Recipe: Send proactive chat messages in your visitor's native language

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  • Online Test 9

    Hi, why would we set the language based on location? Can't we use the Locale?

    What language would you use for a user located in Canada or Switzerland?

    Our clients can choose their language independently than their location, seems like a very basic need for triggers!

  • Joyce
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi there!

    Chat trigger does not have the Visitor locale available as a condition hence this recipe uses Visitor country code. TheZendesk Chat triggers conditions and actions referencealso has the other lists of the Location of visitors and Visitor information available for the trigger.

    I can see the importance of having the Visitor locale as an available chat trigger condition based on your use case. I encourage you to create a new post in theChat & Messaging Product Feedback topicin our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds.

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