Chat Concurrency : Explore reporting is an incomplete replacement for Insights



  • Official comment
    Clay Turk

    Hi all,

    Just wanted to confirm the rollout is complete, and the pre-canned dashboard tab has been enabled on the existing Chat dashboard. You can read our updated documentationvia this link.

    Additionally, thanks for the feedback so far. We are somewhat limited in the data we can report on with this dataset due to the source data we are ingesting and how it is being aggregated. We have a few small changes that will be made in the coming weeks to address some of the calculation issues, but won't be able to add additional filtering at this time.

  • Vincent Dollet

    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    We are planning to launch new datasets in 2020, amongst which a new dataset 'Chat Agent Activity' which will enable you to report on chat concurrency.

    Kind regards


  • David Ferguson

    Hi Vincent,

    Do you know when this data set will be released?

    代理并发是number 1 request we have from our contact centre.


  • brandon.bishop

    Hi Vincent

    Do you have any indication as to when this new dataset will be available?

    Kind Regards


  • Vincent Dollet


    While this dataset is committed in 2020, we are still working on a the availability timeline. We'll get back to this thread as soon as the plans firm up.

    Many thanks for your continued patience,

    Kind regards


  • Robert Brindley

    Great to hear you're making progress with this. We're working towards being off Insights for the end of the calendar year - as per the advice we've had from Zendesk.

    The problem I'm presented with is that I can't adequately articulate a plan for this to my organisation; given the gap between Insights data and Explore data is still very apparent for such crucial contact centre metrics. It still is not clear exactly what metrics we will lose forever.

    The guidance of 'in 2020' isn't giving nearly enough for me to reassure my organisation that there is an appropriate plan in place for each metric currently supplied in Insights.

  • Vincent Dollet

    Hi@..., I fully appreciate that you need more detailed information (availability timeline, scope) for these datasets. We're actively working on that plan and will share it as soon as it is finalised. Many thanks for your patience.

  • Philip Crump


  • Lauren Williams

    Hi, is there any update on this?

  • Eugene Orman

    Thank you for the feedback,@...and@...

    My apologies for the belated reply. We fully understand that Chat agent activity is important for evaluating the performance of your teams. Our goal is to enable this type of reporting in Explore in H2 2020.

    We are actively working on improving data parity with Insights. At the moment team is implementing Answer Bot and Talk dataset enhancements.

  • Claudia Ruffini

    Hi, is there any update on chat concurrency insights?

  • Elizabeth Husfelt

    Hello, do you have a release date or time frame as to when we will have insights into concurrency?

  • Mani Berenji

    Any update on when this will be released?

  • Clay Turk

    Good news! We are starting work on this dataset very soon, and targeting a release by the end of the year. Thank you all for the patience here.

  • Harriet Klymchuk

    Brilliant news Clay! Look forward to seeing more on this, thank you for the update!

  • Christian Perdikis

    Hi Clay,

    Are you closer to a concrete release date for this 'Chat Agent Activity' dataset in Explore? Not to ask the same question as those above, but I know this is important data for many people that we can't afford to lose after Insights is retired in Feb. If I can't feel confident in an EOY release, I will have to pursue other options, so the earlier I know the better.

    Thank you!


  • Dawn Anderson


    We are after this data also please, any updates please?

  • Clay Turk

    Hello all,

    We are actively working on getting chat concurrency data added into the Chat dataset, and still targeting the end of the year. However due to the holiday code freeze this may slip into early January. Either way, we will not turn off Insights without this data being available in Explore.

  • Christian Perdikis

    Thank you for the update, Clay.

    To confirm - when you say "chat concurrency data", will this include all the metrics currently belonging to the "Chat Agent Activity" dataset, such as Logged in / Online / Chatting Duration by agent?

  • Dawn Anderson

    HI Clay

    Do we have any updates on this please?

  • Clay Turk

    Hello everyone,

    We are very close to to getting chat concurrency metrics added into the Chat dashboard. We will be providing hourly aggregates of chat concurrency; pre-calculating the min, max, and average per agent.

    We already provide the engagement duration per agent in the current Chat dashboard, as you can see below:
    As for showing agent status, we will be providing this data on our Live dashboards first, and adding a cross-product historical version later this year. This will provide insight into agent status across chat, talk and support; giving you a complete picture of each agent's activity.

    Thank you all for your patience, and happy new year.

  • Dawn Anderson


    This is great news and something we really need! Have we got any dates on when this will be in production please?

  • Chris Wilson

    Hi Clay,

    This rollout strategy is unfortunately disappointing for me. The live dashboards are unaccessible to long-time customers on legacy Enterprise plans, and the newer pricing models are cost prohibitive for us to upgrade.

    Rolling out to live dashboards first is not a fix for all of your customers, including long-time, loyal customers like ourselves.



  • Sarah Pham

    Hi I would be interested in that update too.


  • Dawn Anderson


    Is there any updates on when this is going live?

  • Orville Herndon

    About a week before the extension from Insights to Explore runs out, any word on when this dataset will be available?

  • Dawn Anderson

    Hi Team

    Any update on this please?

  • Dawn Anderson


    Sorry to chase, do we have an update on when this is going to be available please?

  • Clay Turk

    Hi Everyone,

    I know you have all been waiting a long time for this dataset, and I am happy to announce that the rollout is finally starting today and should finish loading for all accounts by end of next week. I will let post back here if that timing changes at all.

  • Dawn Anderson


    This is great news - will we be able to retrospectively apply this dataset or is it only from a certain date that we can use (if so, what is the date please).

    同时,有可能会共享数据集l be available please?


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