How do I report on user data in Explore?

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  • Allan Kimutai


    While reporting on deleted users metric, is there a way you can include the day the same accounts were deleted as an attribute.

    Your support on this will be highly appreciated

  • Mau
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Allan,

    Natively, Zendesk doesn't have a metric that reports on the timestamp when a user is deleted. You may want to check the articleMetrics and attributes for Zendesk Supportfor a comprehensive list of metrics and attributes.

    Thanks for understanding.


  • Allan Kimutai

    Hi Mau,

    Many thanks for your response. I was able to hack it by using;

    Time - Requester last updated The last time that the ticket requester user profile was updated.

    as the last requester user-profile update was 'Delete'.


  • Sydney Neubauer

    I am looking for a way to see the name of the User and selections they have on their profile. I only see Name options for "Assignee, requester, and submitter" which does not apply to user profile. Is there an option similar to "User name"?

  • Viktor Osetrov
    Hello Sydney,

    We can recommend using API GET requests for checking the information about the "user name".
    GET /api/v2/users/{user_id}where{user_id}is the id of the user.

    For example, using this API requests you can extract "alias" information and so on.
    Have attached an example of how you can check it via the browser console:

    Hopefully, it helps

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