Announcing changes to views pagination and sorting user profile pages

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  • Brett L

    Salvador VazquezCan we have an update on the filters being added back?

  • Brett L

    Is this request just being ignored now?

  • Meg Gunther

    I'm getting complaints from my agents about this change, its not gone over well at all. We utilize the sort to locate a problem or its incidents using the sorting by subject. We review for duplicated tickets by sorting by requester, agents looks for specific groups tickets in the tier views. Were struggling to fit all of already existing views in to the limited list we have and now we will have to make more to accommodate this change.

  • Chris Fassano

    Meg Gunther- Are you referring to the removal of the ability to sort tickets by subject? That's only for the user profile page. Not ticket views. You'll still be able to sort ticket views by subject.

  • Shayan Moussawi

    Chris FassanoThat is actually not true. You cannot sort Tickets by subject in either view.

  • Chris Fassano

    Shayan Moussawi- The article explicitly says otherwise. What am I missing?

  • Chris Koboldt

    Chris Fassanothe removal of sorting by Sender and Subject in ticket views is described hereAnnouncing changes to views sorting and ordering – Zendesk help.

  • Chris Fassano

    Chris Koboldt- Thank you!

  • Au Finh

    Can we get some support on this? I've already posted multiple times in the slack channel and contacted support. It’s already Aug 6, and we still don’ t have access to the changes in any of our d3v accounts. Aug 25 does not give us much time at all to migrate code base for all of our apps. Are these rollout dates still accurate?

  • Salvador Vazquez
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello everyone,

    We understand this is going to be a transition period and has been challenging to plan for this. We want to make this transition be as smooth as we can for you.

    我们决定把这个推出。我们是working on delivering filtering capabilities this month and expect this to help be a workaround to cursor based pagination. look out for the new announcement of the capability coming soon. If you need any specific help with work arounds or getting something setup in your test account please reach out to your respective account representatives and I will get looped in through them.

  • Au Finh

    Salvador Vazquez谢谢你的更新。你能请澄清我吗f this will impact the Views API? Specifically, will offset pagination be disabled for the/api/v2/views/{view_id}/tickets endpointwhen your rollout has completed?

  • Scott Burnham

    Salvador Vazquez

    Is there a timeframe on that? The options are still missing even after clearing the cache. Does this only apply the pagination issue, or the entire issue?

  • Jahn Bronilla
    Community Moderator

    Salvador Vazquez, since you push back the roll out date, can you kindly return back the sorting option please?

    Also, one suggestion that if Zendesk will implement a change might as well not to remove yet any existing feature that is totally HELPFUL then leaving us hanging.

  • Megan Murray

    I came across this post today and am extremely frustrated to discover this. Ever since we were switched to Zendesk from an on-premises database solution, the primary frustration (outside from the most bogus text editor I've ever encountered) is the lack of sort, filter, and pagination options. It's already extremely frustrating to not be able to sort contacts by any seemingly useful information, like just alphabetical order even. Removing this functionality from profile pages makes it not only more difficult to see what's going on for a customer, since sometimes new tickets won't show up at the top of a requester's profile, but also makes daily ticket management as an individual more difficult, as many use this page to check the tickets they have been tagged as a follower on, see tickets outside of the "active" view, and so on. I know that people in the comments have suggested using views, but we already use more views than are allowed to show in the menu at one time, so this is a vital page for us. My humble opinion is that if there's a column, you should be able to sort and filter by it. I really hope they reverse this decision, removing functionality instead of removing it is super disappointing.

  • Brett L

    Megan Murray

    I agree with everything you are saying, but unfortunately, Zendesk really doesn't care for their customers anymore.

    They have openly admitted that their Dev team are not skilled enough to continue to Dev for the simple filter features, so they've chosen their Dev to remove those features to meet the team's skills and capabilities over their customer's requirements/needs.

    I have been trying to arrange a meeting with our 'Account Exe' but so far resisting.

    Below is a direct reply from said 'Account Exe'

    "I understand you are wondering about the Subject Line Filter feature which was removed. Just to set expectations, I do not believe this will be coming back as it is not on the roadmap as far as I know. "

    I can also extract direct emails from ZD that contain the conversations of basically refusing to revert back the changes, regardless of many customers use this feature.
    I believe, like me, many others have already started looking elsewhere for a support portal.
    I am currently in the process of exporting the ZD data into a support portal.
    Considering how much we currently pay per agent, per month.. it'll be a big loss, especially if everyone else follows suite.
  • Jahn Bronilla
    Community Moderator

    你宣布这个变化然后继续移动roll out date and at the same time you already removed a very functional and helpful feature. Not sure亚博if we are really for the improvement and if we are taking the customer experience very seriously.

  • Salvador Vazquez
    Zendesk Product Manager

    We have pushed the rollout of this until after the holiday high season and will get the change in towards the end of Q1 2023 with more details to come as we solidify a date.

  • Brett L

    @Salvador Vazquez

    Are you joking? - not been able to filter by 'subject' since August.

    You've not rolled anything back because the features are not available to filter via 'subject'

    Can you confirm exactly what features you are rolling back??

    I've lost ALL confidence in Zendesk.

    Basically continuing to use it until we've got all our data imported into a new ticket system, one where they actually care for customers feedback and don't flat out lie.

  • Salvador Vazquez
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello all,

    Another key update from me. I have updated the dates to reflect the latest roll out dates for March 21 - 31, 2023. We hope the new filtering capability will ease the transition to this new experience as Zendesk continues to shift towards cursor based pagination. We are also working on increasing the number of views you can have on the side panel through a very small and closed EAP. As we get feedback and finalize the experience we will share more details. If you have concerns or need more specific help please reach out to your account representatives so we can work through your specific concerns and issues.

  • Sam Waterfield

    I had not idea about this coming change until today when I opened a support ticket because the page numbers are now missing. This is a HUGE inconvenience. Wowza. Please revert.

  • 小林正左子

    I will leave a comment here as well as in the feedback.
    Regarding the pagination, this is confusing to agents.
    How is it that when you open a ticket view, the most recent one appears first, but then it appears as if there is more recent information?

    I am greatly disappointed in your company's improvements.

  • Mikael

    我们是dealing with high loads of tickets, and removing the page numbers is causing plenty of issues for us.

    Why was this page number downgrade rolled out, or is the intention to force us to spend more time with the search function and push our agents to do the same?

    我只看到Zendesk亚博删除功能代替bringing more value for customers; I wouldn't be heavily surprised if there would be a paid application soon to get the page numbers back.

  • Karina K

    我们是dealing with a large number of tickets as well, and the ability to select a certain page helped us quickly navigate through the view and address whichever issues we have. You are gradually removing features that your customers are using and building their workflows on - first, you've removed the Subject column sorting, and now this. We do not want to increase the number of views, we have plenty of them - and creating a view for each step of the workflow seems odd. Is not this sort of moving backwards?

    Is there any way to quickly jump to a specific page now?

  • Patrick Tischler

    This Change is an absolute catastrophe.
    I think nobody who uses the product Zendesk can be in charge for this.

    The whole workflow is destroyed. And the advice to do more views is just not working.
    It's just possible to have shown 12 Views for each Agent. We already had problems with this restriction and your solution is to use even more views?

    Pls just roll it back and start working on issues on your product and don't destroy working things

  • Laura Davis

    Despite NUMEROUS customers stating this change would not work for them, Zendesk have done it anyway. We put up with the poor after service due to Zendesk being such a great product but if options continue to be removed, at which point will the 'great product' be outweighed by the terrible customer service? ..... Disappointed

  • Nicholas Lux

    This is a big breaker for sorting through the Suspended and Deleted ticket views, as to my knowledge these can't be filtered or modified in any meaningful way. Not only that, but recovering suspended tickets resets the pagination of the view, so you have to go back and find your place every single time. Not a great user experience.

  • Kyle Pinkley

    We would like to see the ability to get back numbered pagination instead of the updated one. The updated one is a step back IMO.

  • Andrei Ghinea

    After this update, we do have a whole department complaining that views are less usable because of the pagination. I understand that cursor pagination speeds things up by not having to fully compute offsets and full collection counts but the cost / benefit from an UX standpoint is really really poor. Think that this software is used by customer support, we do deal with a big number of tickets that should be accessible quickly through views and pagination is part of this. For us, this update is surprising because all the guidance that you offer into Zendesk Garden for example, is to implement good UX practices, a principle that it seems that you are not following with this update. Not good.

  • Angharad Whitburn

    The removal of the numerical page numbers is not user friendly, poor to navigate and has given no benefit to work through pages. Useless change that has just made looking through views laborious.

  • Larry Click

    Plus. This slows navigation to a crawl. Horrible change.


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