View abilities while someone else edits a query


  • Franco Landa

    +1 This would be amazing to have! Our Zendesk Team Leaders collaborate on reports with one another and it's such a hassle for everyone involved to have exit the query before others can view what was previously saved. This should be essential.

  • Souparnika Hebbar

    This is really inconvenient and work is getting delayed as one person should wait for the other to finish the work and leave the page to access the report.

    Also, View and download report option should be given to all the agent levels.

  • Sandeep金达尔

    This is indeed an important feature to have. Especially for someone who has used GoodData for long, this is taking two steps back. In GoodData, multiple people can work on a report while in Explore only one person can work at once. Zendesk - please fix this asap

  • Dan Ross
    Community Moderator

    Thereneedsto be an ability to have multiple viewers on a report, even if editing is restricted to the 'first' viewer.

    Collaboration and troubleshooting with colleagues is impossible to do effectively with this limitation.

  • Bobby Koch



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