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  • 弗拉基米尔•Petrushenka


    It's just such a faff typing in the full name of each assignee in order to find them. Feels like so much feedback on this from Explore users and yet we don't have ETA on this.

    Was there any development on this lately, @Vincent Dollet@...?

    Many thanks

  • Skyscanner Limited (bookwithskyscanner)

    Big +1 on this - with 250k end users (and growing) it also takes ages to even load to the point where we can select / exclude assignees

  • Joshua Bentley

    @...- if it even loads at all! I'm with you.

    @...- Genius! That worked marvelously. Thank you!

  • Chris S.

    Any updates on this in general? It seems like we're moving backwards from Insights with all of these manual workarounds.

    It seems inherently logical that if I have filtered for one aspect such as Ticket Group, and I add a filter for Assignee that I only want to see relevant assignee's in that Ticket Group... this is what filters are for.

    Insights had the option to tick "All results" or "Valid" - why on earth would this logic have been removed? it takes 10x as long to get anything done.

  • Joshua Bentley

    @...As much as I love Zendesk, I echo your feelings on this. There are so many things I've come across that just make no sense and has made reporting more difficult and lengthy.

    I'm not one for griping in a community...or try not to be. In the case of Explore it's been difficult not to complain. I know their team worked hard on it, and it has great potential. It's just not there yet.

  • Erica C.

    I kind of can't believe this is still an issue... we have over 100k users in our account but only 59 agents. This is such a tedious issue with Explore that wasn't one in Insights. It's really making it hard to like the new platform. Can we get any insight (no pun intended, RIP Insights though) from the ZD team on when this is going to be fixed? It's taking ages to get our reports setup correctly.

  • Chris S.

    @...- Couldn't agree more. This, and lack of cascading filters is making Explore such a hassle. When I raised this they directed me to this workaround -https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022184334

    But, of course with the current search functionality it will likely take you several hours to create a 'Set' out of your agents.

    Somebody has heard my moaning recently, as I've been contacted and will have a feedback session with Product Managers from ZD

  • 弗拉基米尔•Petrushenka

    +1 to both comments. It's been an issue since Explore is available

  • Jen K.

    @...tysm for your workaround

  • Samuel St-Onge

    In the chat environment, it doesn't work at all. What do i do wrong?

  • Chandra Robrock
    Community Moderator
    Most Helpful - 2021

    @...The Chat: Engagement dataset does not include an attribute named Assignee role and Assignee name. You'll want to swap Assignee role and Assignee name with Agent role and Agent name. That should resolve the issue for you. Full list of attributes & metrics available in the Chat dataset liveshere.

  • 安德鲁Kaptarenko

    Worked like magic, thank you!

  • Lennart H

    The custom attribute work "kinda", it still don´t work a 100%, It filter the End-user away, but it still includes light agents.

    We are 42 agent but 450 light agents, so its still a pain in the a..!!

    Is there another workaround for this problem or?

  • Brandon Tidd
    User Group Leader Community Moderator
    The Humblident Award - 2021

    HiLennart HTry this:

    First, update your light agent profiles to include the tag light_agent, then amend your formula:

    IF ([Assignee role] = "Agent" AND [Assignee tags] = NOT INCLUDES_ALL([Ticket tags], "light_agent") OR [Assignee role] = "Admin") THEN
    [Assignee name]

  • Lennart H

    HiBrandon Tiddthank you, I'm not sure why, but it don´t work for me.
    Now it filters all agents away, now it´s only shows admins.

    IF ([Assignee role] = "Agent" AND [Assignee tags] = NOT INCLUDES_ALL([Ticket tags], "light_agent")
    OR [Assignee role] = "Admin") THEN [Assignee name]

  • Brandon Tidd
    User Group Leader Community Moderator
    The Humblident Award - 2021

    HeyLennart H,

    Sorry for that - let's try adding an additional set of parentheses around the first two conditions:

    IF (([Assignee role] = "Agent" AND [Assignee tags] = NOT INCLUDES_ALL([Ticket tags], "light_agent"))
    OR [Assignee role] = "Admin") THEN [Assignee name]
  • Alex Gillum-Webb

    I could not get the above working with assignee tags. In case anyone is looking to specify specific agents then an alternative is to use the Agent IDs in an array:

    IF IN([Assignee ID],ARRAY("user_id_1","user_id_2","user_id_3", etc..))
    THEN[Assignee name] ENDIF

  • Damien Messé

    What about Updates history Dataset ?

    I don't any way to hide the end users.

    With more than 8 Millions end users I let you imagine the pain for us !!

    Come On Zendesk, this is just a small thing to improve !!

  • CJ Johnson

    Can this just be fixed to work correctly? This has been an issue since Explore was launched and it's very frustrating that we're still being expected to make workarounds to use the product normally.

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi everyone, for the best visibility to our product team, I believe this is the best product feedback thread to upvote and add your use cases too:Assignee choicelist includes all users
  • Alice Vavasseur

    Does this trick works with Calls, or do we need to apply the same but with the Data set Talk and "call agent role" instead of "agent role"?


  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Alice,

    Yes, this actually works as well with Talk Datasets. You will need to apply the same method and filter these attributes[Call agent role]and[Call agent name].

    For reference, please see screenshot below:

    I hope this helps. Thank you!

  • Deblina Chakraborty

    Hello Jessica,

    I tried it but it doesn’t seem to work when multiple datasets are involved. I tried the first workaround by adding a filter with 'assignee role' but the 'assignee name' dropdown still includes end-user names. Could you suggest a solution for this?

  • Nacho Santana
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hello Deblina,

    I have answered on the ticket that you have opened with us. Please review my reply and we can continue the investigation on the ticket.

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