Setting up the Zendesk Support for HubSpot integration

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  • Andrea B


    Is it possible to recover old tickets from Zendeskl to have the historical record on Hubspot?

  • David Gillespie
    Zendesk Product Manager


    Unfortunately this isn't possible through the existing integration but there may be another way to do this.

    Are you able to give some more details about the use case?



  • Andrea B

    We have Hubspot now as our main CRM, and we will be taking from now on our tickets and chats there. I was wondering if we could recover all the tickets we had on Zendesk over Hobspot to keep track of the history we already have.

  • David Gillespie
    Zendesk Product Manager


    Unfortunately there isn't a mechanism to do a bulk historical update of ticket events from Zendesk to Hubspot within the current integration.

    I've added this as a feature request for the integration.



  • Taylor Wilson

    It seems this only pushes tickets when the submitter is a contact in Hubspot. Would be great if this integration would recognize the "Requester" and push to that contact's timeline.

  • Firstbeat Technologies Oy

    Can I sync Support tickets to the Company timeline or the Deal view?

    Currently, you can only display tickets in the contact timeline.

    Where can I upvote this as a feature? We would find this very useful for us.

  • Anh Le

    This is a very bad integration between too big SaaS companies. The contacts don't even sync the First name and last name and you don't update it for 5 years.

  • David Gillespie
    Zendesk Product Manager


    Thank you for your feedback on the integration.

    I've captured your requests as feature requests for the product and will let you know if and when we decide to build these into the integration.



  • Shachar Heymann

    Is this integration still working?

    havent seen any comment for 3 years and syncing is not working on my side

  • Ronen Isaac


    This integration just stopped working around the time the vulnerability was announced and we need it. How can we get this integration to send tickets to Hubspot. I followed the below. Thank you.

    I can’t see the tickets events in my HubSpot account.

    Confirm that you reach the setup complete page for Zendesk.

    Make sure you are using the latest version of HubSpot CRM. Consult with a HubSpot specialist in case you need help upgrading to the latest version.

    Make sure that the Zendesk checkbox is ticked in the “Filter timeline…” drop down list.

  • Adrian Joseph Magboo
    Zendesk Employee

    Hi Nala!

    Could you please share more context with what's happening when you say syncing is not working? Yes, this integration still works as mentioned here but a Support ticket may be needed to investigate your case.



  • Ad Astra

    Are there plans for the ability to sync contact information from HS to Zendesk?

  • David Gillespie
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Melody,

    Syncing contact information isn't currently on the roadmap but it would be great to know more about your use case. What details did you want to sync and how did you want to use the data?



  • Ad Astra

    What is the Invocation ID on the Activity tab of the HubSpot Integration webhook?

  • Beto
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hello Melody, thank you for your question!

    This gets to be a little technical, but the invocation ID is an identifier for the call of the webhook. It is not unique to the Hubspot Integration, meaning that all Webhook calls will have an invocation ID. The important thing here is that, if you ever see a webhook that failed, and you contact us, the invocation ID for that failed call will help us when looking through our logs to find the root cause of the problem

    I hope this was helpful!

  • Jan Helge Hagland


    See there is an answer for it in the FAQ.
    But are there plans for sync/ show Support tickets in Company timeline?
    Any known workaround?

  • Silvana Andrade


    Is it possible to create tickets in Zendesk from HubSpot?

    假设我们有一个客户支持请求我们need to send to Zendesk.


  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Jan and Silvana,

    This integration has limitedfunctionalitybut we don't have any timeline on when we can add more. If it doesn't serve your use case, we have several Third party apps in theMarketplacethat you can try.
  • Corbin Bohne

    Please stop setting HubSpot lifecycle stage to "Lead" for contacts created by the integration. This interferes with lead reporting in HubSpot. Instead, use the "Subscriber" lifecycle stage or don't set one at all.

  • Avery Tritch

    Are there any plans to sync Zendesk Ticket Objects with HubSpot Ticket Objects? I don't think Zendesk is maximizing its opportunities with this integration given Hubspot's selection of standard objects today. I would be open to discussing this with Zendesk's engineering team.

    It makes way more sense for Zendesk Tickets to be created as Hubspot Tickets than as an activity at the contact level. When managing a customer account, it's too cumbersome to review each contact to see Zendesk's activities. You can't measure effectively even using custom reporting activity at the Company/Deal level. However, you could if Zendesk Tickets were created as Hubspot Tickets.

  • John Wells

    "At this time, only the user's email address is synced from Zendesk. First and last name are not synced."

    Is this still the case? Our HubSpot admin would like the users' names synced as well. Is there a way to accomplish this?

  • Christine
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi John,

    This is still the case up to this day. If you have some time, I recommend that you start a post about this in ourFeedback - Platform: Apps & Integrationsusing theProduct Feedback Post Template. Our Product Managers actively monitor our feedback threads, and conversations with high user engagement ultimately get flagged by the team for roadmap planning. Thank you!
  • Lee Linton

    Is it possible to only add tickets opened in a specific queue? For example, I only want to add activity to a contact in HubSpot when a zendesk live chat is opened and the customer choose "Sales Department". Currently and when a live chat is initiated the customer has the option to select multiple departments. When they select "Sales Department" the ticket that is automatically opened is routed to the "Sales Chat" queue. I would like this to trigger adding the live chat or info from the ticket created by the live chat and added to the contact in Hubspot. If the contact does not exist in Hubspot, then create the contact and then add the ticket as an activity.

    This works great for a different CRM that we are migrating out of to Hubspot and trying to find out if it is possible to do the same in Hubspot, rather than adding all tickets to a contact record, only tickets in the sales chat queue.

  • Julio H
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hello Lee,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    At this time, unfortunately, the integration doesn't supportthis workflow.

    I've marked this conversation as product feedback for review, which means that your input will be aggregated as a part of our Voice of the Customer program that provides customer feedback to our product development teams.

    In addition, I encourage you to create a new post in theGeneral Product Feedback topicin our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.

    Specific examples, details about impact, and how you currently handle things are helpful for our product teams to understand the full scope of the need when working on solutions. You may also want to review the Product feedback guidelines and how to write an effective feedback post [].

    We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the forums help influence future Zendesk functionality.
  • Lee Linton

    Just to clarify, in Copper CRM whenever a ZenDesk Live chat is opened, we have it set to auto-open a new internal ticket in Zendesk.

    When the requester (person who opens the chat) chooses "Sales Department" it routes that internal ticket to a queue we created called "Sales Chats" so no other chats from other departments are routed to the sales chat queue. This way allows us to isolate all sales chats into one queue. By doing this and using Zapier and trigger - "new ticket created" and setting parameters to look at the sales chat queue, the Zap then creates/updates contacts in Copper. If the contact is already created, it "skips", if the contact doesn't exsist in Copper it creates the Contact

    Next, using a URL provided by Copper to fetch by email webhook, Zapier then searches for the contact it created or that already existed, and the

    The next "Action" taken is to add activity to the contact that was already existing or that was created by create/update step, and then the zap searched for using fetch by email webhook to identify which record to add the activity to. We can then choose what info we want to add as activity to the Copper record, and this is determined by what info is in the ticket

    For example:
    - Ticket Subject: Chat with John Doe

    -Channel Chat:

    -Assignee: Lee Linton

    Chat Started:

    Chat Ended:


    Just to confirm this is not possible for Hubspot? to add activity to a contact?

  • Julio H
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Lee,

    The integration consist of 3 triggers sending events via webhook to HubSpot. However, the payload can not be modified. The HubSpot integration allows HubSpot users to receive Zendesk ticket events and chat transcripts in the HubSpot's contact timeline.

    If you install the integration, you can review the payload from the trigger's create to review what information will be sent to the HubSpot's contact timeline. However, this can not be modified.

  • Jennifer Gillespie

    Our sync stopped working several months ago and now we just get a "Failed: 500 Internal Server Error" every time Zendesk tries to send an update to Hubspot. I can't find any documentation for how to troubleshoot this and resolve it. Any guidance?

  • David Gillespie
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiJennifer Gillespie,

    Really sorry to hear about this error.

    与连接,可能有一个问题哟u trieddeleting the connectionandreinstalling?

    If this doesn't work, pleasereach out to our customer support teamwho'll be able to get you up and running again quickly!



  • Jennifer Gillespie

    David Gillespie,

    谢谢你的再保险ply. That is the step I have not done yet. I wanted to first reach out to make sure there weren't any other recommendations before giving that a try.

  • Basyl Durnan

    I noticed our Zendesk tickets were not syncing to HubSpot. While checking Zendesk's settings, I can confirm the 3 triggers were added, but I do not see a HubSpot target that was added. Presumably it would appear in Admin > Apps and integrations > Targets? Does the integration app still work with the lastest version of Zendesk?


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