Macros resources

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  • Mandy
  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Mandy,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Can you try accessing this link instead?How to export Zendesk macros into a spreadsheet

    That should get you what your looking for :)

    I'll also let our documentation team know that this article needs to be updated with the correct link.

  • Corey Purves
  • 戴夫·戴森
    Hi Corey –

    Thanks for the heads-up! I've alerted our documentation team so they can update that link. In the meantime, here's where to find that post:Escalation Process & Macros Template
  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    We've fixed the link in the article. Thanks,Corey Purves

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Ola,

    Thanks for taking the time to share this with us! I'll pass this along to our documentation team so they can get this taken care of.

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team
    Thanks for letting us know, Ola! I've removed the dead links. They were old community tips that have been archived for various reasons. Sorry about that!
  • CJ Johnson

    Could you add a resource about macro permissions? It's unclear to me what setting allows macros to be readable in the admin center.

  • Gabriela Manarim

    Hello, I would like to know if is it possible create a macro with an action to send a email to the same addressee and copies.

  • 一个nne Ronalter
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hello Gabriela,

    this is unfortunately not possible.

    Macros can only make updates to tickets after the ticket has been submitted, therefore they can not action likeTriggers or Automations.

    " Triggerswithin Support fire when other specific actions took place."
    "一个utomationswithin Zendesk Support are specifically time-based."

    Depending on your use case,Using macros to start side conversationsmight be an option.
  • Gabriela Manarim

    Oh perfect, thank you for the answer.
    It was the soluction I adopted : creating a macro who opens a side conversation for email, with the adresses defined. Just wasn´t possible to define the copies.

  • Nora

    I would like to create a macro with requested fields in bold but the response in regular text. Have done this before but forget how. Already tried unbolding the space after the bolded - doesn't stick- also tried using ** before and after.

    Example (the bolded would be in the macro - the non bold are after macro is applied:

    Name:Susie Cream Cheese

    Product:Shoes and Clothes


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