Using custom ticket fields and ticket forms with the Web Widget (Classic)

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  • Avery Tritch

    I don't have any option in Channel -> Widget to add Custom Ticket Fields to the Contact Form. Where can I activate this?

  • Nara
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for writing in. At this time with the Classic Web Widget out-of-the-box, there is no way to offer different ticket forms based on specific end-user credentials. That said, it is possible to surface specific forms in the widget's code itself using custom code, via theticketForms section of the Web Widget's Settings Reference here.However, custom scripting on the page will need to be implemented outside of ZD in order to determine what forms to then surface based on the end user's credentials which falls outside of our scope of support here.
  • Elaine
    Zendesk Customer Care

    You should be able to add a checkbox custom ticket field on the widget by making sure of the following:

    1. The checkbox field is active from the list of your ticket fields (Admin > Manage > Ticket Fields)
    2. The ticket field is added into the form where you intend to use and show it to the end-users (Admin > Manage > Ticket Forms)
    3. From theAdmin > Channels > Web Widget (Classic)under the specific brand where you're using the ticket form with the checkbox field, toggle enabled for Ticket forms
    4. Choose the checkbox field from the list of custom ticket fields together with the rest of the custom ticket fields you intend to show to your end-users
    5. Click theSavebutton under the particular brand

    As a guide, please do check the screenshot below on what it's supposed to look like:

    Hope this helps! Keep safe!
  • Elijah

    Are there any plans to support multi-select ticket fields in the web widget? Not being able to use all ticket fields in the web widget is a major drag.

  • Raphaël Péguet -

    Hi Zendesk Team,

    It would be nice to write/explain in the field creation interface that it is not possible to add this kind of fields (date, multiple selection, regex) in the web widget. We have to do it to know it..

    Best regards,

  • Brandon Jones

    So what if we want to make it so that the web widget does not display certain forms unless someone is logged into our site and their site login username (email address) matches their Zendesk login username (email address)?

    Example, we have our HC code edited so that only logged in users with certain user tags can see certain forms. Is there a way to make the classic web widget mirror this?

  • Manny Ordoveza

    I cannot see a "custom ticket field" in the widget customization settings.

  • Mihir Zalavadiya

    In the Form Can we give read-only permission in custom field??
    If yes how?

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Usman!

    No, you can't change a field label that way, but you can use JavaScript to change the label in a ticket field -- here's an example that changes the labels of the Subject and Description fields, but you can do the same for a custom field by substitutingfor=request_custom_fields_{id}_labelwith the id for that custom field (no brackets), in place offor=request_subject:Rename the "Subject" and "Description" labels on the Request form
  • Usman Saeed

    Can i change the custom field label name using this script like prefill?

  • Usman Saeed

    Okay Thanks for the HelpChristopher Kennedy

  • Jim
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Roman,

    I'm afraid to say that it's not possible to set the ticket's Assignee using the Web Widget, at this time. The only functionality that can help you route or assign automatically the ticket to a particular assignee, is the use ofTrigger.我们鼓励您关于th提交反馈is, by visiting thislink


    Customer Advocacy Team
  • Usman Saeed

    Christopher KennedyThanks for the update.

    Any reason why we can't change custom field title/label for end users using Web Widget API Script.

  • Christopher Kennedy
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy
    Hi Usman,

    Thehintproperty allows you to specify the field's description, but it won't change the field's title/label within the widget. You may set theTitle shown to customersvalue in the ticket field's settings to display your desired field title to end-users.
  • Christopher Kennedy
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy
    The widget doesn't provide the same degree of UI customization that is possible in Help Center. Depending on your use case, it may be a helpful strategy to prioritize configuring the customer-facing ticket field title to what is expected within the widget. Then if you expect it to be different within Help Center, you have the ability to change it via Javascript.

  • Huy Tran

    How to pre-populate fields in Answer Bot form?

  • Christopher Kennedy
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy
    No problem :)
  • Adam Prince

    We have SLAs tied to assigned Priority values, we can make that an available field in the form shown through the Web Widget?

  • Roman Alekseiev

    Is it possible to set assignee from Web Widget?

    I tried to set id of assignee custom field but it still assigns ticket to whole group. Maybe it is because of triggers, I do not know

  • Usman Saeed

    Thank you@...

    I can change the custom field label for help center ticket form using this line of code: $('label[for=request_custom_fields_30057292]').html("Rename label");

    But i want to change the custom field label for web widget.
    here is the code i use to change the description and custom field hint

    For web widget how can i change the custom field label using above script.

  • Good pointRaphaël Péguet - wonder if a list exists somewhere of what fields work in the classic web widget. Maybe hidden in the help centre.

    Nice clear article listing what works and doesn't that will help us self solve rather than spend time building the form, checking in the widget, not seeing the field appear, spend 30 mins researching why it doesn't appear (with no clear answer) and then possibly raising a ticket. Perfect chance to enhance Zendesk Self Service.

  • William Grote

    添加一个复选框的方式吗?我们只使用小部件for sales question on our product web pages, but none the less, lots of support related chats come in, and we want an easy way to differentiate these at the beginning of the process?

  • Christopher Kennedy
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy
    Hi Usman,

    It's not possible in a script using the Web Widget APIs. The widget will display the title of the field from admin settings.
  • mfg

    You can custom a limited number/selection of forms by adding the snippet for the widget to a different brand.

    We have 10 forms total. Brand A has 8 forms associated with it. We only want to focus on 3 of them to show up in the Help Center widget. I created a Brand B that we don't actually use, associated those 3 forms with it, and used the snippet for the Brand B widget to embed it on Help Center A.

    You'd probably want to have a trigger in place to change the brand back to A, and will need assignment triggers updated if you're using brand as a condition, but this allows you to have the subset of forms you're customizing for.


  • Diogo Maciel
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Adam! On the widget unfortunately you can only add custom fields aside from the defined default ones. This could still achieve your goal, as you can create a custom "Priority" field that changes the system Priority field via a trigger. More details about triggers can be found in the article below
  • Anne Ronalter
    Zendesk Customer Care

    the following sentence has now been added to the article stating which fields do not work:

    "Regular expression, Date, and Multi-select custom fields cannot be used in the Web Widget (Classic)."
  • Usman Saeed

    Christopher KennedyThanks for reply.

    Can I change the field's title/label using web widget script? like we do change hint/description for any field.


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