About Sunshine Conversations platform access and support

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  • Renu Sharma

    Gary Beichlercan you please explain how do we define MAU and what kind of notifications are counted under 1000 outboud notification.

  • Cécile
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Renu,

    MAU stands for Monthly Active User(s):
    MAUs are a way of calculating monthly usage based on a unique end-user's activity, regardless of channel.
    A single customer may choose to interact with a Zendesk customer through multiple channels. The key here is that an MAU is based on the active user, rather than the channels they use. This assumes that the active user has a unified profile meaning that we can recognize the same user across multiple channels.

    A notification is counted when message is sent usingSunshine Conversations' Notification API具体来说。这是一个积极的/出站重新ge sent from the business to an end-user (example: WhatsApp Template Messages).
    WhatsApp fees are concept billed to Zendesk directly and passed though to the business who incurred them. They are fees charged for every conversation and theratevaries depending on the use case and the end-user's country code.

    This means that when an end-user messages the business, it is not a Notification because this is an inbound message.

    You can check the Public Article forSunshine Conversations in Suite.

    I hope it helps,
  • Vinicius Henrique da Silva

    How much do I pay if I exceed 1000 proactive/outbound messages? I'm confused about this billing. And how are incoming interactions charged?

  • Anton

    Can you clarify a case ( suite Enterprise customer)
    1) We use native Zendesk integration for WhatsApp for 30K MAU
    2) we start using SunCo API, and connect Viber channel with <1K MAU.
    Will both channels count as SunCo MAU? Are we required to get SunCo Premier Enterprise?


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