How can I troubleshoot Talk issues?

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  • Jennifer Swick

    None of these steps worked

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Jennifer, I see you chatted with one of our support agents today – were you able to try their suggestions?
  • Jennifer Swick

    I tried them but they didn't work and then I guess he gave up

  • Dave Dyson
    Thanks Jennifer, sorry those suggestions didn't work -- I don't see a response from you in the ticket, so I don't think he was aware the suggestions didn't work. I've asked him to follow up with you ️
  • Rishab

    the scenario is, one of my customer called with the number 04*******93 and i saved the number with name Blake, but when another student calls i still get the same number as a caller but the person is different. How can i fix it ?

  • Dion
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Rishab,

    You may need to check if the number is also associated with another user's profile or if it is a duplicate account. If the number is associated with another profile then remove that number, however, if this is a duplicate account then you may merge it with the correct profile so that they will be identified correctly the next time that they call.

    Please see this article for more information:Why are some users not correctly identified when they call in?



  • Richard Murillo

    Hello, when we are attempting to make outbound phone calls we do not hearing the ringing sound in our head sets and the call drops after a few seconds. Anyway to help?

  • Richard Murillo

    I have attempted to call my personal phone. When I answer my cell phone, the call drops.

  • Neil Weldon

    Richard MurilloI have created a support ticket for you. That's the best way forward to support you in resolving your issues.

  • Jakub

    Hello, the talk widget randomly disappears for me when using ZD. What I mean by that is that the widget icon in zendesk vanishes and I can't change my status from online to offline and vice versa. I don't have admin permissions so I can't change my status through this interface: admin/channels/talk_and_email/talk

    Sometimes the widget disappears during the call, at this very moment the call is dropped. The same happens on a number of browsers, so far tried Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Safari. Clearing cookies/cache or disabling add-ons doesn't resolve the issue. Re-logging to ZD helps temporarily, but then the issue recurs.

    This doesn't happen to any other team members, our ZD admin says that the talk permissions are set correctly. Perhaps the issue is related to my ZD user account but not sure how to address that.

    A workaround I found is to open another instance of ZD in the same browser and keep both open. The widget disappears in one of those instances only. But, this solution doesn't work each time. Sometimes, the widget disappears from all of the instances, even if I keep opening new ones (more than 2).

    Would be great if someone helped troubleshoot this issue. Thanks.

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering


    Due to the nature of your concern, it will be better if youcontact supportdirectly to help you with troubleshooting.

  • gab bz

    Hi. So I've been trying zendesk on my new laptop for work and every time a customer is calling, my line is always cutting out. My customer can not understand me because it keeps on breaking up. I have tried the Twilio network test and the laptop passed all of it. I also checked my internet connection and it is above 100 mpbs. Can you help me with this? I don't know what else to do. I bought this laptop for work and now it seems that I can not use it.

    I really hope someone would answer me.

  • Audrey Ann Cipriano
    Zendesk Customer Care

    gab bzHi! I'm sorry you're experiencing this! Let me raise a ticket for you so we can investigate this further. You should receive an email shortly!

  • GetSetUp

    Hello - I am having the same issue as Jakub reported. Does anyone know the solution to the Talk icon not appearing in Zendesk Support? We can not change to be available. All our settings and permissions appear to be correct in Admin. Thank you.

  • Gabriel
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Sarah!

    Usually when customers can’t see their Phone icon is because their role is settled as an Administrator in Talk. Talk roles work a bit differently than the other products. Admins can manage all Talk settings, but they are excluded from making and receiving calls (this role is more focused on managing permissions). In order to be an Admin and have the ability to make and receive calls, your role needs to be set as "Team Leader". All are described here, along with the instructions on how to change the role:

    If this doesn't help, please feel free to reach out to the support team via this:

    I hope this helps!
  • Afan M

    Hello Zendesk support,

    I am not able to use many of the features like Views option, Home option, transfer calls, call back, new ticket tab not opening when accepting calls etc. I am using Zendesk from India and my ISP is Jio. ISP says the website is whitelisted and has no issues from their end.

    I am really struggling with my office work and need support. When using a vpn everything works fine.

    Had a chat with chat support using VPN but wasn't able to provide a solution and asked to check with ISP.

    Also chat support option doesn't work without vpn.

    Need Solution ASAP

  • Dainne Lucena
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiAfan M

    I went ahead & created a ticket on your behalf to continue looking into this issue. Please keep an eye out for our email so we can continue the troubleshooting on your setup.

  • Paige

    Hi Zendesk Support,

    A number of my team members have been having missed calls. They've reported that the phone does not even ring, but the phone icon will pop up, showing a missed call. We've tried the twilio test and other troubleshooting recommendations but haven't had any luck. Some agents have 7/8 missed calls a day

  • Dainne Lucena
    Zendesk Customer Care

    嗨Paige !

    我已经创建了一个票代表你troubl也可以eshoot this. Please keep an eye out for our email.

  • Ally Elliott

    We're having the same issues as Paige. Was a solution found?


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