Announcing changes to views pagination and sorting user profile pages

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  • Mandy at Paperless Post

    I can think of 0 reason why removing the ability to sort by requester would be beneficial for your users. You can see based on the comments here that this is a terrible product decision.

  • Pedro Rodrigues
    Community Moderator

    Hiadam.aaron, I believe the comment you linked referred to views, not user profiles. What the current update states is that it won't be possible to sort by Requester (as well as Subject and/or Group)on user profile pages.

  • Philippe Roy

    This is very bad news and will make our agents work much more difficult. I see no good reasons to remove functionalities.

    This is a terrible idea.

  • Bob Sherer

    I'm glad that Pedro Rodrigues clarified a big misunderstanding that it seems many posters above had made while reading. Ticket views will still be sortable by Requester, Subject, and/or Group. +1

    My team has never relied on page number jumping in our views, so the faster loading of the next set of tickets when we hit First, Next, Previous, or Last will be a plus and should be felt when someone does sort by Subject, etc.

    I look forward to the Feedback Improvements that were mentioned in the section about Why this change is being made. There are plenty improvement requests that have been made over the years. Can't wait to see which ones will get some dev time.

    (I hit +1 on the earlier call for a vote. You can hit the << First link below to find it.)

  • Anthony Severo

    I disagree with the decision to do so, but can at least theoretically understand some of the justification for pagination changes in order to improve performance.

    I don't understand how it can be considered beneficial to remove the option to sort by fields that have always been supported. This feels like a step in the wrong direction to me - why are useful functions being deprecated?

  • Larry Click

    Bob ShererYou missed the text above

    We will be removing the ability to sort tickets on user profile pages bySubject,Requester, andGroup

  • Bob Sherer

    Not quite,Larry. I see that those fields are being removed from the user profile pages, but not other ticket views. That is what Pedro was pointing out. I'm sure there are some who sort by those fields on a User Profile page, and they have beef. But, I'm glad those columns are still going to be sortable on the ticket views pages that my team uses.

  • Christopher Phillips

    Why? Who at Zendesk keeps deciding to remove incredibly useful functionality without comparable alternatives? First you got rid of Google Docs Importer without a good alternative, now this? Getting rid of the page number selection is going to add a lot of work for users with large ticket volumes. The narrow view option you present is also a non starter as we are limited to 12 views in the side bar and I am already at that limit. The Admin center updates were annoying, but at least all the functionality is there. That is not the case for this change. First, Last, Next and Previous buttons is not an upgrade over a Page Number selection. It is a serious step back from a usability stand point. I really hope you reconsider this change.

  • Erica C.

    Bob Sherer

    Heads up about this announcement from last month:https://support.亚博

    What you're seeing some callouts on is this point in particular:

    Changes to the sorting behavior in views

    We will be removing the ability to sort tickets in a view bySubjectandSubmitter. For example, if you click these column headings, nothing will happen. You will still be able to sort by other columns.

    Sortable columns include the sorting icon next to the column to indicate that the column is sortable.

    We are also losing the ability to sort by subject in ticket views, not just user profiles. The rollout for that change is set to complete in the next week or so according to the linked article.

  • Bob Sherer

    Thank you @Erica C and @ Larry Click for guiding me to that earlier article. The email they sent today, which linked here seems to be hiding that fact in a sneaky way or things have changed. Fingers crossed this ends well. :)

  • damien.messe

    Is there any way we can make you abandon this change until you remove the limit of 12 views ?

    Removing the limit of 12 views was supposed to happen in H1 and now it's postponed to H2 2022 and who can tell us that it won't be postponed in 2023 ?

    This is really not a nice move and as you can see none of your customer is happy with it.

    So please postpone this change until your make improvement in the view management which is currently outdated vs your competitors !!

  • Julie Villada

    Removing the ability to sort by subject, requester, and group will significantly impact how my team uses Zendesk. From what I am seeing in this forum, almost no one else is actually happy about this upcoming change. Might be worth reconsidering this change.

  • Varsha

    Sorting by requester allows us to eliminate duplicate tickets en masse. Sorting by subject is useful also and creating a whole view for temporary promos isn't efficient.

    Further, removing pagination reduces efficiency - not sure how you could see this as an improvement?

    Please consider the near universal negative feedback your users are giving.

  • Josh Cauchi

    We will be removing the ability to sort tickets on user profile pages bySubject,Requester, andGroup(seeViewing a user's profile in Zendesk Support). For example, if you click these column headings, nothing will happen. You will still be able to sort by other columns.

    Dead link? Can you guys please update this...

  • BradAtStash

    I need to echo everyone else and agree that this change needs to be delayed and re-thought before you roll it out. We are a high ticket volume support structure, with large amounts of tickets per agent. Removing ways to sort through this ticket load is going top make things much harder for us.

    I fail to see 1 advantage to this, besides the reported increase in speed... but was any of the ZD community asked about the trade off? Is it worth it? My vote would be no.

  • Matthew W

    The article referenced in this for the user profile not accessible. Does this change any API endpoints or is this just a UI layer change ?

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Thanks for letting us know about the broken link, Matthew. I've updated it.

  • Shayan Moussawi

    I really do not see how "performance improvements" are taking a priority over a basic feature set that is used by many.

    We personally have absolutely no problem with the performance, and while I understand it makes sense to switch to "cursor based pagination" from a technical level, in the end your product is still there to serve the customer...and by introducing this change you are really doing the opposite and removing really standard features, that are part of many workflows.

    You can already see the overwhelming response by the community is negative. So please take this as an opportunity to rethink these changes.

  • Maik Künnemann

    Is there a plan to remove the pagination with site numbers also for the suspended tickets??? This will make the work harder! Please let it as it is!

  • Anthony R

    This will really slow down the work flow of my team....sorting by requester allow us to find duplicates and merge them and sorting by Group allows us to focus on urgent tickets as well as see trends and possible issues with our site

  • Saren Black

    We are of the same opinion as everyone else. This poorly thought-out change makes it obvious that you do not have any clear understanding of how your customers use your product. For example, we recently had a campaign that flooded our inbox with more than 3,000 tickets over the course of about 30 minutes. Without the current ability to jump by page number, we would have no way to sort these incoming emails while simultaneously working through the unrelated tickets. We also rely heavily on our Group and Subject sort in user profiles. While this change may make it easier from your end, it is evident that your customers do not want this. We pay a lot of money for a product that is being “optimized” seemingly without customer input and is systematically losing the features that made us choose it in the first place.

    Having the number of Views increased would be infinitely helpful in itself, especially for companies that have one support team rotating between all channels of contact, but not at the expense of features that most of us depend on to streamline our workflow. The promise of “speed” is a poor trade for the degradation of productivity this will cause our support staff. What use is speed if we are spending time clicking Next for 50+ pages?

    This plan should be shelved until there is a functional solution that does not remove key features and tools. If you are not able to achieve that baseline, this “optimization” should be abandoned.

  • Salvador Vazquez
    Zendesk Product Manager

    谢谢你们所有人taking the time to provide some feedback here. We have created a list of clarifying questions and answers that we hope will alleviate some of these concerns. Please take a look at this new article for some answers and clarifications.

  • Nick S

    Mirroring all of the feedback above regarding this change - this will negatively impact our teams who have a large number of tickets. Unfortunately adding additional views with different conditions to capture different tickets is not a good workaround, especially with the limit of 12 views on the sidebar. This will have a big impact for those Deleted and Suspended views also.

    I hope Zendesk will reconsider this change in the wake of the feedback above and look at an alternative way to obtain the performance outcomes they are seeking to achieve.

  • Michael Steward

    We will be removing the ability to sort tickets on user profile pages by Subject, Requester, and Group (see Viewing a user's profile in Zendesk Support). For example, if you click these column headings, nothing will happen. You will still be able to sort by other columns.

    Why? This is very useful. So stupid to remove such a useful feature. I have tickets prepended with dates. Hope this filter thing works.

  • Jahn Bronilla
    Community Moderator

    VERY INCONVENIENT! We can definitely adopt to changes specially if this is for the better however, it looks like we are making the user suffer with this kind of change.

    Agree on the point that improving functionality does not mean reducing features of Zendesk specially if that feature is useful.

    Hope you revert this the soonest time!

  • Brett L

    Can we have an official update on the removal of the filter features, please?

  • Laura Davis

    I'm sure this will fall on deaf ears too, as all of the other comments for this 'upgrade' have but I have to say this will also negatively impact my team's performance and the ability to efficiently sort through the high volumes of cases that we receive. Please do not proceed with these changes.

    Sorting by Requester in particular helps to clear through any duplicated cases and make sure we're sending the appropriate responses quickly, without having to rely on the Agents checking this when they pick up a case, the duplicate of which may have already been picked up by another Agent.

    Being able to select a page number also enables us to work through a queue of cases by allocating Agents a page number to start from (as the Play button doesn't automatically skip cases that are assigned) so a real detrimental effect on us here too, particularly with the limit of shared views.

    I also wanted to raise the whole 'sort alphabetically' option disappearing from ticket fields too, which I can't imagine caused a massive problem for the system to cope with but has been an unnecessary additional step for us now, when Zendesk was supposed to be bringing more levels of automation to us....

  • Brett L

    I agree withLaura Davis

    目前在等待产品团队提供me with an update via DM but they never reply or seem interested in their customer's feedback, so we'll see.

  • Milos Sirotanovic

    This is just one more example that ZD does what is convenient for them and then just releases or removes a feature without an extensive survey.

  • Brett L

    In light of the current update(s), I have been looking at alternative products and come across the 'Freshdesk' which directly quotes being better than Zendesk, with much cheaper pricing per agent + more features.

    Link is below for those interested.


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