代理工作区:添加defaul“最后通道使用”t reply option


  • Nicole Saunders
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Thanks for sharing this detailed feedback and for using the product feedback template, Trudy.

    If other users have similar needs, please be sure to upvote Trudy's idea, and add any details in the comments below.

  • William Flaugher

    We're running into this same issue as well. In addition to the inconvenience of changing a channel BACK to email every time we want to continue the conversation via email, the risk of an agent accidentally hitting "enter" and sending an incomplete message is significant.

    If anyone has found a fix or workaround for either of these issues, I'd love to hear it as well!

  • Trudy Slaght

    No fix or workaround other than after you've embarrassed yourself enough times, you become paranoid about messaging conversations and double (or triple) check before you start to type a reply.

    I have been told this is on the roadmap in a feedback session I had a number of months ago - but I don't know anything about timing or implementation.

  • Heather English

    This is a huge complaint from my team. We are constantly hitting enter to start a new paragraph. I tried to look into creating an Email Follow-up macro, but the only comment mode options are public or private. I’m hoping this feature is on the horizon soon, even if only through a macro the team uses.

  • Gabriela Manarim

    It would be great to be able to have the option to change the channel , mainly due to Whatsapp tickets that have passed the 24 hour window and we need to close massively by email.

  • 布兰卡
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi there Gabriela,

    I hope you had a great weekend! We appreciate your feedback and understand that switching channel from social messaging to e-mail is helpful so as to be able to continue assisting end-users when passing the 24-hour mark.

    However, this can only be done when the end-users have an e-mail address on his/her/their profile. Right now, the best way to bypass Meta's 24-hour rule is to subscribe to SunCo (Sunshine Conversation). Please let me know if you would like to know more so I can reach out to your account manager.

    Alternatively, what we recommend Zendesk users is to send an auto-responder during offline hours and let their customers know that they are unable to respond via WhatsApp and to reach out via e-mail instead.

    Please let me know if you have clarifications and I will be more than happy to check them for you.
  • Jozsef Hajdu

    hi, also our agents have requested to have the default reply channel the last channel used. For example if the ticket came through chat, then default reply channel is also chat. We are using agent workspace.

  • Fiona

    This has been coming up as feedback from my team too. Multiple times they've sent "Hi [name]" as an email because they hit enter and didn't realize the mode had defaulted back to messaging. Once a ticket has become email channel, it should stay that way as the default.

  • Susana Fernández Guinea

    It's very inconvenient that there's in incoming Messaging ticket and that we change the channel to email to solve the ticket. But if the ticket is reopened, the channel is back to messaging.

    This doesn't make sense at all and it's very inconvenient.

    The last channel used should be the channel to which the ticket is reopened.

  • Daniele Lecci

    Sending incomplete messages to customers because we pressed "enter" is a big no-no in customer services, also considering that the cases where a conversation will switch from email to messaging are rare.

    Please prioritize this fix as sending incomplete messages to our customers is putting us and our company in a bad light and does not reflect the quality we want to deliver to our customers.


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