About CSAT ratings in messaging

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  • Fernando Souza Nery Filho

    Hey there!

    Thelinkregarding WhatsApp rating seems to be offline now.

    It doesn't look like Zendesk has enabled WhatsApp buttons, so customers have to reply with text messages. We have a few customers that replied "You can say: GOOD, BAD" as "Good!", and because they just added the "!", Zendesk gets confused and creates a new ticket as shown below (in Portuguese).

    Is there a way to manage this better? Is there a roadmap to implementWhatsApp Buttons?

  • Audrey Ann Cipriano
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiVincent Adityathanks for your reply! I have checked with our team and CSAT in messaging can be controlled via triggers, we create a default trigger that sends CSAT on ticket solve, but you can change that (please see screenshot for the action) it's recommended to create a new trigger for that and not touch the one created by the system.

    As for the CSAT showing up all the time, unfortunately, it's not part of the product today, however, It is an interesting insight and we can track this, would you mind creating a separate product feedbackherealong with your use case so our product managers can take a look? Thank you!

  • Scott Allison
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Yue YueIt's likely because that user's profile is set to Chinese. For more info on how that is set, take a look at this article:https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408893879322-How-does-Zendesk-set-a-language-for-a-user-in-Support-

  • Vincent Aditya

    Thank you for clearing my curiosity Audrey!

    I would also like to ask about the sending of CSAT. Currently the CSAT in messaging can only be sent after the ticket status is solved yes?, Is there a way to change this? maybe so it shows up all the time? or is there plans for zendesk to enable a new way to request CSAT?

  • Davit Gelashvili

    I have a survey link.
    Is it possible to send this survey link to the social media platforms by using the ZENDESK triggers?
    Maybe there is a way because it is a just link, nothing special.
    Unfortunately, Zendesk customer service representatives are not able to answer my question.

  • Nachammai Ranganathan

    Hello , the Satisfaction reasons are editable which is highly useful. But most often customers give Bad rating without selecting any of the reasons or giving a comment

    Is it possible to make the satisfaction reason mandatory for customers? This will help a huge deal in understanding why the customer is upset

  • Elise Doherty


    If I enable the function but disable the trigger, am I able to use the CSAT placeholders in other triggers without generating a dedicated email? Thank you in advance!

  • Audrey Ann Cipriano
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiVincent Adityawe may need to check on your account to check on this, I'll raise a ticket on your behalf, please check your email shortly and we can continue our conversation there :) Thanks!

  • Zidane

    你好,是否可以定制/ WHATSAPP CSAT变化TEXT into others language since currently our customers mostly didn't understand English well?

  • Ariane Frances dela Cruz

    Hi System Admin,

    When the Trigger for Social Messaging CSAT is fired, the "Request messaging rating" action will automatically change the Satisfaction to "Offered". Since the default CSAT automation for email channel has a conditionSatisfaction>Unoffered,the automation will not run twice on the same ticket. You can also check this article hereCustomizing your customer satisfaction survey

  • Yue Yue

    Hi Allison, thanks for ur help. I found the problem is because that the customer satisification autommation is in Chinese, already solved! Thx!

  • Pablo Payet

    Hi there,

    I am trying to create an automation to send a "thank you" message to customers who have given a good rating. How can I do that?

    I also would like to add a link to trustpilot in the message.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Yue Yue

    Hi everyone,

    I have a question about the labguage of auto reply customers satisfication.

    For example, request 33 has already been solved, and after 24hrs, the customer will receive a satisfication email like this.

    Why there are Chinese characters, I didn't set any language other than English, and these Chinses mean: "Hi Yue, we are glad to hear your response... Here is a link..."

    Is it beacuse the language of my laptop is Chinses so the email just auto translate the language?

    Thank you!

  • Vincent Aditya

    Hello I would like to ask about assigning tickets and their respective satisfaction rating.
    For example, we have 2 Customer service lets call them A and B.
    Customer service A received a bad rating by a customer and then the ticket is solved and CS A went off work which means he cannot reply to the ticket anymore.
    Customer Service B clocked in and take The customer of CS A and replied to the ticket and solved the problem but the customer did not change his rating. So the ticket is solved and then closed.

    Now in this scenario the satisfaction rating goes to who? does it go to A or B? or does it go to both?

  • Vincent Aditya

    谢谢so muchAudrey Ann Cipriano, Do have one more question if you don't mind. Currently since as per your answer, the last CS that put the ticket as solved will get the bad rating. I have a few cases where the ticket was closed but our customer can still rate the ticket bad and then it will count as a bad rating for a new ticket. Is there a workaround for this?

    And thank you, i will make the ticket in the feedback :)

  • Audrey Ann Cipriano
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiDamara Allenyou can definitely exclude specific customers from receiving CSAT. In your case, the best you can do here is by adding an exclusion tag to your CSAT trigger/automation.

    For example, In your CSAT automation, add the conditionTicket: Tags | Contains none of the following |no_csat

    Then you can add this tag on specific tickets that you don't want to send the CSAT to.

    More infohere. Hope this helps! :)

  • Ariane Frances dela Cruz
    Hi Zidane,

    The survey answer and questions are localised into the user’s location data here’s a reference article for thatThe end user experience. You can check and change the visitor’s language in the information panel from SupportSetting and detecting a user's language.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.
  • Richard Rijo Almeida

    Hi ! Great post and thanks for sharing .

    Actually, I'm using a placeholder to send a CSAT survey on WhatsApp support in status Solve Ticket, but Zendesk offers a native CSAT to WhatsApp or another option ?

    I try to find anything like Chat Like / dislike

  • Jupete Manitas
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Pablo, thanks for writing in! Are you trying to fire the update to your users after the CSAT was received? Because it looks like the closest feature is the trigger. You set a trigger that will fire every time an action is made to the ticket which is a Good rating is applied to it. Please see the screenshot for the sample trigger conditions.

    Thank you and we hope this information helps!

  • Hannah Voice

    Hi there,

    We're hoping to configure CSAT ratings for Facebook private messages and Twitter DMs.

    Is this setup only compatible with Agent Workspace + Social Messaging (i.e. social channels that are added underAdmin Center>Messaging and social>Messaging), or would it work for social channels that are configured the old way (i.e. added underAdmin Center>Channels>Messaging and social>Facebook Pages/Twitter accounts?


  • Demo Admin B2B Club


    when a customer initiates a chat through Instagram Direct, they will not receive the CSAT until the ticket is closed. But if the ticket is assigned to another group for follow-up via email, then at the end, the customer will receive 2 CSAT questions? 1 On Instagram (trigger) and one via email (automation)?

  • Barbara Brauner


    Is there a way to limit social messaging CSAT to be sent only once in XX days? Thanks.

  • Barbara Brauner

    Hi Scott,

    We regularly communicate with the same requesters via social messaging tickets (Whatsapp). It might get a little annoying for the requester to receive a CSAT survey after each conversation.


  • Audrey Ann Cipriano
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HelloVincent Aditya:)

    The satisfaction rating will go to Customer Service B as the satisfaction rating will always be associated with the last assignee of the ticket.

    Customer Service B can reassign the ticket back to the original assignee to receive the CSAT before setting the ticket to solved.

    You can also create a report that identifies the assignee of a ticket at the time the CSAT was given. For more information and instructions, please visit:Explore recipe: Determine ticket assignee when satisfaction rating is given.

    I hope this helps!

  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    HiNachammai Ranganathan,

    At the moment the satisfaction reason is optional and there's no native way to make it a mandatory field in the Customer Satisfaction Surveys.

    I've taken a look and found that other users are discussing similar needs here:


    You can up-vote that original post and add your detailed use-case to the conversation. Threads with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.

  • Damara Allen

    Is there a way for our support team to turn off ratings for individual users? For instance, we have people looking to apply and they often give us a bad rating if we redirect them to our recruiting email. It would be great to be able to opt them out of the satisfaction survey.

  • Dainne Lucena
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiJake Smith

    Currently, the CSAT text cannot be customized even on our end since this is by design. It's not yet on the roadmap for Messaging at the moment which you can check outhere. I would recommend weighing in your use case inthis反馈。与高水平of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.

  • Anton M.

    When we can expect the feature will work in other languages as well?
    We have to disable it as CSAT messages were re-opening tickets.

  • Jake Smith


    If we can't change the copy can you change it for us? The way it is currently worded makes it sound like the person can ask another question. When they do ask another question nothing is happening because they are at the end of the flow.



  • Frank de Groot

    We have enabled a couple of choices the users can select so we can get more information on why users clicked on the CSAT Bad experience. We're seeing a lot of bad experience replies where no comment is added and that does not help us a lot in analyzing the 'why'.

    我想知道我们可以使这些选项/ choices mandatory for users to select, is that possible? Also, would it be possible to make adding a comment mandatory if one of those options is selected?



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