About semantic search and how it works

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  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    We're keen to learn more about your help center search experience. To share your feedback with us, usethis Feedback form. Cheers!

  • Preston Coppage

    How do we know if our Help Center has been updated with this new search experience?

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    Hey Preston, there is no quick way to check your account to see if it's been updated. Our plan is to make this addition available for all English language help centers using the Copenhagen theme by early Q3 the latest (except for federated search). Additional languages, federated search and APIs will follow.
  • Josef Prandstetter

    Brett Bowser:

    1. Is Instant Search supported from the beginning?
    2. Can you give a very rough timeline for federated search support?
  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Josef Prandstetterinstant search is not yet supported, neither is federated search. As we're evaluating these expansions down the line, I'll be able to share a timeline, but not at this moment. Our next milestone is to expand the service to all English help centers with the Copenhagen theme, as Brett wrote above, by early Q3.

    We are working on a quick solution so customers can check if the service has been enabled for them already or not yet. Cheers!

  • Thomas D'Hoe
    Community Moderator

    HiOrsolya Forster

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but custom help centres will need to be updated manually?

  • 이지훈

    It's what I was expecting!

    Are there any plans to apply it to the Korean help center? If so, when?

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thomas D'Hoeno, custom help centers don't require additional setup.

    이지훈language extensions are on the roadmap but I can't yet share a release time. We're working on the expansion constantly and aim to get the service out to all Guide customers as soon as possible.


  • Becky Evans

    Hi, this sounds like a great enhancement. Is there anything we can do to help train our own help center?

  • Darenne
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Becky,

    Thanks for your response.

    This implementation is automatic and requires no additional work on your end. However, we are still expanding this feature and our dev team will definitely give us an update on this.

  • Becky Evans

    HiDarenne, Thanks, and sorry I wasn't clear. I understand that it is automatic and see that it has already been rolled out in our help center. My question is about when we see searches that don't return expected results. I see that Zendesk is requesting us to submit a feedback form each time, but that's not very practical. It would be nice if there were things our Agents could do on our end to help train the AI in real time. Cheers!

  • Leandro Krause De Albuquerque

    Hi Zendesk team, is it already available for Community search as well?

  • Darenne
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiBecky Evans,

    You mentioned that when there's a search that doesn't return the expected results, it asks you to submit a feedback form. Can you please clarify to us what you meant by the feedback form? In what instance are you seeing it too?

  • Becky Evans

    DarenneNo, I meant the feedback form linked byOrsolya Forsterabove and at the end of the other articlehttps://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/5641000272922-Announcing-semantic-search-in-Guide-

  • Darenne
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiBecky Evans

    Thanks so much for patiently waiting on this matter! I just confirmed with our internal team that training AI is not yet on the roadmap. If you encounter any issues, we suggest that you file it as a request via the same link provided by Orsolya.

  • John

    Hi Zendesk,

    I have confirmed that our HC is not yet enabled for Semantic search by checking the element. When can we expect this feature to be available for us?

    -- UPDATE --

    Actually I realized it was only enabled in LIVE theme but when previewing another theme in development, Semantic search is not enabled. It would be great to have the feature enabled consistently for testing during development.

  • Gwyn Mabo

    We have checked our Help Centre and semantic search is not yet enabled. Will we receive an update to let us know when it is? Are there any time scales you can supply for when this will be enabled for all accounts?

  • Mike McGuffie

    At present, content inside an accordion is invisible to the search engine. Will this change?

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Becky Evansno change in knowledge management is anticipated for semantic search, as the keyword search did not change, it got boosted with semantic matches.

    John, thanks for the feedback!

    Gwyn Mabo, we will try to share the next milestones as we see them more clearly.


  • Dora Abrahão

    About the metricsCTR and MRR, how will they be available for us to analyze?
    Is there a dash in which we can check users' most frequent searches (terms) and the metrics (CTR mainly)?

  • Mike dela Rosa
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Dora! Which dataset are you after? We have a list of datasets here:Understanding datasets
  • Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Mike McGuffieAssuming that the text is written in the article editor and thus part of the article content it will keep being searchable.

  • Adam Goodell


    Semantic search is not enabled for me yet either. Are time scales available when this will be enabled?

  • Viachaslau Skorbezh

    Orsolya ForsterGorka Cardona-Lauridsen为什么乌克兰语言不是提到的list even with "Not planned" clause? Guide supports this language so please add such information

  • Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Viachaslau SkorbezhThank you for pointing this out. By mistake, we had forgotten to add theHelp center languages that are supported via crowdsourcing. We will add Ukranian together with the other missing languages to the list.

  • Subin Binu

    I believe early Q3 is past us. Is there a clear timeline on when to expect this feature?

  • CORE Help Admin

    We have been waiting all this year for our help center to get the semantics search...how long will it take Zendesk to roll it out to all? Our existing search is not that great and we have been hoping this would help us, Can we get an update as to what's going on?


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