Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Sell

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  • Jakub Tutaj
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi@..., yes! Bringing Sell custom fields to Explore is already in the works. They should be available in next few weeks.

  • Kevin Ford
    Community Moderator


    Are there plans to expose custom fields as attributes? For instance, we have a drop-down field that defines the sub-market for a Deal. We would like to build a query that shows Deal value broken down by sub-market.



  • Jakub Tutaj
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello Kevin,

    Yes! While I cannot provide you with an ETA yet, we do know the importance of this, and that's one of the primary things for us to focus on next.

  • Emma Nightingale

    Hi Jakub,

    We complete a "last contacted date" (which is a custom field) on some of our accounts which we account manage, I would like to be able to pull a list of accounts where the "last contact date" is older than 6 weeks.

  • Jakub Tutaj
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HelloEmma Nightingale,谢谢你的接触。

    Ad. 1 What are you hoping to accomplish with date as a metric? I may be able to provide some tips based on your answer. E.g. Do you want to count these dates?

    Ad. 2 Try using theContact is company(True/False) field, to filter by company or person.

    Contact is company Displays if the contact is a company or not.

  • Nilton Nakate

    Are custom fields to explore on some place in Road Map?

  • Jakub Tutaj
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Kevin Ford,Nilton Nakate, circling back on this one – Sell custom fields are now available in Explore (since mid September).

  • Jakub Tutaj
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiEmma Nightingale, thanks for the use case.

    对于下面的例子,我使用铅fi创建日期eld, but the same should work with your field. Note that "last contacted date" should be of type "date" customer field in Sell, for below to work in Explore.

    You can do the following:

    1. Add a filter with your "last contacted date" date/time custom field (Date), and click on added filter to show options

    2. Click Edit date ranges

    3. Choose Advanced tab

    4. Select: From the beginning of: 6 weeks in the past

    5. Select:To the end of: Today


    let me know if it worked.



  • Emma Nightingale

    I have a few questions:

    1. I have a contact custom field that is a date- this is not available as a metric at the moment- is there a plan to implement this?

    2. Is there a way to dictate if you see company level or person level contacts?


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