Bookmark component for the new dashboard builder - Gathering interest



  • Shayan Moussawi
    • Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    Currently using the Bookmark feature to sync filters from different datasets with each other without having to think about complex connections.

    Also using it to remove "NULL" Values from Filters, which are really unprofessional to be display.

    • On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    I would say 4. Pretty impactful unless there was another feature that would make it obsolete.

    Bookmarks help a lot by making filters more readable and syncing them from several datasets.

  • Joey Liew
    • Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    I use the bookmark component to pre-select certain filter. Example, pre-select the Current Month for certain group of ticket. This feature is used few times every week.

    • On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    4 - without this feature, I would need to manually select all the filters before able to view the accurate data on dashboards.

  • Stephen
    • Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    Bookmarks are heavily used across all Dashboards to ensure the correct data is always displayed when you access a tab.

    On some Dashboards, we have a series of hidden filters, which the bookmarks control what level of data is exposed.

    On some of our customer accessible dashboards, we use the bookmarks to ensure they can only select data for their organisation - we do not want customers to use an organisation filter to access other customers data.

    • On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    5 -this is a fundamental feature used acrossall of the Dashboardswe use in my organisation. Losing this function would effectively mean we need to look for an alternate approach to reporting in Zendesk.

  • Ronald
    • Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    It’s important to me in two ways. [1] So that I don’t have to select the same options over and over and over again as I review data for the same time period, ticket groups, etc. across multiple dashboard tabs. [2] The other way is in terms of how I can make a single report more useful in multiple dashboard contexts. I don’t have to create multiple copies of the same report to filter by a different ticket group each time, for example, when creating dashboards for different team managers. I can put the same report on multiple dashboards and then pin a bookmarked filter in a hidden widget and select the ticket group filter that way in each dashboard.

    • On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    I would say 4. I would still be able to get at the data I need but it wouldn't be convenient. I appreciate that y'all are asking for feedback, and I guess on a superficial level I can understand why maybe this feature doesn't seem super critical next to some of the rest of what's involved. But to anyone who uses these reports on a regular basis, and I suspect that's most Zendesk admins, removing this capability will create a lot of acrimony.

  • CJ Johnson

    Removing this feature would be an absolute dealbreaker.

    亚博Zendesk支持一再建议我们把filters on Dashboards, not reports, to keep reports from timing out. This means that bookmarks are critical to the reports on the Dashboards returning useful information for a desired timeframe, since the reports themselves are no longer filtering. Without bookmarks, we'd be stuck getting emails of "all history to all history" instead of the needed yesterday or last week.

    Removing Bookmarks would necessitate us re-writing literally hundreds of reports, and rebuilding about a dozen Dashboards. Given how many ongoing, unresolved issues we already have with Explore, I would advocate for us using literally any platform for reporting other than this one, if this is removed.

  • Tom Erik Skjønsberg

    I am withCJ Johnsonon this one.

    Removing bookmarks would mean we stop using Explore and most probably Zendesk alltogether. Removing another basic functionality, and with this one that Zendesk themselves have been telling us to use for years, would be a quick dealbreaker.

  • Rafa Dobón

    It's a must have.

  • Ola Timpson

    Our main usage of bookmarks is currently to set default filters for a dashboard, so that we can use generic queries but not have the dashboard load all the data on launch. We also use it to tidy up filter options.

    Impact of losing would be a 4 out of 5 in terms of functionality, but the bigger impact would be loss of respect from stakeholders across the business when we explain they now have to click more.

  • Tauba Goldberg
    • Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    Our dashboards have a lot of tabs so bookmarks save time by setting the desired default view for each tab. It also allows us to schedule reports based on the bookmark while still allowing other admins to view the dashboard using different parameters on an adhoc basis. Without bookmarks we would need different versions of the same dashboard which is not scalable.

    • On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    5, manually adjusting filters each time a dashboard is accessed, not to mention each tab, is just not scalable without this feature. It also makes scheduling reports more difficult.

  • Permanently deleted user
    • Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    We're working in a multi-brand - multi-product setting. Bookmarks are essential for us to easily set the relevant filters for each product to gain immediate insights. We also heavily rely on bookmarks to configure the filters for our scheduled reports.

    • On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    5, manually adjusting filters each time a dashboard is accessed, not to mention each tab, is just not scalable without this feature. It also makes scheduling reports more difficult.
    Without this feature Explore is no longer usable for us.

  • mfg
    • Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    5:Seems like another name for bookmark is set of applied filters. Being able to switch quickly between varying sets of filters (rather than tweaking individual filters) is critical to the usage of dashboards by any user.

    • On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    5:Without an effective replacement I don't see how you could possibly expect a variety of audiences to use dashboards. None whatsoever. I haven't seen a concise explanation that isn't bullet lists that coherently lays this out like user story. In the absence of one, I don't know why anyone would consider using the new Explore. OR also - in the absence of porting these features - I don't see how you could renew without being able to trust that the classic builder will remain available AND supported.

  • Monika Kanomata
    • Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    Having bookmark is important so that we could set the time filter to specific time range when users open up the dashboard page.

    • On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    4 since users could still change the time filter to other range once loaded, but this can be helpful since loading speed is also important and constancy of the dashboard time range based on stakeholder's needs.

  • Jerry Ishmael
    • Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    Given that no time/date filters retain their values when a dashboard is opened or refreshed, it is beneficial to use bookmarks for this use case. In addition to sharing dashboards with other stakeholders who need a quick filter for their respective data needs.
    It would be used and is always present on my 'original' dashboards.

    • On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    5.清除能力增强客户费用rience and to create extra steps when filters aren't doing the job today means we have to re-work or spend more time to get the data, which is the opposite of a dashboard.

  • Anastasia Kachanova
    • Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    We use bookmarks daily across several different zendesk instances for different projects. In our use-case we are required to prepare and send daily/weekly/monthly reports to different stakeholders inside and outside the company, legal parts involved (regulators) etc.

    • On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    5.Removing bookmark component will impact all parties involved. Without bookmark component it's not possible to send filtered data to different stakeholders, for different timeframes automatically, as without bookmarks zendesk explore is sending all history export.. + in this case zendesk admin need to log in -> open all dashboards one by one -> filter -> export each report from the dashboard as a separated excel file -> combine in another excel dashboard -> send to stakeholders.

    Removing of bookmark component will lead to adding insane amount of manual labor to zendesk administrators, imagine that now we operate 5 zendesk instances and inside each instance we have at least 20 different dashboards (each dashboard is with several tabs, each tab is with several different reports inside..). Our company plan to have more projects with Zendesk in the future, without bookmarks we will need 1 dedicated person to sit all day and check different filters across zendesk dashboards... it's insane.

    If you plan to remove Bookmarks, consider giving us same capabilities via different component. it's basic and vital to have a reporting system able to schedule and pull out pre-filtered reports/dashboards.

  • Tobias Hermanns

    We use it to pre-filter list i.e. Assignee List may show too much agents, so we block it with bookmark a group.

    We also use it for times, so Teamleader easy can click 1 Year, 1 Month, instead of go to time widget

    Sometimes we use it to simulate stuff.

    It´s always in backend usually to load right things prefiltered.

  • Simon Boe Blouner

    We absolutely need the Bookmark functionality - Explore gets close to unusable to us, as we use it to have multiple prefilters set for all our dashboards, enabling all of our different departments and receivers to only look at data, and not filter it to their needs.

    We use it on all of our custom dashboards to save time on filtering.

    It would be a score of 5 or higher if the Bookmarks were not available on Explore Dashboards - they are very critical to us.


    It would be a 5 for me for all the reasons everyone has already stated. without it my workload would be increasing significantly for no reason at all seeing as the functionality is currently available.

  • Pascal Turmel

    Same reasons as previous Customers commenting here. Bookmarks is the only way for us to massage the data (and outliers etc..) through filtering behind the scene and avoid reselecting filter criteria each time. Unless it is replaced with a new concept doing the same, removing it would simply mean we cannot use Explore for our reporting needs and would look for another vendor.

  • [VI] Julia Laars

    Why is the bookmark component important to you? What is the use case where this feature is most needed? How frequently do you use it?

    • At every Dashboard and every Tab we have a bookmark!
    • Same Reports for every Brand, but every Brand has its own Dashboard to only see their data. Filter "Ticket Brand" preselected, hidden and saved with bookmark.
    • At some extra Dashboards we are preselecting groups, forms, or contact reason to make it easier for our Agents to read the data.

    On a scale from 1 to 5, how impactful would it be if the bookmark component wasn’t available in the new dashboard builder?

    • it is very important for us - 5
    • We cannot use Explore anymore, when we donot have the option to put the same report on several Dashboards but hiding some results through preset filters on each Dashboard.
    • Not everybody is allowed to see all data from every Brand/Group.
  • Dan Green

    This is a solid 4 for me, as the live dashboards only allow drill downs on agent status if build using the new beta dashboard. Not currently having this feature means I have to filter the groups manually every time the dashboard is used, which is not a great user experience.

  • Tobias Hermanns

    Dan Green

    Same for us, Bookmark is needed and real-time "drill on" should be able to place on Dashboard directly and filtered. Complex way to get it.


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