Analyzing article recommendations from Answer Bot

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  • Александра Ларионова

    Добрый день. Если в таблицеAnswer Bot activity by articleоткрыть детализацию с любой ячейки - появится таблица с чатами. Однако число этих чатов не совпадает ни с одной цифрой строке. Что это за чаты? И почему они отображаются не все, а только выборочно?

  • Vitalina Lutsenko
    Добрый день , Александра!
    Детализация позволяет уточнить результаты запроса с помощью дополнительных атрибутов. Подробнее о работе детализации в статье "Using drill in to refine your queries".
    Я свяжусь с Вами лично, чтобы проверить атрибуты для детализации и несовпадение данных в Вашем аккаунте.
  • sarah aasland

    Is there a way to see what the end-user asked/said? Especially for the instances when the Answer Bot wasn't able to suggest a relevant article?

  • Denise Huber

    In the "Answer Bot activity by article" I have some titles which don't have an author? How is that possible?

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Sarah,

    You can refer toExplore recipe: Analyzing the last 100 Answer Bot tickets。It will show you howAnswer Enquirywas utilized.

    Hi Denise,

    Try to check the article directly in Guide Admin > Manage Articles > Published. If there's an author appearing on the specific article when you check the settings, you cancontact support directlyand we'll investigate further.

  • Larry Click

    I want to find out the search phrases my customers are using. Where do I see that for Answer Bot?

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Larry,

    You can use the attributeAnswer Enquiry

    Hope this helps!
  • Rich Andersen


    Is there any way to see what resolution rate is for web widget vs resolution rate for email recommendations? It would be great to see which one is working better.


  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Rich,

    You can use the filter Answer Channel to specify the channel from which the inquiry came from.

    You can also create your own report using theAnswer Bot datasetto create a more personalized query.

  • Rich Andersen


    I'm trying to find out what an 'Indirect Resolution' is. Does anyone know?


  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Rich,

    Great question! This information can be found in this article:Metrics and Attributes for Zendesk Answer Bot

    Indirect Resolution - In some situations, articles suggested by Answer Bot don’t resolve the customer’s enquiry directly but instead point them in the right direction in the help center to find the answer to their question. These resolutions are known as indirect resolutions. Indirect resolutions are reflected inResolutions,Indirect resolutionsandAnswer statusfields.

    I hope this helps!
  • Pablo Gutierrez


    My report is not gathering data from clicked articles recommended by my bot. Could you help me please?

    Also, replies by customer support within zendesk have been quite slow (trying to find an answer to this question since Friday with no successful answer).



  • Anne Ronalter
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hello Pablo,

    with this specific question on your report, we would kindly ask you, to打开一张票支持, so that we can take a closer look and troubleshoot the issue.
  • Bradley Lowes

    Hi all,

    I am looking to diagnose at what point does the answer bot transfer to an agent when an article is suggested?

  • Viktor Osetrov
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hello Bradley,

    Thanks for asking. Please use Explore > Zendesk Answer Bot >Article Recommendations datasetsfor checking analytics.

    Another option is to link your Answer bot with GA and analyze information from there like:
    -Answer Bot Article Viewed
    - Article ID,
    - article name
    - When the end user views an article from the list of suggested articles
    For linking GA please follow ->Setting up and using Google Analytics for the Web Widget (Classic)

    Or you can useGoogle Tag Managerfor analyzing diagnose at what point does the answer bot transfer to an agent when an article is suggested.

    Hope it helps

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