Explore recipe: Reporting on nested drop-down fields

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  • John Burns

    Hi there, my brain my just be foggy but what if we have 4 "levels"? What would category 3 prep look like? I cant seem to sort out in the attribute why its pulling level 2 vs level 3 etc. Thanks.


  • Tom Montgomery

    Great tutorial@..., thank you so much.

    I would like to ask the same question as@..., what would the attributes look like for a 4th level? I've tried and I just can't work the same magic!

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Rob Stack
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    HiJohn BurnsandTom Montgomery, I had to do a little research to get the answer to this so apologies for the delay. Here's what I received back. I hope this helps!

    IF (CONTAINS([Level 2 Prep],"::")) THEN
    SUBSTR([Level 2 Prep],
    FIND([Level 2 Prep],"::",0)+2,
    LENGTH([Level 2 Prep]))

    LEVEL 3:
    IF (CONTAINS([Level 3 Prep],"::")) THEN
    LEFTPART([Level 3 Prep], FIND([Level 3 Prep],"::",0) )
    ELSE [Level 3 Prep] ENDIF

    LEVEL 4:
    IF (CONTAINS([Level 3 Prep],"::")) THEN
    SUBSTR([Level 3 Prep],FIND([Level 3 Prep],"::",0)+2,LENGTH([Level 3 Prep]))

  • Theodore Wolf

    Hey Team,


    Is there anyways we could report onjustthe level 3? Or would you recommend just hiding those lower levels in the chart configuration?

    And could I potentially layer this with:https://support.亚博zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052540974-Explore-recipe-Excluding-tickets-closed-by-merge


  • Tom Montgomery


    If I understand what you need correctly, it's actually pretty simple. Once you have setup all the levels above, just add "[name of level 3]" to the column or row and it will only show values that come under that category.

    I hope that helps!

  • Theodore Wolf


    Essentially we want to just show the level 3, as its the "meat and potatoes" of our reporting.

    Im curious if you'd know, could we modify the initial metric to just show solved tickets and exclude the "closed_by_merge" tag?

    We want to use this as a way to track agents solved tickets, and I think a hybrid of this post andthis onewould do a great job.


  • Tom Montgomery

    Hey Theodore,

    We do exactly that - we exclude the tag. It works like a charm.

    I set this up almost a year ago and it took under an hour from what I remember. It's definitely worth doing.

    To exclude the tag, open up your query and under "filters" add ticket tags then type closed_by_merge in the search bar. Make sure "Excluded" is selected.

    Then, you can add "Level 3" in the Columns section and it will look something like this:

    Note: in this example I also filtered by brand to reduce the sample size.

    I hope that helps!

  • Theodore Wolf


    I've tried using this setup in the past, but after spot checking a few tickets, it would still include some that had the tag. Did you do any custom metrics on this query?

  • Tom Montgomery

    No problem@...,

    I have noticed that too. We ignore that issue as the data gives us a good overview - a few additional merge tickets is not a huge problem to us. The solution in the article you shared above might be your best bet.

    Maybe one of the Zendesk team can give some more insight into why the exclude tag feature is not 100% reliable.

  • Rob Stack
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Hi Tom Montgomery, I wasn't completely sure so I've opened a ticket so someone on the team can investigate. Hopefully, you'll here from someone soon.

  • Salim Moumouni

    Let's say I have three level 1 categories, website help, information update and Technical issue.

    • Website help::Navigation
    • Website help::login
    • Website help::signup
    • Information update::Name
    • Information update::dob
    • Information update::Address
    • Technical Issue::Payment
    • Technical Issue::Order

    How would I roll up level 2s and level threes into the 3 main categories? Like the below

  • PT Dadlani

    Hi there -

    Related question here, what if you want to report on the aggregate of your top level categories and the first category is not a constant? For example, we have a Product Area field that has nesting implemented that looks like:

    Product 1:: Sub Product :: Sub Sub Product (so on and so forth)

    Product 1 :: Sub Product 2 :: Sub Sub Product 2

    Product 2:: Sub Product :: Sub Sub Product

    I want to be able to pull aggregated ticket volume for all the top level categories. The formula in this article presumes the top level category is the same for all entries - but in our case it is not. Any advise or solution is appreciated.

  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care

    The formula described above should allow you to report on top level items, even if you have multiple top level categories. Here's a sample set of nested dropdown field values and how the data will look like in Explore.

  • Vera B


    My custom field name isCategorywith by 5 categories, sub and sub-sub. I followed the formula:

    IF (CONTAINS([Category],"::")) THEN
    ELSE [Category] ENDIF

    But nothing appears only what looks like old tags. Any idea what else I can try?

  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Vera,

    We may need to take a look at the report saved in your Explore. Let me create a ticket for you.
  • Ankit Bhatia

    Hi Gab,

    I am trying to extract first level and second level and nothing appears in the report for me too.

  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Ankit,

    It may be worth checking if you have another ticket or user field with an identical name. You can check out this guide:My custom ticket field attribute is not returning any results.

    Let us know if this resolved the issue, or you canget in touchwith the Customer Care team if you need further help. Thanks!
  • Clifford Swall

    Hello, is there a video on this or a deeper explanation?

    I have a gigantic tree that has over 200+ combinations that are all connected through conditional formatting.

    The tree is the contact reason a customer is contacting our support team about.

    Essentially there's 1 field that breaks into 10 smaller fields, and each of those smaller fields have sub fields that can go 6 levels deep, but not all go that far, some of them just 3 or 4.

    Is the top most field Level 1 and the lowest field level 6?

    I'd like to set up a report that is similiar to a pivot table in Excel where each level rolls up to a larger level which rolls up to a larger level and finally up to the top most level


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