Announcing responsive dashboard widths for beta dashboard builder

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  • Joel Hellman

    Is it possible to disable this feature, and switch back to a mode where I'm constrained in width, but otherwise can control how the reports looks across screen sizes?

    今天我明白了,我们一直不佳. Our users either run explore on 1.25 or 2.37 aspect ratios.

    Before, we had control over how much of a dashboard a user could see. Now I cannot find a good way to design for both of our users screen sizes.

    I especially dislike how my widescreen users now have to scroll a lot, to see relevant content. For them, the viewing experience has gotten much worse.

    Honstly, you've created a problem where there were none major issue for us working with a constrained design. With a constrained design it was easy to fit lots of content on different screen sizes. Now, we have are suddently lacking control, and therefore I would appreciate options here.

    Designing the report for 1.25 aspect

    The same report on 2.37

    Elements just become unnecessarily large, hiding other content.

    My widescreen users have to scroll down, to see content they could see before.

  • Agnieszka Czajka
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiJoel Hellman. Thank you for the feedback. At the moment there is no possibility to disable the feature. In the future we plan to introduce a selection of canvas that have a width that is constrained and not fully responsive. For now we recommend to refactor your current dashboards to work better with the current experience. You can read more about it here:Adding and Customizing Dashboard Components

  • Joel Hellman

    Okay, thanks for the quick reponse. Not much to do about it for us at this point I guess. Hoping you will revisit the responsiveness in the future, so it works for different aspect ratios better, like wide screens.


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