Can I report on agent availability in Zendesk Talk?

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  • Allison Ramsey-Henry

    Is this on the roadmap? This is a must-have for our team. How can we monitor the trend of our team availability without reporting?

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Allison,

    Here's the product feedback thread about this – I'd recommend you upvote, follow, and add any comments you have there. Currently our product team is in the discovery phase of planning for this feature, and additional feedback is most welcome!Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability
  • Chaimiao Wu

    Is this on the roadmap? This is a must-have for our team. How can we monitor the trend of our team availability without reporting?
    >>+1, we need this in Explore

  • Jay Gianan

    hello team, does this mean the agent state on the reporting is not a good way to monitor agent state at any given time? considering that Online both pertains to on a call, or available? im looking for a specific way to monitor our agents activity real time (know how many agents are available to answer call at any given time) , at the same time, acquire reporting on these details as well. hope someone can help

  • Eli Phillips

    Hi everyone, we are using ZD Professional. For us, agent availability doesn't show at all on the "Talk" tab--instead, it shows on the "Talk Live" tab. If you're just looking for a way to see which agents are currently online and available to take calls, this is the place to go.

    Of course, being able to report on historical availability data over time (without making an API call) would be a great feature as well.

  • Dekbi
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Joyce,

    Here's the product feedback thread about this – I'd recommend you upvote, follow, and add any comments you have there. Currently, our product team is in the discovery phase of planning for this feature, and additional feedback is most welcome!Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability.


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