Using the Slack for Zendesk Support integration

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  • Bobby Koch

    Any update on custom ticket forms?

  • Kyle Kelly

    Hello@...andDavid Gillespie, is there any update to the custom fields in slack when submitting this form? its been about a year since David's reply

  • Sean Bourke
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiBobby KochandKyle Kelly,

    Thanks for your feedback. It would be great to understand some additional information regarding how you are using custom forms today, as well as how your users/customers are creating tickets from Zendesk. I will share a private message to connect.

  • Mo Shujaat

    Hello Zendesk Team,

    is it planned to allow for different forms to be selected when creating a ticket in Zendesk via Slack?

  • Sean Bourke
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HeyMo Shujaat,

    The team is currently working on significant improvements to Slack notifications and the admin experience. Similar to my earlier response, it would be great to connect and understand how you are using forms in Zendesk today. I'll share a private message to connect.

  • Bryan Collins

    Is there a way to notify a user in Slack either via a channel or DM when they've been assigned a ticket?

  • Sean Bourke
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HeyBryan Collins,

    At the moment we support channel notifications based upon support group assignment. We are working on some improvements to Slack notifications which should support more refined notification criteria (i.e. individual assignees), however this is likely to still only support channel notifications.

    Once we have more information available, I'll update this thread.

  • 詹姆斯Delmerico

    @...we'd like our customers using shared Slack channels to be able to create Zendesk support tickets directly but either define a single assignee group per channel the ticket gets assigned to (and remove it from the form) or limit the number of groups available. Is this possible?

  • Sean Bourke
    Zendesk Product Manager


    We're working on adding the ability for external customers to open the Zendesk Create Ticket dialogue in Slack. As this currently lists all of the assignable support groups (and there may be some which are internal), we're limiting visibility of this for external customers. If you have organisation mappings established for these customers, you can establish default assignment groups for these customers.

  • 詹姆斯Delmerico

    Thank you@.... Is there a target availability date for this capability?

  • Mia Galletes

    Hi. Is there a way to make the originating Slack message an internal note instead of an external one?

  • geekworld

    Is it possible to connect multiple different Slack instances/tenants to one single Zendesk instant/tenant?

  • Fergal Collins

    We have built a seamless integration between Slack and ZenDesk using Tines that can create cases, update cases in threads, and run a full support channel via our console in ZenDesk back to our customers in Slack.

    If you have bespoke notification requirements, the integration can be built with Tines

  • Patrycja Wilkosz

    I am looking at the FAQ and I am interested in this one in particular.

    If I create a new ticket from Slack, can other users on the channel see it?

    Anyone on the channel can see the created tickets.

    Is there a possibility to turn this option off in all channels but have users create a ticket in all the channels?

    I would be grateful for any tips!

    Many thanks!

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Patrycja,

    I have tested the integration directly on my end and as it turns out, this option is not available.
  • Hannah Ehrlich

    Hi team,

    Our product org is interested in getting a monthly or weekly updates on the common tags added to tickets in some relevant slack channels so they can stay updated on what users are messaging in about. It sounds like the ZD-Slack integration doesn't do any work with tags, however. Can you confirm this?

    Do you think Zapier would manage this, if the Zendesk app doesn't?



  • Justin

    If we create a ticket from within slack, I know it shows the general info that a ticket was created - but is there a way to also post in that same slack thread updates made to that ticket? Or is the conversation then taken offline/out of slack and relying on email communication with the requester?

  • Sean Bourke
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HeyHannah Ehrlich,

    The Zendesk Slack Integration doesn't currently work with tags or scheduled messaging. While we're working on adding broader compatibility for other Zendesk ticket criteria, it will still be constrained to ticket events (such as Triggers).

    I'm wondering if there's a way to achieve the reporting from within Zendesk Explore and distribute it to the relevant groups throughscheduled reporting?

  • Sean Bourke
    Zendesk Product Manager


    We've recently announced theSlack Direct Messaging EAPwhich supports a DM conversational experience in Slack.

    We're also working on improvements to our notification engine to ensure that related ticket updates are threaded to support continued context. While these tickets would still rely on email for communications, updates could still be provided in context to the original ticket creation Slack message.

  • Chinua Katchy

    我想问如果表单用于创建抽搐kets via slack can be changed or if custom fields can be added to the form. We would also like the option for our users to upload an attachment when creating tickets via slack

  • Meg Gunther

    Hello, I've seen this question asked but do not see it answered, we currently have two slack instances. We do not have a plan to integrate them now, but need both to be able to link in to one single Zendesk instance. Is this possible?

    Also what is the state of custom forms, we have several that we would like to use. If needed i can jump on a call and give our use cases

  • Sean Bourke
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HeyChinua Katchy,

    Thanks for your feedback regarding ticket forms and attachments, I've captured this. At the moment, we don't have any active plans to implement customisation in the form used in Slack. If this changes, we will let you know.

  • Sean Bourke
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HeyMeg Gunther,

    Zend亚博esk松弛集成目前支持the ability to connect multiple Slack workspaces to a single Zendesk account. Just install the app on each of these workspaces and complete the installation process. You can configure each of these within their associated Slack workspace.

    Thanks for your feedback regarding ticket forms, I've captured this. At the moment, we don't have any active plans to implement customisation in the form used in Slack. If this changes, we will be in touch to explore your use case.

  • Jeannette Räntfors


    Is it possible to change the layout/configuration for the ticket notification itself in Slack?

    In addition to requester name, we would like to see the organization name. Or if not possible to see both, only the name of the organization.

  • Sean Bourke
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HeyJeannette Räntfors,

    While the content of Slack notifications is currently fixed today, we're currently working on some enhancements which will support customisation of notification content.

  • Jeannette Räntfors

    Hi Sean,

    Thanks for quick reply.

    And nice to hear! Then looking forward to that possibility.

  • Lior e


    We have enabled the integration of tickets into Slack Connect channels with clients.

    Generally, in our ticketing system, we make the severity menu obligatory for anyone to submit a ticket. But the ticket that pops up within Slack channels does not include that field. Is there a way to customise the ticket form to include it?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Sean Bourke
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HeyLior e,

    Thanks for sharing your use case. The ticket form in Slack does not current have the ability to display custom fields. I've captured your feedback for future consideration.

  • Lior e

    Thanks for the reply@.... Given that severity is a basic field of any ticket, instead of developing customization, would it be possible to add it to the template ticket across the board? That should also be much lighter work.

  • Tom Walker

    为什么链接文本部分不通用t transferred when you create a ticket via the integration?

    Eg:This is a test linkthat will not be clickable when you create a ticket from it, it will just be the text.


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