Working with the dashboard builder (Beta)

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  • Paola Rivera

    This is a great start. Way easier to work with than the existing Explore dashboard. I'd love to see a date filter to look at historical data, not just live data.

  • Dave Kavalsky

    This looks nice, but any shot we'll be able to embed these dashboards at some point? It would be great to be able to make them easier to access and view so I don't have to manually pull data into spreadsheets and use a third party if I want to embed the data on a page.

  • Walter Bellante
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiPaola Rivera,
    thanks for your comment.

    We've listened to your feedback and we've just released historical data, time and data filters.

    Feel free to try them and share your thoughts.

  • Sigmund Domingo

    I have tried to use the new Beta Builder to create an essential clone of the Live Data. Once the New and Open tickets were removed and replaced with the 30-min and 60-min data, we lost the All-time counts of these metrics. To add New and Open tickets, I was first required to create a new Report (Query) with New and Open Ticket data.

    Once I entered this new report and tried the Time Filter, I find that the value does not change no matter what time filter I use. Here is a screenshot of a time filter based on Ticket Created Date over the course of 6 months.

    And here is the screenshot with Ticket Created Date over the past 7 days:

    As can be seen, the values are the same.

    Translating this over to the old builder, the filter worked properly to the historical part of the report:

  • John Costello
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiSigmund Domingo

    Thank you so much for reporting this issue we have identified a fix and believe we have resolved the issue you experienced.

    Our fix is now in Production - could you test it out for us and let us know if the issue you identified has been resolved?


    John Costello

  • Sigmund Domingo


    Thank you! It seems to be working now.

    Here are the values for "All Time":

    And here are the values for the last seven days:

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    In the beta dashboard builder, we’ve released four new templates that help you quickly create dashboards to report on historical (non-live) data:

    • Support solved tickets
    • Support resolution time
    • Support volumes
    • Support satisfaction

    You can choose a template when youstart creating your dashboard.

  • Ray Van Voorhis

    Is schedule-sending reports to an email target on the roadmap for this beta?

    Loving it so far!

  • Walter Bellante
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiRay Van Voorhis,
    thanks for sharing your feedback, I appreciate it.

    Scheduling dashboards will be available in the new experience.
    Hereyou can find the full list of features we plan to have in the new builder.


  • Ray Van Voorhis

    Amazingly helpful. Thank you Walter!

  • Dave Symonds

    Ok I give up - where is the drill down option on the dashboard - I have set it in the report but no luck in the dashboard

  • Dave Symonds

    也可以设置仪表板宽度——似乎to be less functionality compared to the original dashboard?

  • Walter Bellante
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiDave Symonds,
    thanks for trying the new dashboard builder.

    We are still in beta and working to include more features in the product.
    We plan to support drill-in before we move to GA and to include further options to modify the width of the dashboard.

    You can check the full list of featureshere.

    Thanks again for your feedback,

  • Joey

    You should remove theDrill Insetup from this page, just like Dave I looked everywhere and couldn't find it. Had to look into the comments to find out it doesn't exist yet which is a giant pain and now have to rebuild the dashboard as this is a crucial functionality.

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    HiJoey, I've updated the article to specify that drill in is available only for agent status live metrics (Agents online, Agents offline, etc.). Sorry for the confusion!

  • Harper Dane

    I'm not seeing any way to add dashboard tabs in the beta builder. Is it not possible at this time, or am I missing something?

  • Walter Bellante
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiHarper Dane,
    thanks for your interest in the new dashboard builder.

    While Tabs are not currently available, they are planned to come before the product is in GA.
    You can find the full list of features plannedhere


  • Rick Marx

    Would it be possible to get global filters in the beta dashboard?

    For example, we have dashboards that have both widgets from the ticketing and the SLA dataset on them. We have data restrictions in place for the different teams and a filter for the assignees (ticketing and SLA, with no indicator which is which). It is currently confusing for users when having to use multiple data filters that show the same options and can't be used simultaneously.

    Or is there another solution for this perhaps?

    Additionally, as this is the highest level of our dashboard, we want to be able to simply share it with the different teams on their own level as well, which is currently not possible when needing multiple filters. I now need to copy the dashboard for every team and adapt every report manually, which brings up the issue of not being able to open them in a separate window which is very time-consuming.

    This, then brings up again a new issue, with several similar reports with similar names, once I want to add a new report to the dashboard I am unable to distinguish the different reports, it would be nice to have a tooltip when hovering that shows the full name of the report.

    It all works in the end, just wondering if I'm doing something wrong in my workflow causing it to be so time consuming, or if these improvements could be considered somehow.

  • Colin Hutzan

    Any table report I add to the beta dashboard builder is coming up blank. Other chart styles are fine. Why is this?

  • Paul Fiorentino (he/him)

    HelloColin Hutzan

    We currently are working on a bug fix that could be related to the issue you are facing.

    We will keep you posted as soon as the patch is released to ensure everything is working well on your side.

    Thanks a lot for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience,

  • Colin Hutzan

    Thanks Paul. Tables seem to be working now but reports with explosions are not.

  • David Zeplin (Olaf)

    When will this become visible, right now I do not see any beta? I received announcement from Zendesk (Announcing drill in for the beta dashboard builder by Walter Bellante).

  • Walter Bellante
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiDavid Zeplin (Olaf),
    thanks for your interest.

    The new dashboard builder is currently available to Enterprise customers only.
    We plan to release it to Professional customers in the next 8 weeks.

    You can learn more about the available and planned featureshere


  • Shayan Moussawi

    Unfortunately the new Drill In Feature does not seem to be working properly.

    The option to drill in only appears when you are editing the report (and then respectively also viewing) once reloading the page, you no longer can drill in.

    This also prevents any other users who cannot edit the report from drilling in.

  • Justin Dyck

    Is it possible to disable the new responsive width feature? Honestly it works well, I just prefer to have a consistent width so that I can tweak the formatting and ensure it remains exact.

  • Agnieszka Czajka
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HelloJustin Dyck! At the moment there is no possibility to disable the feature. In the future we plan to introduce the option to have a selection of canvas with consistent width that would allow for more exact formatting. Keep an eye on these article and our announcements to be up to date on changes around these feature.

  • Kelli Acosta

    UPDATE: Not sure what was stuck here, but ultimately, this issue resolved itself.

    Are there limits to the number of reports or other components that can be added to a dashboard? I'm not currently able to add more text boxes or reports. When I click to add them, nothing happens. I've got 34 objects currently (reports, text boxes, and filters) on my dashboard.

  • Felix Malm

    Would be extremely helpful if i could add live data from multiple phone lines in the same dashboard as an overview.

    For example we currently have customer service in Sweden, Finland and Norway. Centrally operated in the same place but if i choose live data for the swedish team it's not possible to view the calls for the norwegian or finnish team at the same time in the same live data dashboard

  • Denise Sehlmeyer

    I have alerts set that work great when I'm in Edit mode, but the minute I go back to View mode they don't show. In addition there is no save button (or way to save the live Messaging dashboard that I can find) and it says last saved 6 months ago, even though I made changes this morning? So how do I save?

  • Sam

    Is it possible to export reports from the beta dashboards?

    The old dashboards had a hover-over icon to download csv/excel/pdf/image


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