Merging leads or contacts

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  • Zak Wilkowski

    When merging leads/contacts, are both Lead Properties and Communication (recorded calls, emails etc.) copied over to the new lead/contact?

  • Dion
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Zak,

    Yes, all lead properties and communications will be copied over to the new lead or contact after merging.



  • Ivan

    As you say:Sell creates a new custom field called Email#1. But can I then search by this new custom field? I tried to find contacts with some email and requested[Email#1]=some_email, but it show me all data.


    I forgot about url encoding. When I request

    all works fine!

  • Dion
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Ivan,

    The following custom field types are supported for filtering using the Core API: Single Line Text, Number, Dropdown or Multi-Select

    You may use the Search API to search/filter for email type custom fields but this requires you to have Sell's Elite Plan.

    Hope this helps!



  • Casey McLeod

    需要多长时间对所有通信莫ve over when you merge a contact? I merged 1 contact as a test because I was worried about losing information. The new contact business description was not updated as a custom field and so far none of the emails that were tracked and none of the notes have shown up.

  • Malinda
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Casey,

    The merge should happen fairly quickly. As a result, I have reached out to you in ticket 9719674 to receive more information in order to investigate this closer.

  • Dotun Olubeko

    Hello, our team has been having significant issues merging and losing communications. Perhaps it has something to do with our API, but our team of devs has looked into it and doesn't believe so. Due to the nature of our business, we often receive duplicate contacts. We have since resolved this issue by changing our API but are now in the process of retroactively merging the thousands of duplicates as we found that oftentimes, texts and emails were going to one account, and not the other.

    Unfortunately, during this process, we are noticing that about ~25% of the merges result in the loss of critical emails and texts (although completed tasks still show up). We are not able to discern the rationale behind this and resolve it on our own so it has become a major pain point for our company as a whole. During merging, it seems it will *randomly* prioritize the contact that did not have any communication, and that account overrides the other account that did contain past communications. At the end of the merge, this then leaves an empty wasteland of just completed tasks and none of the communications. Any insight into what might be causing this would be extremely helpful - tia.

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Dotun,

    The best way to isolate this is to manually merge the leads and contacts first. If the same issue persisted even without using API, pleasecontact our support directlyand we'll investigate further.

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