Editing your Help Center theme

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  • Franklin Dadzie [ MTN Ghana ]

    I have clickable images that I can link to help center home, however, I am finding it difficult to link to a category.

    Any guidelines on how to do that, please?

  • Tipene Hughes
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy


    You can achieve this by wrapping the img tag in an anchor tag with the href attribute set to the URL of the category you’d like to link to. Here’s an example of how that could look:


    I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out with any questions.


  • Anuja Trivedi

    How do i change the position of the search bar

  • Tipene Hughes
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy

    Hi Anuja,

    搜索栏包含的HTML代码in the home_page.hbs file of your help center, specifically, within the section element with the id #main-content. You can make changes to the position of the search bar in the document there, as well as in the style.css file.



  • Sarah Chin

    Hi, How add a link to our website here, where do I edit the Top bar of the help center? Appreciate if you could help me with this one. Please see attached photo below where I would wanna place it. Thanks!

  • Aleksandra Szymczak

    Hi Zendesk Team,

    It's possible to change the shape of the search bar?? I know the shape comes by default with the templates we choose, but if I choose one that comes with the square search bar and I want to change it to a rounded one is that possible? Thanks

  • Tipene Hughes
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy
    Hey Ola,

    Yes, you can definitely update the styling of the search bar! You'll just need to change this in the style.css file in your help center customization section. Specifically, you'll want to adjust the border-radius value under the.search input[type="search"]selector. For example, if you want no rounding at all you can set the border radius to 0px or, if you just want to lower the rounding you can lower the pixel value accordingly.

    I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out with any questions.

  • Adam Garcia

    Hi, If I'm to understand correctly, then each brand has its own unique template, and altering the template of one brand won't affect the other brands even they're using the same (Ex. Copenhagen), correct? If this is true, would you be able to tell me how to create two columns of sections similar to this layout:Using Guide for help center – Zendesk help?


  • Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen

    Hi All,

    We are looking to talk to people that have code-customized a Help Center theme or tried but failed to code-customize a theme.

    If you are up for sharing your feedback through a 30 min video interview, please sign up and answer 3 short survey questions at the end of the form. We would love to hear from you!

    Sign up here.

    Looking forward to talking to you!

    Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
    Sr. Product Manager, Zendesk Guide

  • Lisa Browning

    We are currently looking for a new theme and would like to know what themes other retailers are using for their help centre..

  • SNT Aps

    Lisa Browning- Go withwww.lotusthemes.com. They have some great basic themes, and further customization is not expensive. Their devs are awesome and they work quickly.
    I am in no way associated with them, but I think they're awesome so I wanted to share that with you.

  • Ewelina Robaczek

    Is it possible to link the section from the Knowledge Base home page directly to the article?


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