Working with images in the media gallery

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  • Gretel (Gretel) Galo

    Is this feature only available in Copenhagen theme? Trying to find image gallery in Mink theme by Lotus.

  • Tobias Grønbæk Melander

    Has this feature been extended to the 'Professional' level plan as recently and not only enterprise?

    Asking since I just checked and we haven't updated, yet suddenly I have access to the image gallery instead of the usual image upload and don't want to lose our images if it were to revert back due to it being an error.

  • Katarzyna Karpinska
    泽ndesk Product Manager

    Tobias Grønbæk Melander, the new image gallery is available to all our customers on all plans.

  • Tobias Grønbæk Melander

    That is great, thanks for the quick answer!

  • Aaron Johnson

    Does this feature only work with new image files added to articles, or does it import existing image files into the gallery?

  • Ari

    Is anyone else getting an HTTP ERROR 401 when they try to view the image files as an end user? It seems like a permissions issue with the domain of recently uploaded files or the gallery tool inserts the wrong path for the image, not one that can be accessed by end users.

    For example, after I upload an image through the new gallery modal, I can see it embedded in the article when logged in to Guide:

    but when I try to view the article on the article page as an end user, the image doesn't load.

    The only URL that works is after hunting down and copying the old path, the one that includes:/hc/article_attachmentshttps://full.domain/hc/article_attachments/11427803534365

    (I've already opened a ticket: 11590559)

  • Katarzyna Karpinska
    泽ndesk Product Manager

    Aaron Johnson, you should be able to see all images that have been ever uploaded to guide (and that are not deleted) in the gallery

    Ari, thank you for letting us know, we'll look into the ticket

  • Aaron Johnson

    Katarzyna KarpinskaThe image gallery counter says I have just over 6000 images but will only display the 23 I uploaded yesterday. The search will not find any images outside the ones uploaded yesterday.

  • Katarzyna Karpinska
    泽ndesk Product Manager

    Aaron Johnson, that doesn't sound right, may I ask you to raise a ticket with support. We'll need to investigate the problem

  • Paul Watson


    Just started working with the gallery yesterday and I'm having the same problem as Aaron. I can see the images I've uploaded in the past couple of days but nothing else (despite it saying we have a few hundred uploaded).

    Could you please post the resolution on here once you have investigated. Thanks.

  • Katarzyna Karpinska
    泽ndesk Product Manager

    Aaron JohnsonPaul Watson,
    We found the issue in our code and it should be working as expected again. Thank you for raising this problem.

  • Paul Watson


    I can confirm this is now working for me.

    Thanks for the quick response.



    How can I download/export all my images?

  • Lil Herman

    Does the image gallery provide any indicators for which articles the images are inserted into?

  • Steve W

    Ari, I'm also having this exact issue right now.

    Thank you for describing it so succinctly.

    RE: >> (I've already opened a ticket: 11590559)

    Please keep us informed.

    Katarzyna Karpinska, please consider expediting this.

  • Katarzyna Karpinska
    泽ndesk Product Manager

    JACQUELINE LEHR, at this moment it's not possible to download/export images.

  • Katarzyna Karpinska
    泽ndesk Product Manager

    Lil Herman, yes in replace image view you can see a sidebar that shows image's usage

  • Lyn Thompson


    Will you be adding management features for the images Galery?
    Some of the images were added several times, even if they had the same file name. This means I have several duplicates.
    我开始删除它们,但这删除very painful because I have to access each image, click the delete option, and confirm first that it isn't used in an article before I can delete it.
    The second point I have is that each time you search for an image, you keep on losing your search terms and filters after clicking Insert, Replace, or Delete an image. This makes it a very painful process to manage images. On a side note, our Gallery has now over 10 000 images

  • Lil Herman


    Thanks for the response. It would be much more useful if we could view which articles an image is in without having to access the replace modal. Hopefully, that's on the roadmap for an upcoming release.

  • Katarzyna Karpinska
    泽ndesk Product Manager

    Lil Herman,Lyn Thompson,

    Thank you for your feedback. We are planning to keep improving the gallery so all ideas and comments are highly appreciated. I encourage you to submit them to our community usingthis form.

  • Heather Clawson

    不知道我只是失踪,但我找不到a "delete" option anywhere in the gallery. I have a number of images I need to delete as they are outdated. They are all contained in a single article. I can find all the images when I search for them, but when I select either all of them, or a single one, I cannot figure out how to delete. Do I need to open a ticket, or am I just missing it? I am the Admin on the account.


  • Katarzyna Karpinska
    泽ndesk Product Manager

    Heather Clawson,

    The delete option should be available when clicking on the three dots on the image in the gallery. If it's unavailable for you (and you are an admin) please raise a ticket with our support, we'll need to investigate it.

  • Ian McMullen

    Is there any option to rename image files from the image gallery?

  • Katarzyna Karpinska
    泽ndesk Product Manager

    Ian McMullen, not yet, but we are planning to add it in the future.


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