Current and upcoming Zendesk betas

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  • Nova Dawn
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    一个dding new functionality to the Zendesk Agent Workspace!

    Knowledge in the Agent Workspace

    一个gents can use content from your knowledge base, and community, to answer questions across tickets, chats, and social channels. This makes it a powerfully productive tool for agents to get information and answers that are relevant to the conversation they're engaging in - without having to leave the conversation or manage multiple browser tabs.

    Sign up for the Knowledge in the Agent Workspace EAP here.

  • Nova Dawn
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    WhatsApp for Sell

    新!为出售EAP WhatsApp

    WhatsApp是最受欢迎的移动通讯应用worldwide, used by more than 1.5 billion people in over 180 countries. WhatsApp for Sell allows businesses and users of the WhatsApp messaging app to interact via Sunshine Conversation’s functionality within Sell.

    Sign up for the WhatsApp for Sell EAP here.

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for Sell:

    Custom objects in Sell

    There are three native objects in Sell: Leads, Contacts, and Deals. However, it may be difficult to represent all of your business context using just those three objects. With Custom Objects, you can adjust Sell's data to your exact needs by defining new object types that are specific to your business, and link them to your Leads, Contacts, Deals.

    Sign up for the custom objects in Sell EAP

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New closed beta for Explore:

    New Dashboard Builder

    This closed beta introduces the new Dashboard Builder, a redesigned and streamlined experience for creating dashboards within Explore. The new Dashboard Builder makes it easier and more intuitive to create dashboards that give you the insights you need to optimize your service channels.

    Learn more about the new Dashboard Builder closed beta

  • Lisa Kelly
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for Support:

    Resizing the Context Panel in Support

    This EAP enables functionality that allows agents to manually resize the width of theContext Panelin the Zendesk Agent Workspace. Resizing enables agents to get an expanded view of the Apps, Knowledge, and Customer Context sections in the panel.

    Sign up for the Context Panel Resizing EAP

  • Jacquelyn Brewer
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for Support and Messaging:

    New routing for tickets and messages by priority and agent availability

    Zendesk has a variety of ways to route tickets, butthe new Routing EAPprovides a way to route tickets and messaging conversations based on both ticket priority and the availability of agents. The result is that the most important work items are routed to the agents most available to resolve them quickly.

    Sign up for the routing early access program

  • Elizabeth Williams
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    NEW EAP for Guide:

    Help center search crawler

    The help center search crawler provides a way for search results to display links to relevant external content (such as webpages or blog posts) alongside help center results (such as articles, posts, and comments) when it is relevant to the query.

    Until now, this functionality was made possible through the external content API, which required coding to implement. With the help center search crawler, you can now set up a crawler in a few clicks to achieve the same results with no coding.

    Sign up for the help center search crawler early access program.

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for Support:

    Macro content suggestions

    Macros are a valuable tool that save agents time and help provide end users with consistent support. But knowing which macros to create is not always straightforward. The newmacro content suggestions EAPmakes it easier to determine which macros will be most useful for your agents and end users.

    注册的宏观内容建议早期的交流cess program

  • Jacquelyn Brewer
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for Admin Center:

    一个unified way to set agent status across Support, Messaging, and Talk

    Rather than needing to manually maintain separate statuses for Support, Messaging, and Talk, the一个gent Statuses EAPprovides a way for agents to set a single status that defines their availability across these products. In addition to the standard statuses, admins can also define additional custom statuses for their agents to use.

    Sign up for the Agent Statuses early access program

  • Jacquelyn Brewer
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for Support:

    一个ccess log API

    The Access log API provides access to a 90 day record of what agents have accessed in your account. We call these the “read” events and the Access log API is your record of read events for your account. Creation, update, and deletion events for settings and configurations are captured separately in the Audit log.

    Sign up for the Access log API early access program

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Not an EAP or beta this time, but here's an opportunity to provide feedback to the Product team for the "Bring your own server" feature in the discovery phase. The team would love your feedback.

    Bring your own server

    Currently, Zendesk customers are required to use Zendesk's email servers and domains when using the email channel (note: ignoring the Gmail connector). The Bring Your Own Server feature will expand upon this and allow Zendesk's customers to connect their external mail servers to their Zendesk instance, thus making the integration with Support more seamless. In particular, we anticipate this will help with pain points around email forwarding, encryption in transit, and more.

    Please note:We're currently in the discovery phase of this project and this does not mean that there will be a beta or EAP, but your input in the form below will help direct the prioritization of the features included with this project. We'd appreciate your input.

    Provide your feedback/input for this feature here

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Corrected link! We apologize for mistakenly sending a restricted link yesterday. It's been corrected below. Thank you!


    Not an EAP or beta this time, but here's an opportunity to provide feedback to the Product team for the "Bring your own server" feature in the discovery phase. The team would love your feedback.

    Bring your own server

    Currently, Zendesk customers are required to use Zendesk's email servers and domains when using the email channel (note: ignoring the Gmail connector). The Bring Your Own Server feature will expand upon this and allow Zendesk's customers to connect their external mail servers to their Zendesk instance, thus making the integration with Support more seamless. In particular, we anticipate this will help with pain points around email forwarding, encryption in transit, and more.

    Please note:We're currently in the discovery phase of this project and this does not mean that there will be a beta or EAP, but your input in the form below will help direct the prioritization of the features included with this project. We'd appreciate your input.

    Provide your feedback/input for this feature

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for Support:

    一个utomated triage

    一个utomated triage uses artificial intelligence to enrich your tickets with intent and language predictions without the help of agents or admins. You can then use this information for setting up views for teams, automating with triggers or automations, and enhancing Explore reports.

    Learn more about the automated triage early access program

  • Elizabeth Williams
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New open beta for Guide:

    New request list experience

    The new request list experience (Beta) improves the way in which end users can manage large numbers of requests in the customer portal. When you enable the new request list experience in your theme, end users can use the new combinable filtering options to refine the requests they want to manage as well as new column configuration options to show/hide columns.

    Learn more about the new request list experience open beta.

  • Charles Nadeau
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for developers:

    Messaging in the Unity SDK

    In 2020, we launched our first native Unity SDK to give our gaming customers a quick and easy way to bring the power of Zendesk seamlessly into their games. Since then, Zendesk announcedMessagingto help customers deliver rich conversational experiences connected across web, mobile, or social apps. The new version of the Unity SDK includes messaging capabilities.

    Learn more about the Unity SDK early access program

  • Rob Stack
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New beta for Support and messaging:

    Omnichannel routing for email and messaging tickets

    The omnichannel routing beta enables you to direct tickets from email, messaging, web form, and API to team members based on their availability, capacity, and ticket priority. Using omnichannel routing means that the highest priority tickets are assigned to the agents who are most available to work on them.

    Learn more about omnichannel routing

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Zendesk update:Please see our correction in the next comment below regarding this EAP.

    New EAP for Explore:

    Messaging dataset

    The Messaging tickets dataset in Explore contains metrics and attributes that relate to all messaging channels, including web, mobile, and social messaging channels. This information includes number of tickets, resolution times, satisfaction, and more.

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team


    The Messaging dataset EAP that we posted earlier today is currently restricted and not taking new signups. We'll let you know if that changes.

    Sorry for the confusion!

  • Colleen Hall
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New open EAP for Support:

    Custom ticket statuses

    一个ll customers on Agent Workspace can now enable the ability to create new ticket statuses. The custom ticket statuses EAP allows you to create and manage new, more granular ticket statuses. New ticket statuses you create can also be used in triggers, automations, SLAs, macros, and views.

    Learn more about creating and using new ticket statuses

  • Kristie Sweeney
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New upcoming EAP for trust and safety:

    一个dvanced Encryption

    一个dvanced Encryption empowers enterprises with management and control over encryption keys, ensuring that Service Data stored in Zendesk Services can’t be read in plain text by an external party and is only decrypted just in time to enable our services. This feature also helps our customers comply with data protection and privacy obligations and strengthens their security posture.

    一个dvanced Encryption capabilities will be released incrementally, beginning with an Early Access Program (EAP) in early 2023. The first release will encrypt a subset of user fields and will only be available for sandbox use, with a production release coming later. Additional features and fields to be encrypted will be added throughout the coming year.

    Learn more about the Advanced Encryption early access program

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for Support:

    Macro suggestions

    Macros are a valuable tool that save agents time and help provide end users with consistent support. But knowing which maros to create is not always straightforward. The newmacro suggestions EAPmakes it easier to determine which macros will be most useful for your agents and end users.

    Sign up for the macro suggestions early access program

  • Lisa Kelly
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New upcoming EAP for custom layouts - Layout builder

    Custom layouts for tickets - Layout builder

    With custom layouts, admins can use an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface, calledlayout builder, to create and apply custom layouts to tickets. No Developer resources are required.

    With layout builder, you can feature the apps that your agents use the most by moving them out of the context panel and into the main ticket interface. You can also rearrange, resize, and stack components (such as ticket conversations and ticket properties) to improve agent workflow and reduce the time agents need to manage tickets.

    If you are an admin using Zendesk Agent Workspace on an Enterprise or Enterprise Plus plan, you can sign up for the upcoming EAP. Visit the EAP Community site for layout builder to add your name to the waiting list. We’ll notify you when the EAP is ready.

    Register your interest here

  • Jacquelyn Brewer
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for developers:

    一个gent Activity APIs

    The Agent Availability EAP is available for all accounts. The APIs provide a way to view real-time agent availability information across Zendesk channels and update an agent's status when needed. These APIs also enable better integrations and open up a variety of use cases, such as the development of custom monitoring, reporting, and routing flows based on real-time agent availability data.

    Learn more about the Agent Availability early access program

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New closed beta for Explore:

    New report builder

    This closed beta introduces the new report builder, a newly redesigned reporting experience that makes data exploration and report creation more efficient and intuitive for beginners and advanced report builders alike.

    Learn more about the new report builder closed beta

  • Lisa Kelly
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for custom layouts - Layout builder

    Custom layouts for tickets - Layout builder

    With custom layouts, admins can use an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface, calledlayout builder, to create and apply custom layouts to tickets. No Developer resources are required.

    With layout builder, you can feature the apps that your agents use the most by moving them out of the context panel and into the main ticket interface. You can also rearrange, resize, and stack components (such as ticket conversations and ticket properties) to improve agent workflow and reduce the time agents need to manage tickets.

    If you are an admin using Zendesk Agent Workspace on an Enterprise or Enterprise Plus plan, you can sign up for the early access program.

    Sign-up for the early access program here

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New EAP for generative AI:

    Summarization and text enhancing

    Zendesk offers several AI-powered features that help agents be more productive while still providing a high level of customer service. These features, which harness generative AI powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT, include:

    • Summarization: Recaps the comments that have been added to a ticket so far, helping agents get up to speed and respond to customers more quickly.
    • Enhancing: Automatically improves the content of agent-written comments by expanding or shifting the tone of an agent's response.

    Sign up for the Summarization and text enhancing EAP

  • Colleen Hall
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New beta for conversational commerce:

    Conversational commerce

    With conversational commerce, you can turn everyday support conversations into revenue generating opportunities. Agents will be equipped with product recommendations, promotion sharing, and payment handling, all within the conversation.

    Sign up for the conversational commerce beta

  • Lisa Kelly
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    New beta for Agent Home

    一个gent Home

    一个gent Home is the one-stop-shop for agents to manage all work, including tickets, messaging conversations, and conversations you’re CC’d on or following. Agent Home works in real time, showing you tickets assigned to you and their latest updates. The page includes read and unread indicators help keep you on top of the conversation and productivity tools help you keep your workspace well-organized and tidy

    If you are an admin with the Zendesk Agent Workspaceactivatedin your account, you can sign up for the open beta program. Agent Home is ideal for customers who haveOmnichannel Routing (OCR)but it works for all Agent Workspace accounts. We don’t recommend this beta if you’re using Talk or Chat.

    Sign up for the Agent Home open beta program.


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