Advanced customization of Web Widget (Classic)

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  • Eric Nelson
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy
    Hey Brianne,

    Great question! This is an 'OR' the same way it is for filtering to certain categories or sections. The documentation is pretty vague on that so I will look into getting that updated.
  • Brianne Reinhardt

    Eric NelsonThanks, that's helpful!

  • CJ Johnson

    The developer documentation offers no hints on now to suppress this on specific pages, only altogether everywhere. Can this be fleshed out? I have no idea what syntax would be needed to achieve this.

    edit: Found what I needed! There's actually a guide to this:

    EDIT 2: And that guide doesn't actually cover how to suppress on specific pages in the Help Center. In fact, it kind of forgets to tell you how to do the suppression on a page at all, but I know it means that you should paste the code with customization somewhere in the pages' body.

    I am trying to suppress some parts of the widget on specific *help center* pages. Since Support says the widget customizations MUST live in the document_header.hbs, I need to know how I can suppress on specific HC pages.

  • Jiro Hidaka


    Is it possible to add a block of text to appear on one of the Ticket Form when viewing it inside the Web Widget?

    I am able to add some text dynamically via javascript from script,js of the theme we are using but this doesn't work on the web widget unfortunately.

    We would like to add text in the red section:

    Thank you!

  • Miranda Burford
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiJiro Hidaka,

    Thanks for your question!

    When you say "in the red section", I'm assuming you mean where you've added the squiggly line and not in the widget header? Unfortunately, it isn't possible to insert a text block where you have the squiggly line but you can use an API to customise the content in the widget header.More info here.

    - Miranda.

  • Ilaria

    Hi! I have two questions:

    • Our web widget is only enabled on our Help Center. So we didn't have to manually copy-paste the script in any of our web pages, we just used the "Add to Help Center" button in the Web Widget settings on Zendesk. In this case, how can we manually edit the code to customize it?
    • Is there any way to change the "How can we help you?" text here, in the box where the end user writes the message? I don't think it's thesearchPlaceHolder,since that one just says "How can we help". Am I wrong?
  • Miranda Burford
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiIlaria Vilardi,

    Thanks for your questions! Responses below.

    1. In order to edit the Web Widget code snippet on your Help Center you'll need to uncheck 'Add to Help Center', edit the script & then add the modified script again manually. Unfortunately, there's no way to modify the default code snippet and use the 'Add to Help Center' option together.

    2. Where does that form field appear? Is it a form within Guide (not the Web Widget)? Can you please send a screenshot of the entire browser window so I can see which part of the product it relates to? Thanks!

    - Miranda.

  • Thiago Lazier

    Hello Everyone!

    Is there a way to offset the launcher position (like using the offset param, but for the launcher, not the chat window itself) without having to create the entire launcher from scratch and setting it's position?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Miranda Burford
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiThiago Lazier,

    Is there a way to offset the launcher position (like using the offset param, but for the launcher, not the chat window itself) without having to create the entire launcher from scratch and setting it's position?

    At the moment, the offset API moves the launcher AND the chat window. There is no way to just adjust the launcher alone. Do you have a screenshot which shows what you're hoping to achieve? I'd be keen to see so I can record this as a feature request for future consideration.


    - Miranda.

  • Thiago Lazier

    HelloMiranda Burford

    Thanks for your quick reply!

    This is what we currently have in our design:

    As you can see, when we have the "Compare" window open, the Chat Button overlaps it by a few pixels.

    What we're trying to do is offset it about 20px rightwards, so it won't be on top.

    Thanks a lot!

    - Thiago

  • Miranda Burford
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thanks for the additional details,Thiago Lazier. That's helpful!

    As mentioned above, you can use the offset API to move the launcher AND the chat window but it isn't possible to just move the launcher alone. I'll log this as a feature request on our side for consideration in the future.

    - Miranda.

  • John Ritterbush

    Is there any way to change the title on thecontactOptionsview? I do not see anything documented and only see screenshots with "Help" as the text.

  • Jeff C
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Johny,

    Unfortunately, the Title setting for contactOptions isn't a customizable item at this time.

  • Karl Bagci

    We want to add a hyperlink to link to our docs site (not hosted in Zendesk KB) in our Zendesk Web Widget (classic). Any ideas if this is achievable?

  • Christine
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Karl, currently it is not possible to add a hyperlink text that links to an external URL using the Web Widget. For security reasons, the widget strips HTML from input data before it’s rendered. Thus, the anchor tag is missing and the link is just plain text. Although you can build a custom widget using theWeb SDKto achieve this.

    If you have some time, I recommend that you start a post about this in our Product Feedback page. Our Product Managers actively monitor our feedback threads, and conversations with high user engagement ultimately get flagged by the team for roadmap planning. You can create a new post here:Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)using theProduct Feedback Post Template.
  • John Silver

    Hello! Can I change the background or placeholder text colour in the widget search bar? I've read the comments in the Widget customization section and I've found the answer that it was not possible early. But maybe some of it is changed now?

  • Dainne Lucena
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiJohn Silver,

    I did see a community post about it before. Have you already checked this out?如何to update the color of the placeholder text in search box

  • Andrew McGrath

    Looking for a way to adjust the width of the chat widget as its showing terribly on my site.

  • Ifra Saqlain
    Community Moderator
    Most Engaged Community Member - 2022
    Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021

    HeyAndrew Mcgrath,

    try this

    #webWidget { width:100% !important; }



    I tried like this, pick the widget ID and add CSS.

  • Miranda Burford
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiAndrew Mcgrath,

    I'm Miranda, the Web Widget PM here. I'd like to get some more information about the problem you're experiencing to see if we can help further.

    • Are you using Web Widget (Classic) or messaging?
    • Do you have a screenshot of how the widget displays on your website? Does this occur all the time or in certain scenarios?
    • Are you trying to make the widget larger or smaller in width?


  • Iris Potruch

    Hi, I have one published article on my help center with the word "video" in the title. When searching in the web widget for "video" no results are found. What do I need to do in order to have it find my articles? Thanks!

  • Aimé Sawadogo


    Is there a way to set the web chat widget to display the minimized window by default?

    We currently have this by default

    But we want this one


  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Aimé,

    You can turn off theChat Badgeon your widget settings.
  • Nacho Cardozo

    Might be a crazy question, but: given that the web widget is a form that essentially sends an email to a given email address, is there any way to customize the email address that the email is being sent to every time a customer fills the form and clicks submit? E.g. Sending it to my team's shared Outlook inbox rather than our Zendesk case management inbox?



  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Nacho,

    The option for your use case is not available.
  • Aimé Sawadogo

    Thank you Dane.

  • Michael Sullivan

    Is it possible to customize the "Get in touch" text when using the answer bot?

  • Greg Gaines

    Is it possible change the code in the widget to suppress opening the chat box for for X period of time, say 15 or 30 second, on my end?

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Michael,

    As it turns out, there's no option to modify the "Get in Touch" button presented by the Answer Bot.

    Hi Greg,

    You can refer to:Is it possible to delay the chat widget from popping up?

    Hope this helps!
  • Ronald

    Is there a way to customize the header title in the widget? There was a question from a couple of years ago about customizing the color of the header title but I haven't seen anything about the text.

    On our Submit a Request page I title the form picker with "Please choose a request type below"

    I would like to replicate that in the web widget where we have the same two forms available.

    Currently the widget's header title is "Please select your issue" which I really don't like at all. Is there a way to change this?


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