Explore recipe: Help center article views within 30 days of creation

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  • Anjali Padmanabhan

    Hi I tried creating the metricViews within 30 days of creationbut received an error.

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    HiAnjali Padmanabhan, that error message (The set of calculations isn't valid) typically means that you need to be in a different dataset for the metric you're building to work. Can you check to make sure you're in theGuide: Knowledge Basedataset?

  • Anjali Padmanabhan

    Hi Erin, yes I am. The metric'Days between creating & view'works but not the'Views within 30 days of creation'.

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Anjie,

    As I can see you are indeed using the correct dataset. I would like to look into this further and I'll create a ticket for you. Let's continue our conversation there.

  • Ryan Oakman

    Hi Erin,

    Thanks for sharing this—it's very helpful.

    I'm wondering if the reverse is possible, too: Articles thathaven'tbeen viewed within X time of creation?

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    HiRyan Oakman这些报告是有帮助的,我很高兴!你的问题n raises an excellent point—how to find articles with no views. So I put together a new recipe,Finding articles with no views, that addresses this.

    但更specif回答你的问题ically, to find articles that haven't been viewed within X time of creation, follow the instructions in the recipe linked above, but instead of using the观点单独计算lycalculated metric from that recipe, use theViews within 30 days of creationcalculated metric from this recipe (and also make sure to select theCompute separatelycheck box). That should show you exactly the articles you're looking for!

  • Camila


    I have different help centers, when creating the reports I couldn't find a way to filter per help center, is there any way I can do that?


  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Camila,

    I was taking a look at ourMetrics and attributes for Guidearticle and it looks like you should be able to use theArticle Brandattribute to filter by Help Center brand. Let me know if this isn't what you're looking for.

  • Sylvain Buttazzoni


    For the this partCreating the standard calculated metric, Here are some corrections:

    Does not work:

    DATE_DIFF([Views - Date],[Article created - Date],"nb_of_days")

    Work :

    DATE_DIFF([Engagement - Date],[Article created - Date],"nb_of_days")

    Does not work:

    IF (VALUE(Days between creation and view) <= 30) THEN


    IF (VALUE(Days between creation and view) <= 30) THEN
    SUM(Article views)
  • Mark Glinski

    Sylvain, Erin, these corrections are helpful. Can you updated the article with them?

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Yes, absolutely! Thank you for the comments,Sylvain ButtazzoniandMark Glinski! I've updated the formulas and a few other places throughout this recipe to reflect the current metric and attribute names.

  • Mark Glinski

    Cool, Erin! The recipe works great. I love this use-case-based guidance for Explore. Really clarifies how to use it and also suggests possibilities for variations. Props!

  • Scott Wallace

    I've been trying to recreate this report as we're posting new articles at the moment on the back of platform improvements we're rolling out and this information would be useful. Unfortunately, I'm unable to create the second metric as I get an error message appear (see below). Has something changed or am I doing something fundamentally wrong?

  • Suelem Oliveira
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hey Scott,
    I have replied to your Support ticket about this. Let's keep the conversation in the ticket so I can help you further with the report!

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