Coach agents while on a call



  • Official comment
    Sean Chuang
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Community,

    Thank you for the interest in this feature. At this time, this is not on our roadmap. This request is in our backlog and we will continue to assess its importance throughout the year. While the following feature is not whisper, if you are seeking to train your agent pool, we will be developing a post call transcription service that allows any 3rd party quality assurance solution to analyse all calls to provide agent training.


  • Jenny Gillett
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Priscilla,

    Thank you for taking the time to write on our community. Yes I'm familiar with the capability you are looking for, the "Whisper" capability of our Listen and Barge feature in Talk was deprioritised at the time of development. I will keep your feedback in our backlog but unfortunately, there are no plans at this stage to prioritise it on the roadmap due to our current product prioritise. If this changes I will post an update here.

    Sorry the news is not better for you in this case.



  • Liam Kelly


    You guys need to be up front about the lack of whisper or not mention it in your publication.//
    This page boldly mentions whisper but does not mention that it is not a feature in Zendesk.

    远程培训没有whisper is difficult at best and the pandemic has shown us all the need for remote training.

  • Kellen Cox

    I would argue that between Barge and Whisper, Whisper would have been a much better feature to have prioritized. It is the most effective way to train a new agent, and is a much better experience for the customer. I can't imagine how disconcerting it is to a customer to be talking to one person, and even though a conversation may not be going the way you want, to have a totally different person suddenly start talking to you (not to mention how demoralizing it is to the agent to have a manager need to take over their call). I wish Zendesk would reconsider their prioritization and get a whisper feature developed. SO many other CTIs offer this. It's causing us to look at another solution.

  • Sean Lade

    Is there any update as to when this feature will be prioritised? I miss having the ability to coach new agents on a call. It's something we had when using Ring Central.

  • Josh



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