Exporting team-member data

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  • Tom Dupuche
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi John-Paul,

    Our average file generation time is less than 30 seconds so seems there is another problem happening here. As Christine mentioned, please raise a Support ticket if the problem continues and we'll investigate.



  • Anthony Stenhouse

    Thank youChristineI've openedAPI Access to Export Team-Member Data.

  • CJ Johnson

    Does this mean you will not be able to see the "Custom Role" in this export, that is visible on the Team Members page as a column?

  • Christine
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Anthony,

    You can utilize the Rest APIUsers endpoint.

  • Tom Dupuche
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiCJ Johnson,

    Custom roles are displayed in the export file with the name you have chosen. If they are Support custom roles they will be in the Support role column, Chat in the Chat role column.


    Tom Dupuche

    Zendesk Product Manager

  • John-Paul Page

    这需要多长时间?我三ed this earlier with less than 100 users and 4 hours later I am still awaiting the link? Is this normal?

  • Rita Gleason

    This is awesome! Thank you for listening to client feedback!

  • Christine
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi John-Paul,

    我三ed to replicate this on my end and I received the email with the link to download the report in less than an hour.

    If you still haven't received the email until now, kindly raise a ticket to our support team directly and we'll look into our logs to confirm if the email was sent on our side. SeeOption 2: Contacting Zendesk Customer Support from within your product. Thank you!
  • Anthony Stenhouse


    We have code that pulls in data from the Users API and it does what we need, however, I'm more so looking for a way to automate generating this team-member data export.

    Our current approach has a lot of moving parts, where as this approach looks like it could be one API call to generate the data and another to download the data after a period of time.

    Is this do-able or is it on the road-map?


  • Anthony Stenhouse

    Can this be obtained via an API request?

    I'd like to setup a daily/weekly export to monitor changes and to serve as a backup in the event we see group resets due to Okta issues.

  • Christine
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Anthony,

    There's no available endpoint for the team member data export. As a workaround, you can use the following endpoint:https://[subdomain].zendesk.com/api/admin/private/team_memberswhich will provide you your agent's product access, but won't display their product roles.

    If you have some time, I recommend that you start a feature request in ourFeedback - Ticketing System (Support)our Product Managers actively monitor our feedback threads and posts with high user engagement ultimately flagged for roadmap planning. Thank you!

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