Ability to set a custom date range for custom date attributes


  • Official comment
    Eugene Orman
    Zendesk Product Manager

    We’re excited to announce that you can now set a custom start of the week in Explore! You can use this instead of the calculated attributes.For details, seeSetting the start of the week for reports and filters.

  • Nathalie Rey

    This would be extremely useful and not sure why this is not a feature already!

    If not being built soon it would be great to see some recipes on how to create formulas to view items in the current week, day, etc.


  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Hi@..., as a workaround, you should be able to create a query using your standard calculated attribute (as you mentioned above), and then add a built-in date attribute as a filter with a custom range. So here’s what I did to create a report that shows me how many tickets were created each week, where the week starts on Friday:

    1. I created a standard calculated attribute with the following formula (adapted fromthis recipe):
      DATE_FORMAT(START_OF_WEEK_FRIDAY([Ticket created - Date]),
      “YYYY-MM-dd”) + ” ” + “to” + ” ” +
      DATE_FORMAT(END_OF_WEEK_FRIDAY([Ticket created - Date]), “YYYY-MM-dd”)
    2. In theMetricspanel, I addedCOUNT(Tickets), and in theRowspanel, I added the attribute I just created above.
    3. Next I added a filter ofTicket created - Date.
    4. To create a custom range for the filter, I clicked the attribute filter and went toEdit date ranges>Advanced.
    5. I set theFrom the beginning ofsetting to 8/27/2021 (a Friday) and theTo the end ofsetting to 9/2/2021 (a Thursday).
    6. Then I set theRepeat forsetting to4 weeks in the past. (You can set this number to whatever time period you want to report on.)

    The resulting query now shows me how many tickets were created in each of the last 4 weeks, starting on Fridays. This process isn’t as quick as picking one of the simplified ranges for built-in attributes, but the end result is the same. Just make sure your custom attribute is using the same event as your filter attribute (in my example, both are looking atTicket created - Date).

    Hope this helps!

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Hi@..., this short article is a great example of how to view items for the current month (or day, week, etc.):How do I make my metric show always results for the current month?

    Some other good reads on working with dates in Explore are:

  • Karolina Marut

    +1! Having date ranges filter on custom date attributes would be a great help!
    Current set up doesn't allow applying dynamic filters on such fields and the workaround (adding additional custom attribute built on the custom date attribute) is not working well in Explore- it takes a long time to load and at the end query gives no results or there is a message stating that results couldn't be loaded because the query took too long to run.

  • Erik Cerbulis

    I am trying to create a report that can be run on Mondays to show all tickets created the previous Saturday and Sunday. Is there a way to create a custom date filter that I can just select from the list to provide the this or is it possible to set a custom filter of (Today - 2 days) to (Today - 1 day) rather than having to manually select the date range?

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    HiErik Cerbulis, you can do this by adding theTicket created - Dateattribute as a filter and then taking the following steps:

    1. Click the filter you just added.
    2. ClickEdit date ranges, and then go to theAdvancedtab.
    3. UnderFrom the beginning of, select2 days in the past.
    4. UnderTo the end of, selectYesterday.
    5. ClickApply.

    For more help with filters, seeWorking with report filters.

    Each Monday that you run your report, that filter will show you the previous weekend's tickets.

  • Erik Cerbulis

    Awesome! Thank you so much for the quick assist.

  • Sara Ledger

    Eugene Orman有任何更新usi的全面灵活性ng Advanced date ranges with custom date attributes? Not just the start of week?

  • Rachel Gibbons

    The option to “edit date ranges” is currently only available for default date attributes but not custom date attributes. This doesn’t seem entirely logical since both the default and custom time-based attributes ultimately perform the same underlying function so both should have the ability to edit date ranges rather than only having it available for the defaults.

    I’ve found that adding filters as a work-around often changes the data displayed by the report. For example, if I want just the past four weeks of results to be displayed for a custom Start of the Week calculated attribute and add a “Ticket created – Date” filter that I then create a custom date range for, most, if not all, of the numbers change for those dates change which negatively impacts the accuracy of the report. Depending on the report, some numbers will only change minutely whilst others have a massive change but none of the changes are accurate since they shouldn't change at all. But an "edit date ranges" feature for a regular time-based attribute doesn't result in this type of change.

    For example, adding a "Ticket created - Date" filter to this report alters some of the numbers in the datatips. Shown here, the numbers in the red rectangles are different once adding the filter simply to show the past 3 months of results. This further changes when the report is added to a dashboard, after which all the numbers in the report change. But, prior to adding the filter, adding the report to the dashboards changes nothing and the numbers still don't change when time filters in the dashboard are used.

    Changes in the Report Builder:

    Changes when placed in a dashboard:


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