How do I cancel my Zendesk Chat subscription?

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  • Wells Lyons

    It's embarrassing how hard it is to cancel a subscription with your company. We requested a cancelation in 2020, just got charged again, a year later. Unbelievable.

  • Kharlo Reboja
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hello Wells,

    Thanks for reaching out! Sorry for your frustrations trying to cancel your account. Cancelling depends on how your Chat account was created and how it is integrated with Support. There are four versions of Chat accounts:

    -Legacy Zendesk Chat, a chat-only version, created on

    -Legacy Zendesk Chat + Support, an integrated Chat-Support account, created on

    -Zendesk Chat Phase 3, an integrated account, for Zendesk Support customers who signed up for Chat from within Support.

    -Zendesk Chat Phase 4, Chat-only or Chat + Support.

    Follow the link below on how to cancel depending on your chat type.

    How do I cancel my Zendesk Chat Subscription

  • Tom

    It is ridiculously difficult to cancel my account and impossible to talk to anyone, can someone call me on +61412642734 to help

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering


    You cancontact supportdirectly and we'll assist you on your concern. There is a messaging icon to the bottom right of this page for you to contact us directly.

  • Jonathan Wright

    I have been trying to cancel this account for TWO YEARS and this company makes it IMPOSSIBLE to do unless you can login to your account (mine was managed, but I was paying the bill). Can someone give ME a call as well before I have to take legal action (401)-441-7600. This is ridiculous!

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Jonathan,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention and apologies for any issues this has caused on your end.

    I'm going to bring this into a ticket so we can gather some account information and get this taken care of.

  • Crescent Estates


    I was under the impression I had canceled my account over a year ago but it was just brought to my attention that a monthly reoccurring charge is being billed. I have tried to follow the steps to cancel the account online, but it is not working. The support chat is not allowing me to speak to a person. Is there a number that I can call or any other way to cancel immediately? Thank you

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Crescent Estates,

    It looks like our Finance team followed up with you last week Wednesday and we were able to confirm that your account has been successfully cancelled.

    Let us know if you have any other questions!
  • Ruth Wells

    OMG!!!! For a company whose sole existence is based on customer care, the utter lack of any way to reach a human or find a phone number or email is incredible. They are so incredibly unhelpful, I can only assume that they do not want to let anyone cancel their accounts for any reason. Does anyone know how to reach them to cancel? They should be ashamed of themselves!!!!!! I have wasted 2 hours trying to reach them to cancel. They should be given an award for the LEAST HELPFUL COMPANY ON EARTH!!!!!! DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO CANCEL AN ACCOUNT I HAVE BACK FROM WHEN THEY BOUGHT ZOPIM???? My "dashboard" and account area offer NO options to close account. HELP!!!!!!!

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Ruth,

    So sorry to hear you were having issues getting in contact with our team! I double checked the ticket you have open with our team and it looks like they were able to get your account canceled as well as a refund issued. If you have any other questions please let me know as I'll do what I can to help on my end.


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