How migrating to messaging impacts Chat settings

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  • iight u l

    good day, i need to say this is not a good update

    First, my shortcuts all gone, and i cannot view incoming chat's content before click "conversation" to serve customer.

    also, some message are missing, how can i find out the setting to see location of customer. if i don't click conversation to serve a customer, i cannot see how long this customer wait?

    Original page is clear to see all the information, and now i cannot find an option to go back to old version, quite a sad story for me.....

  • Prakruti Hindia
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Apologies for the late response.


    消息,不像聊天,可以让你的客户reach out to your business, even when agents are offline. These messages create tickets which can be found under Unassigned Tickets View. Messaging specific View can be created with Channel is Messaging. Your admins can triage these tickets to the agents. Agents will be able to respond to your customers. Your customers will see the agent's response when they revisit your website.

    You can setup auto-responders to set expectations on response time / business hours using Chat Triggers with condition : Account status is Offline.

  • Prakruti Hindia
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Enabling messaging does not impact shortcuts. Is this still an issue ?

    'Conversation' is used to notify the agents whenever there is new messaging ticket waiting in their queue. Can tell me more about how the content of conversation is useful for picking up conversations in the queue?

    Messaging can be disabled from Admin Centre > Channels. More information can be foundhere.

  • Arpan Nagdeve
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Chat conversations API will continue to work for messaging in agent workspace. Few callouts
    一)chatbot built using CCAPIs will not be invoked automatically once you enable messaging experience for a brand.

    b) CCAPIs for non-chatbot use cases will continue to function and we are not filtering messaging conversation from CCAPIs.

    If you still see a need for invoking CCAPI based bot, you can run a support trigger and assign the conversation to CCAPI based bot though this is not a recommendation from Zendesk side because a visitor will see Answer bot interaction followed by CCAPI based bot. Correct workaround for this would be building chat bot using sunshine conversation APIs.

  • Oscar Maynard

    I understand that there's no buttons for CSAT in the Messaging web widget, but is it possible to collect this via an email trigger? i.e. in the same way we would to collect CSAT from an email ticket please?

  • Ayush Upadhyay
    Zendesk Product Manager


    I am happy to let you know that we have enabled CSAT collection for Zendesk messaging. You can check details in the articlehere.


  • Oscar Maynard

    Fantastic news@...! Thanks for remembering me. :)

  • Megan Lalock

    I am running into an issue where the broadcast notification is going to ALL chat agents online and NOT just the agents that are for that specific Brand where the chat is being initiated. How can I limit what agents get the notifications since we don't have agents working across multiple brands?

  • Inspectorio Inc.

    So is it not possible in Zendesk Workspace suite to route certain skills for specific agents? As chat routing is disabled for messaging? What are our alternatives?

  • Prakruti Hindia
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Maurice,

    Routing to a specific group of agents based on the type of customer, nature of issue etc is supported for Messaging.

    You can follow the steps outlined inthis sectionof the article. Skills-based routing is not supported at the moment. It is on our roadmap.

    I am also curious to hear how do you group your agents and how would you like to route messaging conversations.

    - Prakruti

  • James Connor

    Does the trigger for incoming Zendesk chats actually work?!
    The conditions are any incoming chats are on the Answer Bot Channel OR Zendesk Brand.
    Surely this isn't correct.
    Kind regards,

  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi James,

    The trigger serves as a workaround to assign any chat ticket to the chat bot. In the condition statement, just setBrand|Is|[name of your brand]so that the trigger will run on tickets under the brand where Messaging is enabled.


  • CJ Johnson

    • No more than 6,000 concurrent visitors with 300,000 total visitors per day
      Is this directly on the help center, or does this visitor limit apply to anywhere the widget is embedded?
      Is it on the roadmap to increase these traffic limits?
  • CJ Johnson

    Will Skills Based Routing be supported for Messaging in the future?

    Is there any update on when CSAT for messaging will be available? 9 months ago it was going to be "soon".

    Is there any update on when attachments from end users will be available? It was mentioned it would be "Sometime in the middle of the year" five months ago.

  • Aimee Spanier
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    CJ Johnson:

    CSAT ratings are available for messaging. SeeAbout CSAT ratings in Zendesk messaging.

    Skills-based routing and attachments are still being worked on. I don't have an ETA for either feature, but maybe someone else can chime in on that?

  • CJ Johnson

    Messaging tickets conversations created when agents are offline are sent to the Unassigned tickets view or the agent’s Group view.

    There's no such thing as "the agent's Group view", and tickets cannot be "sent" to a view. A ticket can have fields set to make it appear in a view or set of views, but to say "tickets are sent to specific views" is explicitly not how the product works or how views work. Tickets are not sent -- They either show in a view because they meet the conditions, or they do not, and they can appear in many views simultaneously. To say they are sent implies that they would not show up in other views or be available to other agents in other groups, and that's just not at all true or how the system works at all.
    Is the expectation that everyone uses views where the group is the main controlling factor in what tickets show?
    This isn't remotely how the vast majority of our views are set up, and I think we'd have to rework literally every view to prevent in-progress Messages from just popping up all over the place.

  • Pavlo Zaporozkyi


    Should Chat Conversations API subscription to incoming messages still work when using Zendesk Messaging? Like when a visitor transfers a conversation to an agent or writes a new message.


  • Md Arshad


  • Giuseppe
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Pavio,

    I've reached out to our Product Experts about your query and received advice that Chat Conversations API is in maintenance mode and we highly recommend switching toSunshine Conversations代替。有高几率的API subscriptions through Chat Conversations API are no longer supported/will no longer be supported.

  • Anton Verhelst

    Will there be any form of live dashboard for Messaging? Within Business hours I'd like my agents to provide live chat support using Messaging, but when moving to Messaging I seem to lose the overview of currently served chats, chats in queue + waiting time etc.

    (we run a webshop and people still want to contact us directly through chat to change delivery details, order details, check for delivery date,...)

  • Yvonne Uder

    Can anyone here confirm, what details of this article are still up to date? I see that it was last updated in October 2021 - seems that starting November 2021 it was more and more often recommended to go with "Messaging" and not "Widget Classic" > in this article I do see many reasons to consider the Classic Version and not the "newer Messaging"

    反馈一般在这里Zendesk团队:智慧亚博h all the various product updates, it can get quiet overwhelming in your help center here. Maybe in the future, when tools/features are updated, consider removing/editing all relevant articles on that topic ;)

  • Aimee Spanier
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Hi,Yvonne Uder. This article is specific to customers using Zendesk Chat who are migrating (or considering migrating) to messaging, as mentioned in the introduction. That process hasn't changed, so I believe it is currently up-to-date. It's not intended to convince anyone to switch from live chat in Web Widget (Classic) to the Web Widget for messaging, but we do have some documentation that can help clarify the differences, if that's what you're looking for:

    Rest assured the documentation team does its best to keep up with the changes to Zendesk products and functionality, and of course we never intentionally leave outdated information in our help center. If you come across an error in our documentation, please let us know by leaving a comment with the specifics so we can fix it. Meanwhile, I'll run this by the messaging development team to make sure it's still accurate.


  • Cristiano Morgado

    Will the Zopim API still work with Messaging?

  • Christine
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Cristiano,

    Zopim is now known as Zendesk Chat. The REST API will continue to work as expected and there are no changes in terms of functionality. In Messaging, some Chat APIs are not supported as described in this section aboveHow Zendesk messaging impacts Chat APIs.
  • Fiona

    Moving to Messaging, how can we see how many online visitors we currently have? That was also useful to know. Thanks!


  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Fiona,

    Using the new Messaging and Agent Workspaces, one of these limitations is that the Chat dashboard will not be able to display a detailed visualization of your active visitors, like you were able to see previously.

    Only ongoing conversations are shown in the Dashboard. More information can be found inLimitations in the Zendesk Agent Workspace.

    I encourage you to create a new post in theGeneral Product Feedback topicin our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning. Thank you!


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