Advanced Search app - official feature request thread


  • Reshma Patel

    这将是伟大的,如果c应用程序的结果an display the group name instead of the ID. It would also be useful to have the ticket form as a filter and available column.

  • Tiffany Green
    Zendesk Employee

    @...Hi Reshma - good to know! I'll forward this on to the developer working on it currently and see if we can accommodate that. Thanks for the feedback!

  • Dani Magner

    Please bring back the ultra-important ability to change the result column's size (width). Super important to quickly review custom fields of tickets

  • Karun
    Zendesk Customer Care


    The requested functionality of showing group names (and organization names) instead of IDs is now live. We'd love your feedback.

    You can followthis threadfor details on upcoming releases.

  • Sinisa Zubic

    When it comes to search how should somebody know that "custom field" of advanced search is mapped to "tag" filter of basic search. Also the "tag" filter of basic search is much more advanced. Actually it is really tough for our agents to use the advanced search in combination of thousands of tickets and a variety of "custom fields". It becomes basically unusable.

  • Josef Prandstetter

    We are avid users of Zendesk's “Advanced Search” app, which has been very helpful to us.

    Are there any plans for the "Role type" and ”Custom role ID” field to be available not only as a result field, but also as a search field?

    We need to create reports per quarter for our finance department to report, which department is using which number of a Zendesk Full Agent Subscription.

    If we filter by “Role” for agent we get a list of Full Agents and Light Agents.

    If we had the search fields "Role type" and ”Custom role ID” available we could filter out Light Agents.

    Btw. the link in your original post for "guidelines on feedback posts for Built by Zendesk apps" is at least currently not working.

  • Josef Prandstetter

    I'm not sure it this a feature request or more a bug report.

    If we use the search field "Suspended" - doesn't matter if we set it to "True" or "False" in the result view the field/column is always empty:

    It would be great to have the result field / column "Suspended" filled correctly with "True" or "False".

  • Josef Prandstetter

    It would be great to search in the field "Role" for multiple keywords with an OR operator.
    Our use case is to search for users with the role "admin" or "agents".

    The ideal case would be to implement a Filterable & Checkable Multi-Select Dropdopn.

  • David Williams

    I can't find a previous reference to my request however I can't believe that I'm the first !

    We have a large number of custom fields and it would really help us if those were presented in alphabetical order on the Advanced Search screen ?

  • Stacy Robinson

    App doesn't appear to pull in all the results. I wanted to get a list of group members and some groups came up as no results found which I know is incorrect.

  • Reshma Patel

    I use the advance search tool often to run quick queries. It would be helpful if filters broke down agents and light agent roles instead of grouping them both under agents. It would also be nice if a user's default group name (instead of id) and custom roles were available for column selection. As a bonus, add the ability to pull all groups a user belongs to.

  • Jysk IT en del af Sagro I/S

    Hello. When exporting the search to .csv file it does not support northern letters like ÆØÅ

    I guess it's because its not exported in UTF-8 format

    Can this be included or implemented?

  • Erica Girges
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy

    Hi Stacy & Reshma! Thanks for sharing your feedback. The Advanced Search App was designed to conduct popular Support search needs. For more conclusive results or specific search complexities I recommend looking intoExplore. You'll find that you'll receive the most data that way.

    Hi Jysk and for you as well. Using Explore should help meet your language needs. To verify, you can view the supported languages for Explorehere.

  • Stacy Robinson

    我选择高级搜索应用程序,因为它是铁道部e user-friendly to our agents. When it works and pulls the results it's great! The problem I am finding is it isn't always accurate. This is a good way to get specific tickets/users exported.

  • Lydia Forsyth

    It would be helpful to be able to search by negative and positive Zendesk Satisfaction ratings.

  • David Zeplin

    I sawDani Magner's comment on the size of column, any process since August 2020?

    We have one with "Description" which usually have long characters, is there anyway wrap-text or size adjustable to add in web responsive for improve reading?

    Thank you,

  • Alina Wu

    Can we improve on the search attribute "Tags"?

    1. Some tags available in tickets cannot be included in the search. Tested with custom field dropdown values, some works and some doesn't. Similar to tags that are manually added to tickets or added via Macros, some can be found and some cannot.
    2. Allow searching of multiple tags (AND) condition, e.g. tickets containing both tag_a and tag_b.


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