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  • Rafael Santos
    User Group Leader

    Charles NadeauCould you please clarify what will the placeholder



    We'd like to adapt our email template to accommodate these.

  • Benjamin Kirsch
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Rafael, thanks for the question! The {{quoted_content}} placeholder is the threaded message history that will be folded/hidden under the ellipses within an email client.

  • Ryan P.

    Is there a way to determine when this is enabled for our environment? For example, I noticed a "Learn about simplified email threading" link in the email action. Does that mean it's enabled for us? Thanks

  • Benjamin Kirsch
    Zendesk Product Manager

    嗨,瑞安,是的,这意味着你应该访问权the Simplified Email Threading Experience.

    To double check, you can always see if you have access to the {{ticket.latest_comment_html}} and {{ticket.latest_public_comment_html}} placeholders in your triggers. When those placeholders are used within your notification triggers (as well as some changes to your Email Template), the new Simplified Email Threading experience will be used for your emails! The above article has some helpful info about how to go about updating your notification triggers in an efficient manner as well.

  • Vladimir Kochkovski

    Hi Zendesk Team,

    Thank you for the Simplified Email Threading Experience upgrade. I just went through the proces of upgrading the tickets and the email templates and I've noticed a strange bug:

    When you add the {{quoted_content}} in the email template, the users receive the previous messages, butthe quoted text shows as if it's sent from the agent's personal email instead of the support email they are replying from

    For example, the {{quoted_content}} shows like this to the end user:

    You'll notice that instead of the support emailsupport@company.comwhere the ticket is answered from, it shows the private email of the agent that is used to login at Zendesk.

    So the end users can see the private emails of the agents.

    The actual email still arrives fromsupport@company.comand the end users sees that, but the quoted text always shows as it's from the agent's login email.

    Is there a way to show the actual support email in the {{quoted_content}} instead?

    Best regards,
    Vladimir Kochkovski

  • Tyler Swanson

    I'm having the same issue as Vladimir and have raised a ticket with Zendesk. In order to avoid exposing agents' personal email addresses, I've removed the {{quoted_content}} placeholder from both the HTML and text templates. Since most of our triggers that send email notifications to requesters used the {{ticket.latest_public_comment_formatted}} placeholder before implementing simplified email threading, it seems to be an acceptable workaround for us while this issue gets ironed out.

  • Vladimir Kochkovski

    Tyler SwansonThank you so much for the reply and for confirming the issue!

    I've also temporarily removed the {{quoted_content}} from the HTML and text templates.

    Before upgrading to the new Simplified Email Threading Experience, I've used to include to previous replies in the tickets with {{ticket.comments_formatted}} in the trigger. I hope this issue is resolved so that we can use {{quoted_content}} in the template without exposing the private email addresses of the agents.

    Also,I've noticed two additional issues: The option to show the agent's or user profile photos in the email replies no longer seems to work when using {{ticket.latest_comment_html}} in the triggers (at least for me).

    和新的HTML电子邮件模板上g the {{delimiter}} tag, and also seems to go outside of the margins on some email clients now (for example, on Apple Mail).

    To solve this, I used this mix of the old Email template with the new features added:





    Hope this would be useful to someone.

    Looking forward to these issues being resolved and to using the new Simplified Email Threading Experience

  • Anton

    I've made tests, and yes... the same issue asVladimir Kochkovski。Let us know when this can will be resolved, so we can recommend customers to upgade to this experience. It works much better for most of the cases.

  • Vladimir Kochkovski

    Thank you so muchAntonandTyler Swansonfor the replies and for confirming the bug.

    Hopefully it will get resolved soon, so that we can use the new Simplified Email Threading Experience as intended.

    I've found a couple of smaller issues also with the new Email template (at least on my account) and have posted a workaround above. That comment is currently pending approval, but I guess it should show up as soon as the mods approve it

  • Benjamin Kirsch
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi all, thank you for bringing up the issue about agent's personal emails being surfaced! We're working on a fix for this now and I'll update back in this thread when we have it resolved.

  • Shayan Moussawi

    This experience is something that we have been looking for, to make content in Agent Workspace more readable, so I am glad it was introduced.

    However I am experiencing two rather odd things:
    1) Underneath every single email, the agent name and brand name seem to appear for end users | EDIT: I was able to fix this by going into the brand and including {{agent.signature}} in the signature field for the brand. (The field was previously empty and with the old experience it did not display anything)

    2) Is there a reason why the entire trigger content has to be replaced? We also had our company imprint added at the bottom of each email that went to end users.
    With the new experience this seems to not be possible, or am I missing something?

    Vladimir KochkovskiThank you for providing the adjusted template. I also found it rather odd that the standard one doesn’t render well on Apple Mail clients.

    In regards to the separator: I believe the new email threading experience is supposed to make a separator obsolete, no? Since now there is no need to cut off the previous reply as it can be hidden in the „quoted_content“ button. This does seem to work like a charm for us in Agent Workspace, for now.

  • mfg

    I'm unclear whether this is a feature that needs to be enabled. I'm not seeing any steps in the instructions above about how to enable it. I saw the notes above about how to know if it'savailable- but if it's "available" does that mean it's enabled and active?

    We're not in a position at the moment to do all the analysis and updates to all the triggers, and I'll need to schedule such a lift.

    Also, wouldn't this affect macros in addition to triggers and automations, or are the changes limited to just triggers and automations?

  • Benjamin Kirsch
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Matthew, thanks for the question! This feature is tied directly to a new set of placeholders that are now available within Support. To enable the new email experience with your Support instance, those placeholders will need to be added to your notification triggers/automations and in addition some updates to your email template will need to be made. The above document details how to efficiently make those updates.

    This new experience only needs to be updated in Triggers and Automations because they are what is actually doing the sending of email. Macros are not affected because they are a prepared response or action that could then cause a Trigger or Automation to send an email.

  • Vladimir Kochkovski

    Shayan MoussawiThank you for the mention and I'm glad if you found the template useful.

    From my testing, I found that if you use the tag {{quoted_content}} without the delimiter separator tag {{delimiter}}, it doesn't cut properly and you will get small parts of the previous email inside the ticket replies in the Dashboard.

    However, if there is any official info whether the {{delimiter}} needs to be used, I would love to hear it.

  • Sierra (light agent)

    Benjamin Kirsch

    Is there an update on the [[quoted_content}} issue?

    Our team would like to make the switch as soon as this is resolved. Could I possibly be notified directly when it is no longer an issue?

    I am very excited to see this implemented! We often have to wade through long quoted email threads to try and find the actual new comment. This gets very tedious when dealing with complex issues and challenging customers. Can't wait to see how this helps!


  • Benjamin Kirsch
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi all, I wanted to provide a quick update on the {{quoted_content}} issue pertaining to agent's personal emails being surfaced in the thread history. We have deployed a fix for this issue so agent's personal information will no longer be surfaced. Please let us know if you continue to experience any issues there. cc/Vladimir Kochkovski

  • Vladimir Kochkovski

    Benjamin KirschThank you so much for the new update and for the heads-up!

    I will go ahead and implement it right away and will let you know how it goes as soon as possible.

  • Vladimir Kochkovski

    Just wanted to update the thread that I've tested the new update as mentioned byBenjamin Kirschand I'm happy to say that the {{quoted_content}} tag now correctly displays the actual support email address, instead of the personal address of the agent:

    I think the Simplified Email Threading now works as intended.

    There is one more thing to note: it seems that the new Email Template should also include the delimiter tag for the accounts that use that feature:


    Otherwise, if the tag is missing and it's not disabled in the settings, each new ticket reply in the Zendesk Dashboard seems to include parts from the previous emails, which might make things messy.

    Please update the Email Template in the tutorial above to note this if possible for accounts that use it.

    For reference, this is the working email template that I use now with the Simplified Email Threading and it seems to work properly:





  • Gina Palomares

    Is there a way for the newly cc'd customers to get the email history? Tried this new email thread but when we copy new email in Zendesk, they can only see latest email, not the history

  • Shayan Moussawi

    Experiencing similar situation as @Gina Palomares

    The display of the comment history to CCs is sometimes excluded. That is not always the case however.

    Sometimes CC‘s will see the previous comments and sometimes they‘ll be outright excluded. This seems like a pretty detrimental bug, considering the fact we use CC functionality to share inquiries with other departments

  • Tommy (Anatolii Binkovskyi)

    It would be great if agent's avatar was still displayed

  • Jen C

    Is there a way to reverse the comment thread so that the newest comments show at the top of the email to the customer? Maybe I set up the email threading wrong, but the newest comments go to the bottom of the email thread on the customer's end. Our agent comments sometimes are long and so to have the most recent comment at the bottom means the customer has to scroll to the bottom of the page.

    My current flow for simplified email threading(for the email thread the customer sees on their end):
    original comment
    comment #2
    comment #3
    (newest comment)

    Would prefer:
    (newest comment)
    comment #3
    comment #2
    original comment

    Thanks for the help!

  • Jeremy Pinar

    Hi All, I know this is still fresh however I'm waiting for someone who's crafty on the HTML coding side to adapt the new 'account-level email template' found above for those that have multi-branded templates i.e




    {% case footer %}

    {% when 'This email is a service from Brand 1.' %}

    Kind Regards,

    Technical Support

    Click here to access our
    www.test.com" style="color:black" target="_new">Customer Support Portal



    I'd like to switch over however don't want to cause necessary hours of pain trying to figure out why the new sig isn't calling when brand is identified.

  • Sean Morrissey

    I have noticed since switching to the new html format that I have an issue with emails that flow through google groups.

    When I have a ticket and send a public reply that goes to a google group, the Zendesk support email is a member of the group. Prior to enabling the html format I did not receive a reply back. Now that I have enabled this, zendesk receives a reply back and adds an internal note "sensing the auto-reply loop" While it does not send a duplicate email tot he group distro, it does show a duplicate internal note in zendesk thus resulting in a pending message being switched to open.

    I know zendesk doesnt officially support google groups, but disappointed this broke the integration.

  • Luke Aleo

    I want to confirm that nothing will change if I don't update my Triggers or Automations with the new code for Simplified Threading. This is not some type of update that is being implemented onto the account and will have drastic changes. Correct?

  • Benjamin Kirsch
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Luke, thanks for the question! That is correct. The new Simplified Email Threading Experience will only take affect if you go and update your notification tiggers with the new placeholders.

  • MatchMasters

    Is there a place where we can see the differences?

    I don't understand what this change does.

  • Dainne Lucena
    Zendesk Customer Care


    You can check out the articleUnderstanding simplified email threading。Let me know if you have any follow-up questions!

  • Tamara Pascual Franquet


    If I understood correctly, this new release is for customers who are using Gmail as their main email account. Is it right? If so, those of us who do not use Gmail as an email engine do not benefit from this improvement at all and there is no need to update the placeholders.

    Could you confirm, please?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Dainne Lucena
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiTamara Pascual Franquet

    It would affect all email engines like Gmail or Microsoft.

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