‘Improved large query performance’ EAP & Dashboards


  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Hey Mihail,

    That doesn't sound like expected behavior so I'm going to create a ticket on your behalf to see if our Customer Care team can dig into this for you.

    You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created.


  • Mihail Karakashev

    Hi Zendesk Team,

    As advised by Support I'm adding another post here to officialize my feedback:

    While testing the large query export it became evident that the feature only applies to exports made via the query builder. This leaves a gap when it comes to non-admin reporting users who have to rely on the dashboards and the drill-in.

    Further improvements in this area would be much appreciated.


  • Jahn Bronilla
    Community Moderator

    Same issue for me. I have signed up for Large EAP queries to get the extracted report (less than 500k rows) in one go but no success.

    Zendesk team is still asking me to splice the data per month which defeats the purpose of having this feature.

    Please provide fix for this one the SOONEST possible.


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