Explore recipe: Getting to know dashboard filters

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  • Alex King


  • Flair Customer Support

    The time filter takes up a lot of real estate on the dashboard. It'd be great if it could be made collapsable.

  • Flair Customer Support

    I found a way to make it collapsible!

    1. Tap the down arrow on the widget to "Edit filters"
    2. Under Display, select "In a drop-down"

    However, when using the widget, if it overlaps a report, the UI doesn't update when you collapse the widget.

  • Rob Stack
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    HiFlair Customer Support, thanks for the feedback. I wasn't able to replicate this behavior in my instance. I'm going to open a ticket on your behalf so the team can investigate this. You should hear back from someone soon. Thanks!

  • Hari Chandana

    Assignee Name Data Filter is showing many irrelevant names in the Dashboard. How do I get the agent names alone in the assignee name data filter?

  • Adam Goodell

    Hi Harichandan, if you have several agents that aren't part of the team you're interested in focusing your filter on then you could use a Set from the Assignee Name attribute and select the specific agents relevant to your filter.

  • shelley

    HiAdam Goodell, I have been having the same issue asHarichandana Pulikandla. Do you mind showing an example of how you would go about seting this up?

  • Hari Chandana

    Hi Adam,

    Are you asking me to apply the filter on the assignee name attribute, so that other names doesn't show up in the Dashboard Filter?

  • Adam Goodell

    See the section on creating sets in Zendesks' articleOrganizing values by groups and sets. Select the users you want to include. Then in your report add the Set you created.

  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Harichandan, it is expected behavior for end users to show in your list of assignees when you add theAssignee namefilter from theSupport: Tickets [default]dataset to a dashboard. This is a product of the way the dataset is currently structured.

    To ensure only agents appear in theAssignee namefilter, you can do two different workarounds mentioned in this helpful article -Why do end users show in my assignee filter on my dashboard?

  • Paul Spencer


    I have a KPI dashboard but I want to send these out to my agents. I am aware I will have to create a copy of the dashboard for John, a copy for Frank and a copy for Paul. However when I set the filters to Paul and schedule the dashboard to be sent by email.

    When I received the dashboard the results were not filtered. How do you filter a dashboard so it can be scheduled? Without filtering each of the reports that make up the dashboard?


  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Paul,

    For each dashboard, you should set aBookmarkto designate the specific filter for it which will then be sent to your agents.

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