Need feedback on the release of a Markdown enhancement in Agent Workspace


  • Matthias Miltenberger

    This is definitely a welcome improvement!

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thanks,Matthias Miltenberger:)

  • Anthony Stenhouse

    This is a huge step forwards. Thank you.

    I've tested a typical snipped block our support team uses. Most pasted text follows this format:

    Words [link]( and more words:

    code block with a command

    Additional words:

    another code block with a command

    I'm a master of words

    Closing out ticket words

    (The formatting options for text in this comment box do not allow me to paste the above into a code block.)

    Please note the two code blocks above start with four spaces which turns text into a code block via preview.

    When testing in the UI that allows markdown preview the format is:

    And Agent Workspace the same message pastes as:

    The code blocks are filling the line below, the padding top and bottom around each line are lost and the closing line lost it's new line - all unexpected.

    As an aside, initially when testing I was copying sample code from VSCode and pasting into Zendesk Agent Workspace and it didn't render. It turns out VSCodecopies themed text as rich textand you have to change the default `editor.copyWithSyntaxHighlighting` setting to copy as plain text. (This may help a future reader)

  • Anthony Stenhouse

    It's also now possible to paste in:


    And have it render the image immediacy in browser, this continuity is important for us. Thank you!

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thanks,Anthony Stenhouse- We'll have the team look into the issue you have described with additional line breaks. Thanks!

  • Rafael Santos
    User Group Leader

    Great update! Making it easier to copy formatting directly from Slack, as an example.

    Amisha Sharma, the link in the text seems to be broken due to that article's permissions.

    For more information on formatting text with Markdown, seethis article.

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Oops, here you go:this.

    Edited the article too. Thanks,Rafael Santos.

  • Tommy

    在更新后,我们开始失去换行时n copying from Google Translate, which is a big deal for us and a very inconvenient process for the agents. I hope it can be fixed as it adds a lot of unnecessary manual work.
    Google translate text and what we have in ticket are on screenshots.

  • Kyle Pinkley

    Agents from our team have reported the same thing as well with Google Translate.

  • Steven Granner

    Our agents are reporting similar issues with copying/pasting text into the message composer in Support as well. When composing a message on an email ticket in particular, pasted text is stripped of line breaks, which makes paragraphs difficult to read.

    This is an issue with a text expander program we use called Typinator, but is also an issue depending on where the agent copies formatted text from.

    This update that we didn't have time to prepare for has impacted the ability for our agents to properly paste text. They now need to spend time formatting pasted text, which is an obstacle that wastes time in each ticket.

    I am really hoping this can be addressed, while still maintaining the improvement to Markdown.

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello All,

    Thanks for providing feedback. The issue with copying from Google Translate or Typinator and pasting into our composer is happening as these editors are plaintext. So, now when you copy anything from plaintext, we treat it as markdown and markdown ignores empty lines.

    However, there is a workaround to retain the line breaks. While pasting into our composer, use Cmd + Shift + V instead of Cmd + V. Adding "Shift" to the pasting command will not convert it to markdown and hence, retain the line breaks.

    Hope this helps!

  • Steven Granner

    HiAmisha Sharma, thanks for your followup.

    While I know Zendesk can't support the Typinator program we are using, I wanted to note that this program doesn't involve copying/pasting - the text automatically expands based on a string of text that is typed. For that reason, we don't have the opportunity to use Cmd + Shift + V.

    I will have our agents explore a possible solution within Typinator, but I hope this feedback and impact is considered.

  • Stéphane Ayrault

    Hi all,

    "Cmd + Shift + V" does the trick with Notepad on Windows but I can't use this trick with my "Flashpaste Lite" software, it manages itself the copy/paste feature and all line breaks are lost.

    Could you please revert to the previous behavior that worked with all 3rdparty software in the last 5 years?

  • Kyle Pinkley

    This is an issue with a text expander program we use called Typinator, but is also an issue depending on where the agent copies formatted text from.

    Our agents have been experiencing the same thing with TextExpander.

    This update that we didn't have time to prepare for has impacted the ability for our agents to properly paste text. They now need to spend time formatting pasted text, which is an obstacle that wastes time in each ticket.

    100% agree.

  • Anthony Stenhouse

    It looks like we're all reporting an issue with line breaks not being respected when using our normal workflows. As a customer who has been helping to push for markdown support, we're greatly appreciative of it being made available, however it's not fully functional for the workflows we have in place.

    As copy/pasting or expanding text via a tool is a primary part of most agents workflow, it would make sense to support these existing workflows. Else having to edit every message to add additional line spaces is moving the type of problem and not solving the full problem. Is this something that can or will be resolved? Thanks

  • Garrett Gustafson

    Anthony StenhouseHow did you get the embedded image markdown to work?


    Style additions don't work for me at all in the new agent workspace.

  • Anthony Stenhouse

    Great pointGarrett Gustafson! I inadvertently used use an Alfred App snippet to create the link:

    What I did was copy the URL to my clip board then typed ;im which auto expands to ![img]({clipboard})

    So the markdown updates in Agent Workspace does handled inline images via that method and pasting such a command from the clipboard, butNOTby typing ![img](

    That is a blocker for sure, thanks for raising it! Many of our agents inline images when responding to customers and type the command.

    Amisha SharmaPlease be aware there's an additional area that isn't work as our workflows required.

  • Anthony Stenhouse

    Amisha SharmaHi, has there been any further progress on the line spacing issues from expanding text? It's critical to our support workflows, as our team uses text expansion tools. It appears to be critical to other Zendesk customers too.

    It looks like my query regrading the code blocks being incorrectly lengthened is still outstanding as well, but it looks related to the line spacing issues.

    Can you please also advise how to make typing `![img](`turn into an image as is supported via Markdown? (It only works when the line is pasted, not typed)

    Thank you.

  • Nick Meisenheimer

    I noticed that typing out markdown syntax for inline images no longer works:


    It looks like I need to copy this syntax into another text editor and then paste it into Zendesk for the Agent Workspace editor to pick it up - am I missing something?

  • Anthony Stenhouse

    Nick MeisenheimerThat's the only way it appears to work - via pasting or a text expansion app. I was hoping we'd hear back from Zendesk on the issues highlighted in this thread, as they are blockers for full adoption of AW at the moment.

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HelloAnthony Stenhouse- Thanks for following up. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find a solution for the line breaks issue. When we treat a text as markdown syntax, it is markdown's nature to not respect line breaks and currently, there isn't a way to modify this behavior.

    The other issue with typing the command to insert image is currently not supported by the technology we use to power our editor. We are following up with them to include this in the supported commands and will update you once we make progress on this one. It works if you copy and paste the command as part of the markdown enhancement feature release.

    I do understand that the line breaks issue is painful at the moment and we continue to offer a way to opt out of this release. If using Cmd + Shift + V while pasting text is not working, please reach out to our advocacy team. Thanks!

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HeyAnthony Stenhouse- The issue with the code blocks spacing describedhereshould be fixed now. Could you please check and confirm? Thanks!

  • Anthony Stenhouse

    Amisha Sharma- Thanks for confirming the code blocks spacing issue has been resolved. I can confirm through testing:

    The ability to support new lines via markdown is still an issue for us. If I do a CMD+SHIFT+V then the spacing is preserved but all other formatting is lost:

    Some of our team also use text snippets to build out the base of their message, for example:

    Hi {{ticket.requester.first_name}},



    But when attempting to use this in AW it doesn't work due to lack of line break support:

    There will be more examples of this use-case across the team, but I think this covers the majority.

    The other issue with typing the command to insert image is currently not supported by the technology we use to power our editor. We are following up with them to include this in the supported commands and will update you once we make progress on this one.

    What's the editor name? Is there an issue that can be upvoted on their GitHub/GitLab page?

  • Stephen Belleau
    Community Moderator

    Amisha Sharmare:When we treat a text as markdown syntax, it is markdown's nature to not respect line breaks and currently, there isn't a way to modify this behavior.

    That's fine for single line breaks, but where Zendesk's composer differs is that markdown's nature is to treat blank lines as a new paragraph. Instead, we get all lines squished together. This is definitely a bug with whatever is powering your editor ☹️ Having just upgraded to Agent Workspace, has introduced headaches for our engineers.

    I was going to share some screenshots for comparison but adding images to comments looks to be broken right now. You can see the difference when you add blank lines to the markdown dingus compare the same text in a Zendesk comment.

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for your engagement on this post.

    We're excited to announce that we've recently released a fix for the issue where line breaks were not respected when copying plaintext and pasting into our composer. It'll be super helpful if you can provide us feedback if it's working as expected now? Thanks!

  • Stephen Belleau
    Community Moderator

    Amisha SharmaYES! Thank you, this looks much better now

  • Anthony Stenhouse

    Thank youAmisha Sharma, I've tested a few paths and all seem to be OK, this has resolved a huge blocker for us (and many others).

    将图像添加到流,我能够得到的![img]( work when using a snippet, but copy/pasting the image from disk to the webform worked just as well and will likely be the path I recommend.

    我将把这个内部和与你讨论r teams about our next steps in moving to AW. I expect we'll do further internal testing and need to change some of our workflows, but I think we're on a much brighter path to success than we were before.

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thanks for the feedback! Glad to know it is working better now. :)

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello all,

    I've some great news!

    We're currently rolling out another markdown improvement: supporting markdown syntax for inline images and links. :)

    The rollout is happening incrementally, we are hoping to complete the rollout by end of this week. Please do let us know your feedback. Thanks!

  • Tommy

    Amisha SharmaHow the code will look like for inline images? Also, how can we tell when our account will receive this update?


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