How can I hide the email transcript option in the chat menu?

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  • Alison Seas

    Hi Dainne,

    Thanks for your prompt reply, we are on Legacy Zendesk Chat account, does this script you mention work? Is it just add anywhere or is there any structure we should follow?

    We tried but it didn't work.

    I remain attentive and thank you again!

  • Dainne Lucena
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiAlison Seas,

    You'd need to add it after the widget code itself so it should look something like this:

  • Alison Seas


    Does this apply to all Zendesk subscriptions or are there exceptions?

    When I enter my portal to the widgets --> manage widgets --> Settings --> Hide widget --> it sends me to this forum and I don't see the option and I don't know if adding it works (

    I remain attentive.

  • Dainne Lucena
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiAlison Seas,

    它取决于你的计划选项the widget section. More information can be found here:Why can’t I find the hide widget option on Chat?.Love's recommendation is more for manually adding this in your widget script in order to hide the emailTranscript. Hope this helps!

  • Alison Seas


    Indeed, it depends on the version the subscription is in, you can hide the widget or not.

    We have had feedback from a case we escalated with zendesk and because of the subscription and the API used, you cannot implement this.

    Attached response:

    "Hi, XX We just received an update from our expert today and he confirmed that what you are using right now is a fairly old widget. We apologize for not recognizing the old LiveChatAPI-js right away. Indeed, you are correct in that the code provided is not intended for use with your current Legacy chat subscription.

    If you are interested in implementing that code correctly, you would need to upgrade to a newer version of Zendesk/Chat to access that functional code and configure the transcript to not appear, or find a custom solution by editing the widget code yourselves to hide this feature.

    You can discuss this with your Account Owner and chat directly with our Sales team."

    This article is useless for legacy accounts.


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