打开查询在new tab in browser when editing via a dashboard


  • Franco Landa

    +1 This may seem like a little thing, but navigating away from a dashboard you were working on because you click "Edit query" can be a pain.

  • Rochelle Yoshida

    Yes please! As noted in this other similar feedback:https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409217384474-Let-me-open-queries-in-a-new-browser-tab

    Open in new tab seems so common these days and would allow me to look at multiple queries at the same time instead of having to cut/paste domain.zendesk.com/explore/#/queries-library a gazillion times.

  • CJ Johnson

    +1 to this as well, the number of times I have cmd+click'ed queries trying to do this is very high.

  • Rick Marx

    Another +1

    It is pretty standard to at least have the option these days, and with multiple reports needing comparison at times, this would save a lot of time.


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