About custom layouts with layout builder (EAP)

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  • 이지훈

    I have been waiting for this feature for a long time. Thank you for the update.

    However, it should be possible to use multiple layouts simultaneously and apply each layout to the suitable agent or group.

    I hope this update will be applied quickly.

  • Lisa Kelly
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Thank you,Jihoon,
    Support for multiple simultaneous layouts applied to contextual workspaces is definitely on our roadmap.

  • Landry Norman

    Does anyone know how agents that do not have access to certain apps would see the layouts? For example one of the columns has 2 apps that these agents don't have access to, would they see a blank column or would it just not display?

  • Rebecca Weifenbach

    Agree, multiple layouts at one time is necessary. If employees don't have access to an app the layout options are limited without applying group level Layout settings. Any idea on timing?

  • Paul Von
    Zendesk Product Manager

    이지훈Rebecca Weifenbach——谢谢你的反馈!好消息是,这是exactly what the team is going to be tackling with the EAP now out the door. We'll be connecting Layouts with Contextual Workspace so that different layouts can be triggered for a specific group, ticket status, or any other condition that's already in Contextual Workspace.

    We are tentatively targeting a release of this functionality by the end of June 2023. Will keep folks posted once that timing becomes solidified and we can provide a more precise date.

  • Michael
    User Group Leader

    Is control over what fields and order on the ticket area on the roadmap?

    For example,

    • Group A doesn't need to see tags.
    • Group B wants tags but doesn't want to see the Form selector
    • Group C wants the followers hidden and the assignee to be the first field and the brand second and defaulted to the 3rd brand in the list.

    As an Enterprise organization, there are the type of requirements I frequently get.

  • Paul Von
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Landry Normanin the case that a custom layout has an app that a particular agent doesn't have access to, the placement of that app would be maintained within the layout, but it would show the agent an error icon with the message "this app is no longer available".

  • Paul Von
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Michael, appreciate the question! That functionality is maintained by another product team who owns all things related to ticket fields and forms. I'll pass along that feedback so they can intake it for future consideration.

  • Landry Norman

    Paul Vonthat makes this feature unusable to us until contextual workspaces are integrated

  • Paul Von
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Landry Normanthe development for hooking up contextual workspaces to layouts is underway. We are tentatively targeting that release for the end of June, and look forward to announcing a more exact date once the enhancement is closer to release ready!

  • Mistyamber Reynolds

    Other than setting a custom layout as the default, how do we apply them? I'm not seeing that in documentation. I can't set a layout at the group, view, or trigger level so how do I use it?

  • Lisa Kelly
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    SeePaul's commentimmediately above your question. For the current EAP, you can only use a custom layout if you apply it as the default. But, we are working on the ability to use contextual workspaces to apply custom layouts. Once this feature is available, we will update the documentation. Stay tuned.

  • Lydia Forsyth

    Can we have different default layouts per brand in our Zendesk? Thinking it would be cool to customize per brand we have.

  • Paul Von
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiLydia Forsyth! Once we ship our next release for custom layouts with Contextual Workspace, Brand will be one of the conditions that you can choose to trigger a custom layout within the ticket UI. We are currently targeting this next release around the end of June 2023.

    My recent post in the Layout Builder EAP community touches more on this topic and has a full list of the conditions that will be available for you to set custom layouts against:https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/5706915959578-Upcoming-summer-release-of-Layouts-Contextual-Workspaces-will-allow-application-of-multiple-layouts

  • Carlota


    In the standard layout the width of the columns is smaller that in the custom layouts that we can build. Is there a possibility to remove the limit of the width in the custom layouts so we can narrow them a little bit more? Specially the context panel.

    Thank you!

  • Paul Von
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Carlotathanks for the feedback! Improving the column and row sizing behavior within Layout Builder is being tracked as a backlog item for further evaluation in terms of technical feasibility and delivery timeframe.


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