. Example:# search.json?query=print,orderscurl"https://{subdomain}"\-v -u{email_address}:{password}
import("fmt""io""net/http")funcmain(){url:="§ion=&sort_by=&sort_order=&updated_after=&updated_at=&updated_before="method:="GET"req,err:=http.NewRequest(method,url,nil)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println(err)return}req.Header.Add("Content-Type","application/json")req.Header.Add("Authorization","Basic ")// Base64 encoded "username:password"client:=&http.Client{}res,err:=client.Do(req)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println(err)return}deferres.Body.Close()body,err:=io.ReadAll(res.Body)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println(err)return}fmt.Println(string(body))}
varaxios=require('axios');varconfig={method:'GET',url:'',headers:{'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization':'Basic ',// Base64 encoded "username:password"},params:{'brand_id':'','category':'','created_after':'','created_at':'','created_before':'','label_names':'','locale':'','multibrand':'','query':'','section':'','sort_by':'','sort_order':'','updated_after':'','updated_at':'','updated_before':'',},};axios(config).then(function(response){console.log(JSON.stringify(;}).catch(function(error){console.log(error);});
require"net/http"uri=URI("")uri.query=URI.encode_www_form("brand_id":"","category":"","created_after":"","created_at":"","created_before":"","label_names":"","locale":"","multibrand":"","query":"","section":"","sort_by":"","sort_order":"","updated_after":"","updated_at":"","updated_before":"")请求,"Content-Type":"application/json")请求.basic_auth"username","password"response=Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname,uri.port,use_ssl:truedo|http|http.请求(请求)end

Example response(s)

200 OK
// Status 200 OK{"results":[{"author_id":888887,"draft":false,"id":35467,"locale":"en","permission_group_id":123,"title":"Printing orders","user_segment_id":12}]}

Search Posts

  • GET /api/v2/help_center/community_posts/search?query={query}

Returns a maximum of 25 posts per page, up to a maximum of 1000 results. SeePagination.

The results are sorted by relevance by default. You can also sort the results bycreated_atorupdated_at.


  • Offset pagination only


Returns a maximum of 100 articles per page.

Allowed for

  • End users

Filtering by Date

You can filter the search results by the creation or update date with the following parameters:

  • created_before
  • created_after
  • created_at
  • updated_before
  • updated_after
  • updated_at

GET /api/v2/community/posts/search.json?query={search_string}&updated_after=2014-01-01&updated_before=2014-02-01

Filtering by Topic

If you want to scope the result of your search within a given topic, use thetopicparameter.

GET /api/v2/community/posts/search.json?query={search_string}&topic={topic id}


Name Type In Required Description
created_after string Query false Search posts created after a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
created_at string Query false Search posts created on a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
created_before string Query false the search to posts created before a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
query string Query true Search text to be matched or a search string. Examples: "carrot potato", "''carrot potato''"'
sort_by string Query false Sort bycreated_atorupdated_at. Defaults to sorting by relevance
sort_order string Query false Sort in ascending or descending order. Default is descending order.
topic integer Query false Search by topic ID. SeeFiltering by Topic
updated_after string Query false 搜索帖子更新工程r a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
updated_at string Query false Search posts updated on a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
updated_before string Query false Search posts updated before a given date (format YYYY-MM-DD)

Code Samples

# If using the command line, use commas to separate multiple search terms. Example:# search.json?query=print,orderscurl"https://{subdomain}{search_string}"\-v -u{email_address}:{password}
import("fmt""io""net/http")funcmain(){url:=""method:="GET"req,err:=http.NewRequest(method,url,nil)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println(err)return}req.Header.Add("Content-Type","application/json")req.Header.Add("Authorization","Basic ")// Base64 encoded "username:password"client:=&http.Client{}res,err:=client.Do(req)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println(err)return}deferres.Body.Close()body,err:=io.ReadAll(res.Body)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println(err)return}fmt.Println(string(body))}
varaxios=require('axios');varconfig={method:'GET',url:'',headers:{'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization':'Basic ',// Base64 encoded "username:password"},params:{'created_after':'','created_at':'','created_before':'','query':'help+center','sort_by':'','sort_order':'','topic':'','updated_after':'','updated_at':'','updated_before':'',},};axios(config).then(function(response){console.log(JSON.stringify(;}).catch(function(error){console.log(error);});
require"net/http"uri=URI("")uri.query=URI.encode_www_form("created_after":"","created_at":"","created_before":"","query":“帮助中心”,"sort_by":"","sort_order":"","topic":"","updated_after":"","updated_at":"","updated_before":"")请求,"Content-Type":"application/json")请求.basic_auth"username","password"response=Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname,uri.port,use_ssl:truedo|http|http.请求(请求)end

Example response(s)

200 OK
// Status 200 OK{"results":[{"author_id":4333787,"id":4212256,"title":"How do I make a return?"}]}