触发条件的评估数字value in ticket field


  • Diogo Maciel
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Riccardo! Thank you for your feedback. Yes we understand having more options for triggers is important. At the moment unfortunately there is no workaround, but I marked this topic as a feature request. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.

    Specific examples, details about impact, and how you currently handle things are helpful for our product teams to understand the full scope of the need when working on solutions. You may also want to review the Product feedback guidelines and how to write an effective feedback post [https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360004391547-Product-feedback-guidelines-how-to-write-a-good-feedback-post].

    We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the forums help influence future Zendesk functionality.

  • Riccardo Centomo

    HiDiogo Maciel

    The link to write an effective feedback post seems doesn't work..

    Specific example is here:https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408832737818-Workflow-recipe-Creating-an-approval-process

    Wen we need to manage an approval workflow process we have to manage many time treshold for the value in specific ticket fields, like "if ticket value is more than this.. trigger have to change the assignment group ticket and scale to Manager..".

    In other process we need to perform calculation between value in different ticket fields to manage the trigger action, because the total value of the ticket is more than.. And the trigger has to assign it to the Manager approval..

  • Diogo Maciel
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Riccardo!

    Thank you for your contribution! Our community is always reviewing feature request feedback and suggesting these changes to our product managers. You can follow our updates in our Release notes below

  • 劳伦斯染料

    This would be an extremely useful feature for me as well.

    We currently have a short form containing text fields that users fill out and submit. I would like to be able to create a trigger based on the input of that field, but as mentioned above, the only current option is "Present" or "Not Present", which is not helpful for this use case.

  • CJ Johnson

    It looks like you also cannot set a numeric field via a trigger. This is a major limiter to how useful this field can be. I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board for a project because of this. I'm trying prioritize based on the values in 3 separate fields, only 1 that is always present. I thought a matrix in the style of r-w-x would work well and make sense, but the system's not allowed to set a value for those fields.

  • Alex C

    +1 About having more condition options using the Number field. I would have imagined that the main use case and selling point of this field would be the "less than/more than" conditions you could apply on it.

  • Lloyd Norman

    Hey team,

    Would be really valuable to have something like this.
    We've come across a few examples where this would be very useful.

  • Rick Marx

    Another vote for this, this would greatly help us automate certain cases.

    We would appreciate the option for Is Greater Than / Is Less Than / Equals as well.

    Our use case: We filter out certain tickets based on a number field, either these numbers are deprecated in a way, or numbers below a certain point should go to a different group for example.

  • Dan R.
    Community Moderator

    Just got bit by both this issueandthe fact that automations don't support numeric fields either. It would be super if we could be allowed to evaluate and act on data in our systems via the Triggers and Automations features.

    All data that goes in a field should be able to be evaluated and be acted on.


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