Automating SMS support with Text triggers

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  • Lisa Colpoys

    The article says "Responses to notifications are placed into a Text ticket, like other inbound Text messages. If the end-user's number doesn't currently have an open ticket, a new ticket is created.If the end-user's number does already have an open ticket, the response is added to that existing ticket."

    The part in italics does not seem to be accurate. We are using a work around similar to the one described by Justin above, to text end users who call first (and open a Talk ticket). It is a tedious process, and a new text ticket is ALWAYS created, even if there is an open Talk ticket. How can we have the text response added to the existing Talk ticket?

    当我问这个,它就好了if agents can send SMS messages from Talk tickets without the elaborate work around. Is this feature on the road map and if so, is there a time frame for it? Thanks!

  • Daniël Nieuwendijk

    I would also like to know this. There should be a feature to switch between all channels, including sms text, especially in view of Zendesk's push toward a more unified interface and allowing channel switches.

  • Lindanne Mureu

    You can switch channels if the user has both contact details in place. For us, we can switch from email to WhatsApp if both email and WhatsApp numbers are on the user profile. This is very manual.

    My challenge is, we just subscribed to omnichannel and we have duplication of users because now we have their numbers on WhatsApp but with WhatsApp alias names so very hard to link the two. We thought of deleting and importing our users afresh with both details in place.(and we followed the instructions for bulk importing users).We uploaded a list of 10 as a test but it did not import the user with both number and email. We were back to the same problem.It would be very helpful if we could find a workaround for this.


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