Configuring your chat availability settings

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  • Olivia Petet

    +1 for admins to change agents chat status!

  • Kristin Scheeler

    There is no "idle timeout" tab in my chat dashboard settings > personal area. How do I change the idle timeout in the absence of that tab?

  • paule

    Hi there agree with what Kristin said

    We can not change that as there is no option to set the idle time, what workaround would you suggest in this case?

  • Cheeny Aban
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Paule,

    This feature is available for chat team plans and up. Have you checked your account to verify if the same is part of your plan? If not yet, you may check your subscription by clicking the Zendesk Products icon () in the top bar, then select Admin Center. Click the Billing icon () in the left sidebar, then click Subscription to see a summary of your current plan.

    Idle timeout is part of the personal settings of your chat account. As of the moment, there is no other option to set idle timeout besides from the chat dashboard

  • Ronen Tamari

    +1 for having admins be able to change agents' statuses.

    This seems like a no-brainer and has been asked for a few years now.

  • Dave Dyson

    Hi Ronen,

    I'd recommend upvoting and adding a comment to this product feedback thread:Feature Request: Give Admins Ability to Change Agent Status. It's true that this has been something customers have been requesting for a long time, and while it's not on the roadmap yet, some necessary foundational work is being done (see the official comment and the links to further comments from Ramin and Amy there).

    Idle timeout (one of the suggested workarounds) is not available in agent workspace (seeLimitations in the Zendesk Agent Workspace), so setting Operating Hours as suggested by Ramin in the product feedback thread above is probably be best workaround at this time.

  • Frank Vazquez

    Hello guys,

    I had a question about away versus invisible when it comes to routing. As I understand it, when an agent sets him/herself to invisible, they get out of the "virtual line" and are no longer considered the "longest agent without a chat". What if they are away? Does the same logic occur?

  • Josh
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Frank!

    Thank you for messaging us.

    Only agents with the status "online" are applied with the "longest agent without a chat". Invisible and away does not apply to this.
  • Shanne Mae Ceballos

    Hi, I've set my Idle Timeout to OFF but I just disappear from the list of available agents. This is being experienced by others in the team also. I wonder why? Is there a workaround for this?

  • Peter McKesson

    Hello - I don't see these Settings > Personal and then Idle Timeout. Please advise.

  • Angel Gamboa aparicio

    Is there a way to customize this statues? For instance instead of Away I would like our agents to mark "lunch break" or "Meeting", or "training" etc.

  • Andrew Lo

    My status is turning to Invisible even though my "Idle timeout" settings are set to "Off".
    Any ideas on what the problem could be here?

  • Jason Schaeffer
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Angel,

    Unfortunately those status settings are not customizable at this time within Zendesk Chat. They would need to use Offline or Away in that situation. I will definitely mark that as feedback on your behalf however.

  • Everett Cavazos

    I tried following this article and there are no settings to change availability on this page. It's on the Support page.

  • Silas Johnson

    What if there are no agents available? Like there literally aren't any and its within business hours? What happens then?

  • DJ Buenavista Jr.
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Silas,

    If there are no agents available then they will be waiting in the queue. You can setup a trigger that will send a message to your customers if they have been waiting for certain amount of time.

    You can check our article,Send messages to your customers waiting in the queuefor more information about this.

    Thank you!

    Kind regards,
  • Andrew Stuart

    No answer to the whole issue of "I've set my Idle Timeout to OFF but I just disappear from the list of available agents".

    I have this issue too. I log in every morning I keep the tab open then my manager wonders why I'm not picking up chats. It must be a bug of some sort.

  • Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)

    Hello fellow Zendeskians

    I agree withAndrew StuartandAndrew Lo's comments. Something isn't right with Idle Timeout.

    I'm working with a Zendesk customer on the Agent Workspace (they recently migrated over from Chat standalone) and they report that when an agent has logged in to Support and set themselves as Online in Chat, after approx 10mins of inactivity (the agents do other stuff in other browsers or tabs etc) when they navigate back to the Zendesk (Support) tab, their Chat status is set to Invisible and they have to manually set themselves to Online again. They have sent a 15 min video to me to verify, and from this video I can confirm this behaviour.

    I've checked their Operating Hours and this is happeningwithinoperating hours so this theory doesn't make sense.

    The only thing I can think of is when they weren't on the Agent Workspace they had Automatic Timeout Enabled. They didn't change this BEFORE migrating to the Agent Workspace and somehow the settings have remained even though thisarticleindicates Idle Timeout isn't available in the Agent Workspace (wonder if this also means it isn't functional). This is the only thing I can think of.

    I wonder if Andrew and Andrew also migrated their instances to the Agent Workspace?

    HopingDave Dysonmight share his Jedi wisdom - help us Obi-wan Davenobi, you're our only hope ;) (I have an existing ticket but under a different email address)

  • Andrew Lo

    What happened in my case was being logged in on two separate devices.

    One would be "idle" and cause the status to change to invisible on both devices.

    It is possible having it open in another window may also reproduce the problem.

  • Andrew Stuart

    I've not migrated anything. Also I ensure that I keep a tab open all the time. No one who is busy can keep flicking back and forth to ensure it doesn't mark you as 'Idle' or 'Invisible'. My manager questions whether I am logged in as part of my role so this is becoming a bit more than just a bug.

  • Sarolta Olasz

    Many of our agents have the same issue, it looks to them that they are Online, but when they refresh the browser they are Invisible.
    We have recently migrated to the Agent workspace too.

    I wonder,Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)did you manage to find more insights on what could be causing this?

  • Hiedi Kysther
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiSarolta Olasz

    If you are using Agent Workspace, your agents only need to set their Chat Status online in Support, so regardless of what they do, they should still be online. Idle Timeout is expected to not work when you are using Agent Workspace this is mentioned as a limitation here:Agent Workspace Limitations.

    I'd like this discuss this further over a ticket. I've created a ticket on your behalf so we can investigate this issue together. Kindly check your email for more information. Speak soon!

    Hiedi Kysther

  • Sarolta Olasz

    ThanksHiedi Kysther!

    Yes, this is what they do, just set themselves Online, but they notice that their status changes for no reason. Even when working in tickets. It may be due to the VPN they are using, we are still investigating.

  • Hiedi Kysther
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HeySarolta Olasz

    Appreciate the update. I hope you got my email regarding this issue. Feel free to reply to the email if you will need further assistance on this. We'll be happy to help!

    Hiedi Kysther

  • Jackie Kyrylenko

    We get "missed messages" when no one is online. This has happened several times.

  • Sydney Neubauer

    I don't see it mentioned anywhere on what the widget behavior is when Agents are all away. Does the Chat widget still show as an option or does it disappear?

  • Frank

    I've got the same question as Sydney, is the chat widget still available when there is no available agent?

  • Pedro Henrique Diniz

    Is it not possible to set "Online" automatically when the user logs in?

  • Hiedi Kysther
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiFrank&Pedro Henrique Diniz

    This will depend on your current chat configuration.


    If you are using Messaging, and have operating hours set up - the widget can transfer the chat to your online agents, and if you're offline, the widget can inform the customer that you don't have a live agent but they can leave a message.

    Messaging is a continuous conversation, so if you have Messaging but don't have operating hours set up, then you will need to add your hours of operation in the widget to inform the customer that they will not receive a reply until your operating hours resume.

    Classic Chat widget:

    如果你们使用的是经典的小部件,widget will be online based on your operating hours. But if you don't have operating hours, then the widget will be online when you have Agents online, and if all agents logged out for the day - the widget will be offline.

    Hope this helps!


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