Proactive Tickets app - official feature request thread


  • Daniel Fischer

    Hey Tiffany,

    I have a question.
    For tickets that I create via the app, how can I set people automatically when I create them in CC?

    Thanks for your mail

  • Tiffany Green
    Zendesk Employee

    Hi Daniel -

    We recently released a new feature in the Basic plan for this app that allows you to run a macro on all tickets after they are generated. That should allow you to assign people automatically as CCs on the tickets after the app generates them.


  • Michael Penland

    This is all well and good for one to one proactive tickets with limited dimensions.

    We want to notify specified contacts under organizations that meet various criteria.
    ——一个主要再保险quester and others are CC’d on one ticket. Assume all contacts have “notification list” tag.
    - tickets are created only when the organization has tags X and Y and Z.

    Today we get individual tickets are user and have to segment based on contact tags not organization tag criteria.


  • Míriam Valdelvira

    Dear Tiffany,

    I try to create a ticket for 175 contacts. However, I had to repeat the operation so many times because the app only create 20 tickets each time. And for each sending, one different view is created.

    Please, how can I send all the tickets in just one sending ? For example, last day I needed to send 175 tickets... (see picture).

    Thank you !

  • Josh

    Has this app been abandoned?


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