Installing and using the Ticket Field Manager app

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  • Jagan

    Has there been any changes to the SDK that impacts this app? We are seeing the following issue starting Monday.

    Issue 1: The app takes a long time to reflect when the Form is updated. If Form A has multiple mandatory fields and Form B has none, the app shows an error for Form A after changing to Form B.

    问题2:在空抛出一个错误and map frequently.

  • Mike

    Does anybod know the solution for this error?

  • Jagan

    Hi Mike,

    This is one of the issues I reported earlier. This is annoying. We have raised a support case no progress yet.

    Can someone from Zendesk prioritize this? This is very annoying.

  • Shaun Murray

    I would like to hide specific groups in the Assignee field from some groups.

    We have two brands and have some brand-specific groups set up. We have some agents (usually new agents still learning things) in one brand that do need to work with the second brand and would like to hide those brand-specific groups so tickets do not get sent to the wrong group on accident. I have attempted to use this app to hide the groups from the assignee field, it seems like it should work because that field is a drop-down and not a multi-select. What I don't know what are the tags for the different groups? I have tried several things similar to the group names with no success. Is what I am trying to do even possible?

    I have put this under the "Hide dropdown form options" section:

    [{"name": "assignee", "value": "group_name"}]

  • Thomas Lang

    Danedid you ever figure out the error that states cannot read properties of null (reading 'map')

  • Jamie Noell


    We have started facing the same issue:

    "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'map')"

  • Bill Reed

    The issue only occurred for us so far in one very specific circumstance and eventually went away on its own. Never did determine why it occurred.

  • Thomas Lang


    We are still experiencing this.

    Daneis there a root cause, fix for this?

    Very annoying issue.

    Thank you

  • Ronald Suplido Jr
    Hi Julius,

    Thanks for your inquiry! I will be creating a separate ticket to address your concern with the Ticket Field manager app. You can expect a follow-up email from me the soonest. Thanks!


  • ariya sacca utama

    what if i just want to hide field only for 1 group?

    while the group that I have is 100 groups.

    do I have to do a list for "allow hide group for" 99 groups?

    is it not possible if only to hide the field for 1 group? not to grant access to 99 groups


  • Gab
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Ariya,

    While I know it's not the best course of action to list the 99 groups who has access to the field, I'm afraid a Hide group field is not available at this time. However, I do agree that it would be a nice feature to have, and I'm happy to pass your feedback to our Voice of the Customer team for further discussion. Please feel free to let me know if I can help with anything else!
  • Ian Hawkins


    We only want to show a custom field when the ticket status is Solved. Is this possible to configure using this app?

    Thanks, Ian

  • Gab
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Ian,

    That can be configured natively with the use of the conditional ticket fields feature.

    You can create conditional ticket fields to control the appearance and behavior of ticket fields in ticket forms. For example, you can limit the number of ticket fields that appear in ticket forms, and control the sequence in which ticket fields are presented to end users.

    More information can be found here:Creating conditional ticket fields

  • Ian Hawkins

    HiGab- thanks for your reply. We already knew about this feature, but unfortunately "ticket status" is not available in the list of fields within the conditional ticket field feature. This is why we are trying to find alternative ways to do this.

    I have also reached out to Zendesk support and they have suggested a workaround, but it involves a lot of effort for something that seems quite straight-forward so we're still deciding if we want to implement it

  • Gab
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Ian,

    我创建了一个代表你的机票,并将发送它to you via email so we can discuss your use-case.

    Thank you!
  • qiang huang

    Is it possible to control the fields seen by the end user? I want a drop-down box to be read-only in the end user's view. Can it be controlled

  • Paolo
    Hi Qiang,

    The app is used for administrators to quickly hide, require, or make read-only certain ticket fields in the agent interface. Meaning, this would only affect agents and won't be an available feature for end-users. Reference in the app descriptionhere.

    We do have a native feature that can set a specific field as read-only for end-users. Please refer to the instructionshere, specifically item number 5.

    Paolo | Technical Support Engineer | Zendesk
  • Regina Giuliani

    Has anyone run into an issue where certain users do not see the Ticket Field Manger settings? We're running into an issue where some of our agents are not see the fields as read-only or are seeing fields defined as hidden fields, while others are working correctly. What complicates the issue is this is only happening on our Sandbox. Everyone is working fine in the Production environment. I deleted the App from Sandbox and reinstalled it, but still spotty for some agents. Thoughts?

  • Christine
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Regina,

    I see that you already raised a support ticket related to this, our team will continue to assist you on the ticket.

    Kindly check your email for updates. Thank you!

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