Announcing webhooks for help center and community events

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  • David Smedberg

    Hi Zach!

    Is there a way to receive a webhook notification when an article is updated? Or is this event covered by the "Article published" event?

  • Zach Anthony

    Hi David,

    If you're looking to receive a webhook notification when the content of an article is updated and published this would be covered by the "Article published" event. Does that cover your use case?

  • Thomas (
    Community Moderator

    HeyZach Anthony

    Pretty cool stuff this new webhooks!

    One question related to the above: to prevent duplicate messages being send to e.g. Slack upon ticket update (seeherefor an example) it might be useful to be able to differentiate between"type":"zen:event-type:article.published",and e.g. the non-existing"type": "zen:event-type:article.created", and"type": "zen:event-type:article.updated",

    As a work around I currently grab the article ID, do an API lookup to check itscreated_atandupdated_atdates, and act based on those, but a more native flow might be handy to prevent multiple API calls for one action?


    Similar, any plans to also include the approval flows in those events? Sending an alert to an editor when an article is submitted for approval or review might be useful. Especially in bigger companies where not everyone from the copyright and marketing departments live in Zendesk or email the entire day. Adding those "articles to review" as tasks in e.g. Asana could be more practical for them.

  • Zach Anthony

    Hey Thomas! Thanks for the feedback in regards to differentiating between publishing a new article versus re-publishing an existing article. We'll take that on board and think about how we can enable a more native flow for that.

    With regards to including the approval flows, this is something we're aware of as a gap with the currently published event types, however I can't provide you a timeframe on when you can expect to see these available via webhooks

  • Thomas (
    Community Moderator

    Zach Anthony

    Would it be possible to also add a payload key for Visibility?

    "visibility": "agents"


    "everyone": true

    You might want to only react to publicly visible articles for e.g. auto-post to Twitter (if that still exists..)

    If the best practice advice here is: use the Article ID to do an API lookup of the article and get visibility from there, okay. But the less reactive API calls the better.

  • Zach Anthony

    Hey Thomas, thanks for the additional insight into the use case for including a property that indicates the view permissions for an article. Given that articles are modelled internally with a relationship to the user segment, rather than a direct property of visibility it may not be possible for us to add a property in the way that you have described. This would likely still require an additional API call to retrieve the user segment details to see the set of users that the article is visible to.

    Regardless, I'll make sure we capture your feedback to see how we can incorporate a property to help address the use case you outlined, as part of future iterations on the structure of our help center events.


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